More Notifications

Hello Fitbit Team!


after a message of one of you moderator i have decided to make that topic.


I really like you products but the people using an IOS device really need more notifications!


So please give us more! 😃


Notificions i would recommend:


Whats App


and more messaging apps


Moderator edit: Updated title for clarity and labels.

Yes desperately need whatsapp notifications, also wunderlis, I get most of my messages via these now and to be honest I just assumed Surge would have these as an option along with Facebook etc. I was gutted when it only has call notifications and texts. Come on Fitbit please add additional notification support for third party apps so we don't have to keep getting our phones out 👍
First Steps
The Surge needs Facebook, Twitter and email notifications to be perfect. Surely it's only a software update needed, to add this feature
First Steps

Configurable app notification would be great. I would love to know when I receive SMS, e-mail. I don't care to read even first few characters, just that sometimes I miss when its received on phone. The vibrator on wrist works better than the phone vibrator when burried deep inside pants 🙂 


Add notifications to the Fitbit Charge!

Stepping Up

Lack of calendar notifications is the only thing keeping me from giving you my money.

Keeping Pace

Could you add the ability to configure which apps can notify the fitbit please?

First Steps

As per above, it's quite frustrating that currently (Android) I can only select Hangouts OR WhatsApp notifications on the Surge and not both at the same time.


Furthermore, having FB Messenger etc as well would be very useful. Most people now communicate over multiple platforms so it makes sense.




it's great that support has been added for other messaging services, but seriously who only relies on 1 messaging service, i use 3 different ones on a daily basis, so the update has been a bit of a waste of time


Fitbit HR would be great with this feature. I would sell my Pebble then.

First Steps

As long as officially this feature is not added you can use which does exactly what you want but only on Android phones. 

First Steps
I have a fitbit charge hr. I would like to have notifications on messages, Mail , Snapchat, and every app it is posible to Get an message from.
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

@Federica Hey! That's a great idea, hope this can be a feature soon. 


Thank you for posting your ideas in Feature Request board. 

Recovery Runner

need email notify on the surge

competitors have this feature

they will take me, if this is not added soon

seem rediculous not to have email notify form smartphone


Tempo Runner
Would be nice if my surge could notify multiple sources, so I could get both text messages and facebook messages.
First Steps
I would love to see this - both stock android messages and whatsapp, because my friends and family use both. At the moment I switch it about every week or so 🙂
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Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

@Tao75 I agree, it would be really nice to receive text messages from other sources than the regular texts, like for example, Facebook or WhatsApp. I see a lot of people exited about something like this.  Hopefully, this idea will be implemented in the nearest future. Keep voting and if you have any other requests don't forget to post them too. Thank you for your idea.

Base Runner

Any news on this? Has it made it onto the roadmap?

First Steps
I know they have this in other fitness trackers but not Fibit. Definitely voting this one.
First Steps
I hope my surge can receive whatsapp notifications...other smart watches or fitness bands half my price can receive so I don't see why I can receive on my Fitbit surge...Please update
First Steps
I hope my surge can receive whatsapp notifications...other smart watches or fitness bands half my price can receive so I don't see why I can receive on my Fitbit surge...Please update
First Steps
I recently upgraded from the Garmin Vivismart to the Fitbit Surge and the one feature that I miss is receiving notifications for emails and messenger. It would be great to see this enabled in a future update.
First Steps

I recently upgraded from the Garmin Vivismart to the Fitbit Surge and the one feature that I miss is receiving notifications for emails and messenger. It would be great to see this enabled in a future update.


Moderator edit: Added labels 

Tempo Runner

Latest FitBit beta app have now the option of choosing the originator for the message notification, BUT incredibly, they are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE !!  This is not the correct way to handle this.

User should be able to "subscribe" to one or more message flow, as example BOTH sms and whatsapp.

The best way should be to enumerate message sources but select them using CHECKBOXES and not a simple one shot combo.

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Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hey @dmaccarn! I love this idea because you will have all notifications from the apps that you have in your phone. Currently, you'll get notifications from Whatsapp, Hangouts and text messages from your phone; learn more about it in this article. However, you can only have one app enable at a time meaning that you are going to get text messages from one app instead of the three of them. 


Thank you for visiting the Feature Request board. 

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Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator
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