MobileRun Data should Count Toward Badges or Stop Overriding Device Data

I love the new MobileRun features, but can't believe total steps accumulated during a run override FitBit tracker data!  And Mobile data doesn't count toward badges.  A feature like MobileRun needs to be compatible with the rest of your system and tracking (count toward badges, etc)!


OR the feature should map the run only and leave it to the device to track steps so Mobile Data doesn't override.


Moderator Edit: Updated label

This should be a feature to vote on, this is a bug. No user would EVER imagine that using Track My Exercise would disable Challenges. Seriously? We have to vote on bug fixes?
Recovery Runner

Pretty bizarre that a bug fix should be considered an enhancement!

Recovery Runner

Nonsense to be voting to ensure existing (and widely promoted) features actually work together!

First Steps

Agreed, agreed!!  What can be done about this?

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

A variation of this feature has been implemented. If you use MobileRun while wearing your Fitbit tracker your steps count towards Challenges, badges, and achievements.

For more info, I'd recommend checking out this post.

Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

@carla-p This feature currently exists! If you wear your tracker while you use MobileRun, data will count towards both badges and Challenges. Click here for more details.

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