Manual entry of Stairclimber (add floors/distance)

The Fitbit doesn't register floors climbed on Steppermills and Stair Masters.

It would be great if we could manualy add floors to our daily totals.

Obviously we are already adding steps / calories / active minutes from doing the exercise... just want to add the floors.




Moderator edit: labels.

First Steps
I returned my fit bit and bought the flex instead. I could not be happier!


First Steps
I seriously suggest that you do exactly what you suggest:  return the
Fitbit.   Any organization that can't provide such a trivial software
update after 4 years doesn't deserve your money or your respect.


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First Steps

Yeah so.... I've moved to the Apple Watch and never looked back. I've been a long time proponent of Fitbit. Great Customer service, great products. Well.... They've really missed the mark with this. Not only this feature but many others...And, unfortunately, the new products are less than aesthetically pleasing.  👋👋👋

First Steps
I have trashed my fitbit. Don't care that it still "worked", well if you
consider working the fact my heart rate never exceeds 125 while my friends
was in the 160's, and we were climbing the same friggin' mountain. And the
flights issue is simply ridiculous.

Researching next. Like the Apple watch idea, in theory, but am concerned
about the need to wear cheaters to see it... hey, i'm 60

Richard W. McWhorter
2950 Mt Wilkinson Parkway
Unit 413
Atlanta, GA 30339
Cell: (404) 313-9785


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Wow, I get credit for 1 floor climbed. Fitbit is useless for motivation in this activity.Wow, I get credit for 1 floor climbed. Fitbit is useless for motivation in this activity. 

Recovery Runner

I left my fitbit in my coat for 30 minutes while I rode a horse and while I was away, it apparently climbed 15 flight of stairs without me - and after however many years of asking, I still can't correct that.

First Steps
It appears that once Fitbit has your money, you no longer exist to
them.  They're too busy selling more new crap to a new set of suckers. 
My Fitbit One quit recording anything after it had a run-in with my hammer.



This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
First Steps
After years of use and several different models (including the pricy one),
my expectations of this company are finally appropriate.
Fitbit is often, but not always, accurate for tracking sleep.
Everything else is a very rough approximation at best, wildly inaccurate
(when logged at all) more often than not.
Also, no one has ever gotten any practical results from posting here. In 4
years plus, which is how long this issue has been around.
Plan accordingly.
First Steps
Subpar product;  subpar responding to customer needs

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
First Steps

There have been times I have left my Fitbit charging or have used the stepper in the gym and to Fitbit has not counted the floors. On an iPhone you can manually add steps or it will sync with your phone. However, even if your phone counts floors the Fitbit app does not sync these and there is no way to manually add these. 


I suggest a feature on the on the app itself for where your can add any missed floors. 

First Steps
Yes, the Charge2 was my second Fitbit device and I kept trying to "keep hope alive". I wanted to believe that they're better than they are.

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

 With over 350 comments, fit bit is still bearing their head in the sand about this issue 

First Steps

Please enhance the exercise editor to allow manual entry of floors for the Stair Master exercise.  Additionally please add any entered floors data to the floors counted by the tracker and displayed in the dashboard.


Example: I exercised on the stairmaster for 20 minutes and climbed 115 floors.  I want to add the number of floors climbed to the exercise details and also have this number added to the floors displayed in the dashboard.


Please add manual floor count to log activities option, it would be a useful function.

First Steps

Agree, please upgrade this function or change to the other.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

First Steps

You have the stairmaster as an activity to track but it doesn't actually track the floors. Just steps and calories. It would be nice if it counted the floors or allow us to manually input it when we add the activity. 


I'd love to be able to manually add flights of stairs as it's not that accurate. These are the same stairs I run every day so I'm sure that they're real 10 foot flights but I am constantly missing out. I had to run 16 flights the other day to hit my daily goal of 10.

Recovery Runner

Flex 2 does not count floors/stairs. However, it is not possible to usefully enter floors/stairs manually into because the "floors/stairs" section on the user's website does not allow manual entry using integers (i.e. 1,2,3,4) only kilometers/miles. This does not make sense and is a programming error because it assumes stairs/floors is steps or bike. This is a website programming mistake and should be fixed. Moreover, that integer denoting number of stairs/floors climbed (a fixed distance) once entered should be (a) visible on the user's Dashboard & (b) be computed against time taken to come up with calories used – that should then be automatically entered into the daily dashboard on the user's account.

First Steps

I would like to be able to add how many flights I climbed while doing the stair master at the gym. I can add the workout “stair master” but would like to add how many flights I climbed during the session to add to my daily/weekly total. The Fitbit only counts elevation climbed. 

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