Make sleep score optional

Suggested idea is to have the sleep score optional ! 

We should be able to choose if we have the score or not , I hate feeling like I failed my sleep!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity


I noticed you have not added Sleep Score on the Website Dashboard and keeping the old Time interface. Do not change the website until you have programmed the ability to turn off Sleep Score. Your audience/users have spoken. Go back to the Time tracking pattern verses Score. Terrible idea. Who is doing your audience research?

Recovery Runner

Sleep score showed up for me yesterday. Hate it.  I deal in facts and will draw my own conclusions from them.


Love the recommendation to rate the FitBit app in the App Store and will be doing so - the forced changes I’ve experienced in the past couple days are putting me right off.  


If the score doesn’t go away im going to stop using FitBit for sleep tracking entirely.  Actually I’m thinking about giving it up altogether.

Base Runner

Make. It. Go. Away. 



Recovery Runner

I’ve put my one-star review in the App Store.


I’m disabling sleep tracking on my Fitbit.




This is so contra productive if you do have problems with you sleep.

Please make optional ASAP. This is a real deal breaker 😞

Recovery Runner

Turn off the sleep score or make it optional. 

How can i look at my weekly average sleep on the app now?

Please put the weekly average thing back. 

Base Runner

Yes. I loathe this judgmental sleep score! I wonder if this score is based on someone's version of what "normal" sleep should look like, and not the personal sleep goal in settings. I reach my personal sleep goal nearly every night; I wake rested, without an alarm - but this device is telling me I have a sleep score of "fair" at 71?  Is this because I'm being compared to someone who gets eight perfect hours every night? Are people over 50 being compare to people under 30? Women vs. men? Shift workers, new parents, insomnia sufferers - or people who just don't need eight hours of sleep?


Sleep patterns are very personal and can change based on many factors in life. So there is no way this device can properly evaluate sleep in terms of a score or a grade without including those life factors. I like looking at my sleep report, but I don't need, or want, to be judged with a score.


Please give the option to turn off this perfectionistic grading feature!

First Steps

Agreed! The score is giving me anxiety about my sleep.  I already worry about getting enough sleep. Now my sleep is graded in an unclear/ uncontrollable way.  Please make it optional. 

First Steps

Please make sleep score optional. I rely on knowing how many hours I've slept, not a made up number. 


The former mobile user interface for sleep tracking provided easy to read data without extra arbitrary data like the new sleep score that cannot be removed.  I even removed my sleep goal in effort to delete the sleep score but that didn't even work.  If there isn't a goal to baseline from, how is a sleep score even generated?  I rely on the other data points for my personal sleep tracking, which have been more minimized in this update.  My next tracker may not be a Fitbit.  

I have never bothered to comment before today but I have to say that I loathe the new changes Fitbit just made, including Sleep Score and the smaller screen symbols. 

I’m furious that I had just wasted money buying a new Fitbit when I should have bought an Apple Watch instead. 

Stop fixing what is not broken! 

First Steps

I find the sleep rating neither productive nor encouraging. It'd be like calling someone with a high BMI 'fat' on the app. It's judgmental and unproductive. This score index judges the end user and no one likes being judged. I have a 1 year old son who wakes me up earlier than I like. I already feel less than ideal when this happens—why would I want to use an app that also wants to tell me I got a failing grade on my sleep?


It's insulting and bush league for a tracker and tracking company that should know better than to 'shame' users. 


I'll give you a month to give me the option to turn off this feature or I'm moving on from fitbit, and I'm making sure I'm taking my friends with me. 

First Steps

I agree with what everyone else has said. The sleep score is pointless - much more useful to have average sleep time. Disappointing as in general I really like Fitbit, and benefit from many of its functions. 

Recovery Runner

I've shelved my FitBit until this is resolved.  Just went for a walk and enjoyed the freedom from tracking.

Base Runner

omg, please for the love of all that is good remove or make 'sleep score' an option.

I don't want to see a(my) sleep score. I want to see my average hours slept.

Thank you

Stepping Up

If I want to be told how disappointing I am in the morning, I'll call my parents.


I hate this awful, condescending, anxiety-inducing, completely meaningless Sleep Score nonsense and want to turn it off--I know my sleep wasn't great: I was there.


I was about to order a new FitBit to replace my current, aging one; unless this is fixed quickly, I'll probably just go without.

Recovery Runner

So far the the "sleep score" has done nothing for me other than cause me distress.

And since i've been a fan of looking at my sleep stages. I believe I'm not the only one for whom the sleep score is distressing and offensive. If a way to turn the feature off isn't made available soon This longtime fitbit user will be looking at alternative fitness trackers.



Dear Fitbit. The "sleep score" idea you all sat around in a meeting and thought up has lost you my business. It is the one thing that frustrated me enough to abandon Fitbit after 5 loyal years. Users need to know average time slept, not some amorphous number that cannot be communicated to non-fitbit users. It's patronizing and degrading, and will lose you new customers.

Not applicable

I agree with everyone here. I hate the sleep score. Hate it. Arbitrary and demoralizing, as another poster said. I can improve my exercise minutes, I can improve my eating habits. I literally cannot go to bed each night thinking "oh jeez, better sleep better tonight or Fitbit will grade me. Make it optional or do away with it. It's awful.


First Steps
Totally agree!!

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

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Recovery Runner

Just gave the app one star in the play store.  I cannot even find enough words to say how much I hate the "sleep score".

Please listen to your customers, Maybe even fire the app developer that thought scoring sleep was a good idea.


Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @User76827 @JennieBeans @Jasonb92, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us about removing the sleep score option or having it as an optional feature, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here as it is currently under "Reviewed by moderator" status. 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hello @SophieKat, we've seen other users sharing this same suggestions, thank you for taking the time to post it in the Feature Suggestion section.  Since this feature suggestion already exists I’ve moved your post here as it is not currently under "Reviewed by moderator" status.  


Keep sharing your ideas with us! 


I think they need to see every one of these suggestions. Maybe they just don’t care what their customers think or feel. I’m done. I was planning an upgrade from my Blaze to something newer. Just going to stop using it and buy another fitness tracker.

Sent from my iPhone


Moderator edit:  removed personal information

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