Measure Body Temperature

I would like to be able to monitor body temperature using my tracker.


Moderator edit: edit title for clarity & Labels

First Steps

BBT would be a great addition for women’s health! All those mornings I miss would never be missed again. ^_^

Recovery Runner
I bought the versa with the understanding that it tracked basal body
temperature and your cycle. WRONG! All there is is a section on the app
where you track your cycle yourself. Very disappointing.
First Steps

Me too! Like kindara app. Fertility depends on temperature and it would be great to be able to log it too. And have an algorithm which enables the to track temperature dependent on fertility. 

@NDF wrote:

I would like to be able to monitor body temperature using my tracker.


Moderator edit: edit title for clarity & Labels


Recovery Runner

I think it would be fabulous if the fitbit could measure basal body temperature and integrate this with the heart rate data/ menstrual cycle data - this would be a really incredible and powerful conception/contraception tool. Please take it on board as a suggestion. This technology is already being used by the AVA bracelet.

First Steps
I'd rather have a field to put the temperature from my daysy. If the fitbit
had an algorithm to accept temperature as one of the parameters.
Stepping Up
Totally agree. First I’d love the ability to chart temps on my own, but total wishlist item is to ya e my Fitbit take my temp for me while I’ve had enough sleep
First Steps

It would be a helpful feature to be able to see my temperature. I see heartrate and that is so helpful while working out. 

Base Runner

First I think it would be cool if these features could be included in the fitbit, but understand why they might not be able too or accurate enough.


I'm just suggesting in the fitbit app, a section that allows logging of temperature and tracking in a graph (like the heart rate monitor). This is particularly helpful for females who use the fertility awareness method & aid in conception. 


Also, for people like me who have some health conditions and need to monitor blood pressure daily, I think a blood pressure tracker/log/graph would also be really helpful. Right now I use around 4 different apps for fertility awareness, blood pressure and temperature monitoring and would love those two features to come to the fitbit app. 

Hill Runner

Agreed.  Having a log for blood pressure, temperature and glucose levels could be real useful in the app.  Technology is not there yet for blood pressure to be monitored via a watch or wrist band yet.  Non-invasive blood glucose monitoring is being developed by several companies.

Status changed to: Needs More Info
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Rosellie! We wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing suggestions:


Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for.

Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions!

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey @KB9WNS.


I will be merging this suggestion to the one about body temperature. Be sure to vote for the one that talks about blood pressure if you have the time.


Thanks for participating!


Adding a feature to track basal body temperature for fertility/ovulation/period tracking in addition to being able to detect potential fevers and alert you would be AMAZING!  I don't use birth control so I track my periods and ovulation through temperature and OPKs.  I would love it if the Fitbit could take my temp while sleeping at various points to get the lowest temp. If my temperature was running a fever, a notification would be helpful too.  There is a toll called the Ava Fertility Bracelet that you should check out.  I just bought one for $250 and they are hard to come across.  Adding the BBT feature to the Fitbit would be a huge financial win for you.  Women want this feature badly!  I have a bunch of analytics in mind I think you could offer along with this feature.  I am telling you.  This would be huge!



Adding a feature to track basal body temperature for fertility/ovulation/period tracking in addition to being able to detect potential fevers and alert you would be AMAZING!  I don't use birth control so I track my periods and ovulation through temperature and OPKs.  I would love it if the Fitbit could take my temp while sleeping at various points to get the lowest temp. If my temperature was running a fever, a notification would be helpful too.  There is a toll called the Ava Fertility Bracelet that you should check out.  I just bought one for $250 and they are hard to come across.  Adding the BBT feature to the Fitbit would be a huge financial win for you.  Women want this feature badly!  I have a bunch of analytics in mind I think you could offer along with this feature.  I am telling you.  This would be huge!


First Steps

I am TOTALLY in support of this idea. But it looks tricky. From what I can find,  your temperature can't really be accurately gauged at your wrist. The further you get from your core, the more the local area temp fluctuates with the environment, making the wrist temp an inconsistent difference from your core temp ...but, moderator, can you confirm that for us (many!) women interested in fertility stuff? And ppl who wouid just like to know when theyre getting sick? THE hottest conversations on the boards right now serm to be about female health tracking, pregnancy, and breastfeeding, which is certainly connected to fertility. Body temp totally ties in and could be both life changing (and literally life CREATING) if basal hody temperature and more accurate and extensive female health stuff COULD be tracked. PLUS it would help tip us off to and prevent sickness...Can someone just say definitively say whether or not it's possible? More definitively than a cursory Google search? 

First Steps

Yeah I want to add to this, I have a medical condition that causes me to have frequent high fevers (PFAPA Syndrome) and this would be super useful to me if/when I don't have a regular thermometer on me (like pretty much all the time) to gague if i'm having an episode and how bad it is.

First Steps

 I want my Fitbit to be able to check my current body temperature. It would be great for me right now when I'm sick with the flu.

First Steps

This has been requested for years - I do wonder why no real attempts have been made. I suspect the dev team are coming from the same mindset of HR tracking, and are dismissing body temp monitoring because, as IngaC stated, it's near impossible to get an accurate body temp reading from the wrist.


Dev team, you need to do away with that mindset. What we are looking to track here are patterns and fluctuations - not exact readings as with heart rate monitoring. We can't get accurate data enough to compare our temperature to the general human norm, but we can get enough to determine fluctuations in our own personal temperature throughout different times of our days/lives.


Some tips to improve the accuracy of readings - two separate thermometers, one against the skin, one measuring ambient temperatures. Attempted readings of body temp can be compared against ambient temp to improve accuracy, and the light sensor (depending on sensitivity and ambient light level) should be able to tell when the device is covered (leading to an natural increase in temperature).


I'm no engineer, but really, the tech is there to do a basic record of personal fluctuations in body temp. It just needs to be approached from the right mindset.


In the women’s fertility section of the app, could we have an option to input basal body temperature? This would help with predictions for menstral cycle and ovulation etc. It would be lovely to have this displayed in a nice chart aswell.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Rachies1, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has a lot of votes. As the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.

First Steps

It would be super helpful if my Fitbit recorded my body temperature. Not only for those who are trying to get preggers....but for women who are entering menopause.... I’d love to know what my body is doing tempature wise during my hot flashes. 


Moderator Edition: Format

Base Runner

Yes, I find it a great idea! It would be awesome if the slim Alta trackers could also measure our body temperature along the day. 🙂

Status changed to: New
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hello @Mizzrizz! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas with us! Woman Happy

First Steps

My wife need this option, she always runs low fever and this option will really help check body temp.


I upvoted the idea but, actually, I don't necessarily need for Fitbit to add that sensor to its trackers. 

At first it would be more than enough to add support for body temperature loging and tracking on the app, and ideally support some of the many currently available connected thermometers in the market (the same way I log my weight using a Withings scale).

That is, to me even the idea below would already be good enough:

First Steps

A fitbit that could track temperature like the Ava bracelet, while maintaining all of the features that I love so much about my fitbit would make the morning routine for women who use the natural family planning method so much easier!! It seems like the technology already exists, just not in a 24/7 fitness tracker. 

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