Make sleep score optional

Suggested idea is to have the sleep score optional ! 

We should be able to choose if we have the score or not , I hate feeling like I failed my sleep!


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

First Steps

I feel the same way. I’ve struggled with sleep for years. My sleep has recently been improving very gradually, and I felt optimistic and positive about that until this new sleep scoring started telling me my improvement scored “fair.” Demoralizing on top of not being a valid assessment! 


Please take this sleep score away!


 I have a hard enough time sleeping and getting regular healthy sleep without getting  graded on it.  If you’re going to add things like this to the app at least give us the choice to turn grading off. 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @SophieKat@manueladm@beobe and @Granacher. Thanks for taking the time to share your idea about removing the sleep score from the Fitbit app with us! I've moved it into a similar request. You can also check this other suggestion, post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @CmjT777. Thanks for taking the time to share this idea with us! I've moved your comment to this similar request so you can show your support by adding your comment or vote. For more details about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, see our FAQs.

First Steps

Completely agree with what everyone here is saying. Absolutely outrageous that you would remove hours slept as a dashboard option and call this an improvement. Would prefer to roll back to previous app version than put up with this feature for another day. 

First Steps

I have only just started to receive my sleep score and I really do not like it. One of my main reasons for wearing my Fitbit is to track my sleep and now I can’t even see my average sleep for the week. Please make it optional, thank you. 

First Steps
So many people seem to dislike the sleep score. When will Fit Bit actually do something? Any ideas?

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Seriously felt like selling my Fitbit after seeing the sleep score and not being able to remove it. Bought this model as it’s supposed to have the best accurate sleep data but having to face an unwanted analysis of my (non) sleep the previous night is a negative start to the day, to say the least. I like the data - let me make my own commentary on it. 


After nearly a week Fitbit has yet to make any kind of statement. Several users have pointed out that you can swipe to the right and expand the chart to see the average hours for a week. Great but I like seeing week over week like it was before the useless sleep score. We can still see the average hours of sleep on the website dashboard; but why should I have to login for something that I have an app for? I’m not buying the subscription the data collected by a device I own that is about my personal health shouldn’t cost me money to see. I’m moving on; Fitbit has lost another customer over something that should have been an option. 

First Steps

I hate the score feature! First there is no explanation as to how Fitbit scores which is irresponsible. Second, Fitbit isn’t a medical professional so spitting out judgement in the form of scores is totally out of line.

If this feature isn’t dropped, I will drop Fitbit. Bring back average sleep which is helpful. 


I truly do not want a grade-school score of how well I have maintained unconsciousness; please make the sleep score something that can be toggled off.

Stepping Up

I agree with everyone saying that the sleep score should be optional as it can increase anxiety in people who are already having trouble sleeping. I don't understand why Fitbit is being such a jerk about this. 


My problem with it is that when you do drill down to that night's sleep, the score takes up so much space that the graph that I actually care about is pushed partly off the page. The sleep score should be included later on, perhaps with the sleep stage data. The sleep graph should be first on the page and full width. 


I'd also prefer to see that night's graph on the dashboard rather than the sleep score because so far the sleep scores have been completely useless to me. I keep getting ratings in the 70s despite feeling tired and like crap when I wake up and I've even seen myself get the same score for 2 nights with similar wakeup patterns but a 45 min difference in time slept.... so telling me the score really isn't given me any information. I'd rather have it buried and compare the amount of time awake with the total time slept while checking the amount of deep sleep.


The app also seems slower to load the information than before. 


And if anyone is still annoyed by the sleep insights, you can turn those off in the settings at least.


I'm glad I haven't upgraded to a newer Fitbit model yet as I'll be shopping around for other options. 

Base Runner

Jason92 - nailed it.


It should at the very least be an option....


The other person (forgive my memory) who said as they are not medical professionals (I think there is a dermatological "expert" on their panel - LOL) trained in sleep medicine, they should stop making wild judgements about things they have no expertise in...

First Steps

Yes please, make the score optional. I like to see my average time slept per week, like it was before, rather than my average “sleep score”.


Thank you for your consideration!

Base Runner

I'm sick of Fitbits lack of effort in removing the new and inane sleep score.  Can anyone recommend another device that is good at sleep tracking, what would the Community recommend as an alternative to Fitbit...





 Please bring back the weekly average of sleep time on the sleep page.  It was the most useful piece of data in my Fitbit app, and now you have replaced it with an arbitrary number that means nothing to me. I know I can get the weekly average by tapping and sliding, but it’s not convenient at all to do this. Just like with the new tiles that require more scrolling and tapping to see information, this is a completely useless addition to the app.  And on top of being useless it’s very frustrating because  it has replaced a useful and helpful feature.  I am also not sure why you make the sleep score so physically large, when there are so many people who are saying they want to see more data on the screen at once.  Please bring back the  Weekly average of sleep time on the sleep page. And even better, please just remove the arbitrary sleep score. It doesn’t mean anything and it’s not useful at all. In fact, like with the earlier post or sad, it’s negative and demotivating. If you can’t remove the sleep score, then at least give us an option to turn it off or on. 

Keeping Pace

Completely agree with other comments here. I've been wearing a Fitbit since soon after the product launched and have been very loyal. Most of their feature improvements have been just that -- improvements, until this one. The sleep score is just so poorly thought through. You've removed what we loved (weekly average) that was personal and relevant -- and replaced it with a gigantic, arbitrary and emotionally charged "score." There are some parts of our daily lives we don't want to have gamified. (As a designer, I'm curious how much you user tested this before rolling it out?) Please make it optional.

First Steps

The sleep score is just wrong, and I hate it. Please either make it optional or get rid of it.


First Steps

I don't like the new rank on sleep. If I reach my sleep goal then I reach it . I don't want it to be ranked by a number using 100 as the best...related to what? If I met or exceeded my goal it should be ranked 100 or above. To give it lower rank is counterproductive and could create sleep anxiety for folks who have sleep issues. I like tracking my sleep, but don't want to be graded...I can always check my benchmark and stars are more encouraging.

First Steps

Agree. I am not happy with this new feature. Just give me a star when I reach my goal....and that should be 100...even greater when I exceed my 7 hour goal!



Base Runner

I don't care that you can swipe right to see sleep hours/time - I simply do not want this score in my face first thing in the morning. Period. It is discouraging and anxiety producing for those of us who are number-driven perfectionist because there is nothing I can actively do to improve it. I struggle enough with keeping my weight, heart rate, steps, mileage, and sleep all within my personally acceptable ranges. This new thing telling me I'm not good enough at something I thought was going well is demoralizing.

Please remove this judgmental grading score on something that I cannot control!

Base Runner

Keep the comments coming and make our desire known about turning off sleep score!


I fully agree that this sleep score is stupid beyond belief.  I despise this new "treat."   What a lovely way to make me feel worse about myself.  This does not take into account the fact that I am a chronic insomniac, and that I have fibromyalgia and cannot sleep for longer than an hour without waking up in pain.  What a useless, demeaning feature!  If you insist on having it, I want to hide it!!

Yes! Call them nicely, use all social media!

Sent from my iPad

I despise this new "treat."   What a lovely way to make me feel worse about myself.  This does not take into account the fact that I am a chronic insomniac, and that I have fibromyalgia and cannot sleep for longer than an hour without waking up in pain.  What a useless, demeaning feature!  If you insist on having it, I want to hide it!!

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