Make sleep score optional

Suggested idea is to have the sleep score optional ! 

We should be able to choose if we have the score or not , I hate feeling like I failed my sleep!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity


I totally agree.  Sleep should not be high-pressure because it's harder to control than other factors.   I can control when I go to bed and the relaxation, and I can decide at 4:30 am to try to get more sleep.  However, I can't control twitching legs or middle of the night thunderstorms or other things that can keep me awake. 

First Steps

All these supposed 'upgrades' are a nightmare and I'm now saving for a new watch to move away from Fitbit completely.  Of what relevance to me is your 'Sleep score' and if I wanted it I would have bleedin' asked for it!  I not only want but need my average hours back - kindly stop removing the data I actually use in favour of your rubbish assessments of it.  Also please remove the sleep 'suggestions' - they drive me nuts, if I wanted your recommendations I'd have asked for them.  I really don't - I use the app for data not your waste of time text and scores that don't mean anything.  Just put back the clean data and leave it alone.  Fitbit you have made a mess with all these new app and scores and text 'updates', you've gone backwards and I am not only unimpressed, I am a lost customer of the future.


Please can you add an option in the app to change the sleep score back to weekly average sleep time?

First Steps

I have zero interest or need in seeing how my sleep time is rated or scored. I do have a need to find out how long I slept, which is the only reason I purchased a Fitbit. Please return the sleep time feature asap!


Why the need of a score? Please get rid of it. Feels like I am being monitored to see if I pass a test. Sleep habits change and this is just adding stress to people. 

Will you start scoring everything else? For whose benefit? Please get rid of it.


Please get rid of the pathetic sleep score before I get rid of my Fitbit. Who in the world came up with that idea??!!!

First Steps

Completely agree, we need time as a unit, not some arbitrary Fitbit rating! 

Not applicable

Yes, please give us at least the possibility to choose! Or remove it! This is not something that I want. 

First Steps

Please allow users to turn off 'sleep score'.   It's demoralizing if you don't sleep well, and contains less information than the underlying data, which is already available.   I'm going to stop wearing my fitbit at night until this feature is made optional.

First Steps


The sleep score needs to be removed or at least given as an option. I do not want to wake up first thing in the morning after a wonderful 8 hour sleep (rare) and get a 60 % - 70 %  score. I was doing just fine tracking my hours and changing my habits for the better. 


Who thought this through? I mean seriously, did anyone consider this from a user perspective? Can you imagine if you used a diet food tracking app and you type in all your food, and even though you hit all your weight and calorie goals it says you got a 65 %? I mean who would use that app? The same logic applies here. 


This is a deal breaker for me. I only bought the fitbit for tracking sleep. If all I'm getting is a random percentage right away (which is really not something I care about - especially if I'll never get to 100 % even on my best days) and not my hours then it's not worth it to wear it. Why bother? I'm not wearing it tonight or in the future until this is fixed. 


It's been an educational and lifestyle changing two years wearing my fitbit and I've learned many good lessons about ways to improve my sleep. But now that it's changed, it doesn't make sense for me to use it. For now I must say goodbye. 


Please remedy this situation. 

First Steps

Wow, after further investigation, I do believe that fitbit is trying to be shady. They took away what we want and they are going to try to make people buy premium in order to get it back. I,for one, do not like shady business practices and will move on to another device should this be the case.


Me too! I did wonder who the hell would want the sleep score as a feature!? Pathetic!

Sent from my iPhone

First Steps

Fitbit hiring team is going to be knocking on your door!

First Steps


Dear Fitbit

Although I appreciate the information that the new score system for the sleep part of the app, I much rather have the information about my weekly average sleep that was provided before on this section of the app. This works well for my type of work and life style..
Is there a way to get this information back into my app? Could there be an option to select what I prefer, either weekly sleep score or weekly sleep time average? 
Best regards,
First Steps

I forgot to mention my Fitbit watch is an Iconic


Recovery Runner

@LuciaFitbit  Haven't there been enough comments on the stupid "sleep score" that fitbit might actually  correct the bad decision that brought it into existence?  Please, I don't really want to buy an alternate brand tracker for myself and my daughter, but I will if I don't see some positive action taken soon.

You have got to rectify this!..,I actually can’t imagine who even came up with such a bizarre and ridiculous concept - who did they think would like it!??

Sent from my iPhone
Not applicable

Nearly 4 pages of feedback, all negative....nearly 100 posts at this point (noon on 9/5/19) and not one acknowledgement from Fitbit that they hear us & are working on a solution. Not good optics, as they say. I guess they think we'll just 'get used to it' like we did all the other changes that were foisted upon us. Not true.  Fitbit really jumped the shark this time but apparently they think a "sleep score" is absolute brilliance. Think again.


Okay, so all anyone from Fitbit Support has to do is look at the two screenshots side by side taken two days ago. Both were taken seconds apart. For whatever reason, when I close the Fitbit app and reopen it goes back to the old (and better) format showing the "average" amount of sleep for the week so far. (Probably because my forced upgrade just started this morning.) The screenshot on the right was taken seconds later after it switched back to the new (and useless) view that everyone here seems to loathe.


First thing I noticed is that it doesn't even count today's afternoon nap, and the average score of 69, is what I was given this morning after 7 hours 8 minutes of sleep. You'd think after another hour of nap and now 8 hrs 20 minutes of total sleep today the sleep "score" would change to something better or at least change at all. But the fact is that the number given is useless because unless you add up each day of sleep yourself and divide by the number of nights so far this week, you will never know what your average for the week is. People have started threads on this months ago and nothing yet has been done about it. It looks like we are all being forced to accept this new and far inferior Fitbit Sleep Program. Just take a look at the two screenshots and anyone can see with their own eyes which version is far better, more useful and helpful to the user. Like I said earlier, I use the average numbers of sleep for the week to often make decisions on how early I go to bed, if a nap is needed, when I need to reel it in etc. And the old view does that. The new one is truly useless!




So, I was looking up social scores and did you know that China has social scores and it affects people life. Like traveling and spending. Is this something that will be used against us? 

I know it’s a sleep score but how will others see it? 

I just want my old version and let me be in control.

Not applicable

I was quite happy with nightly hours, average weekly hours and sleep phases thanks. I didn’t ask for an arbitrary sleep score and don’t want it - so put nightly & average hours back please. Also, to add insult to injury the app has just presented a wildly inaccurate ‘average hours of sleep last week’ “insight”. The new dashboard is dreadful (must now scroll to view all info), I certainly shan’t be paying for ‘Premium’ to view what’s I was getting FOC before (you’ve really got to be kidding) and coupled with the loss of the smaller trackers, my wife and I will soon be ex-Fitbit customers. Who on earth in Fitbit HQ comes up with this idiocy? 


The Sleep Score is the dumbest idea I've seen from FitBit. First, it seems totally arbitrary. What is it based on? Second, having an app qualify my sleep as "Fair" is commentary I don't need or want. Some of us do the best we can at getting not only enough hours of sleep but quality sleep, too. I don't need FitBit to tell me the sleep I'm getting is only fair. Whoever came up with this idea should try sleeping in my 67-year-old body before judging me. I'm active and in good shape, but I also have torn labrum in both hips and arthritis in both left knee and left wrist. Sleep can be a challenge. Give us the option of removing the stupid score. I'm more interested in total hours and time spent in each phase.

Base Runner

Changing the way an app works without allowing people to turn off/on the feature is breaking the 'implied contract' made at purchase. If I wanted a 'grade' I'd go back to school. Please have your developers work some magic for those of us who don't need to be judged on one more thing in our lives.

Base Runner

Is it any wonder that there is so much traffic about the recent up-grade from Fitbit. It is just terrible on many levels. First, it makes a judgement about something entirely inappropriate. Rather like fat shaming only far far worse. This up-grade presents us with the possibility of sleep shaming. I feel bad enough when I've had a bad (or even fair) nights sleep, I don't want it rammed down my throat. Second, and related, the score itself is meaningless, I don't want to be told I've had a bad, fair or good nights sleep  -  I already know that when I wake up, this takes inanity to new forms. In a much more sinister way, it could make the possibility of worrying about sleep more not less likely, as the anxious person would ruminate on the prospect of further fair and bad nights ahead.  From what we know about the psychology of anxious sleepers, this is a distinct probability. Third, it relegates a really useful metric, that of actual time spent asleep, the average and personal goal to the second screen, which you have to swipe to get. My suggestion: Bin it, otherwise you may find even more people giving up on their devices...

Base Runner

Perhaps a new thread (or multiple threads) expressing our dislike for this sleep score would get more attention.  It doesn't appear the moderators are looking at this thread any more, since there has been no acknowledgement.

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