More badges (Add badge ideas here!)

Need more creative badges and trophies rather than just the lifetime records... that could be more motivating.

Here are a few ideas:
- Badge for reaching 10000 steps for 7 days in a row, 15 days in a row, 50 days in a row...
- Badges based on active minutes/calories/kilometers
- How about some more crazy/funny badges like "night owl" for someone who regularly achieves a lot of steps at night, "out of bed" (same principle but for early morning), etc.
- Badges that reflect poor activity; for instance a badge if you don't reach 10000 steps/day once in 7 days, ...

I think that these are all ideas that could really enrich the experience of fitbit users by increasing motivation and I believe they are all relatively simple to implement in the Fitbit system!!

Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

First Steps

I like the idea of percentage, or steps, till you reach your next long distance badge. I have no idea if I'm close to another one. It would be motivating if is said I only need 25,000 mores steps till I accomplish the ______ badge.

Tempo Runner

@Owen44  I understand the potential motivation you seek and it may be a better way.  I do recall the "surprise" badges were very motivating for me.  I have them all now, so I haven't thought of them much lately.  I guess the phrase for me to use is "Spoiler ALERT" You do not need to be in the dark about ,what is coming and when. if you are willing to do a little calculating from your badge list, profile and this web page from Danielle Kosecki titled Presenting the Official List of Fitbit Badges. How Many Do You Have?  Here is the link


Best wishes on your journey.




Instead of under consideration, it should say under construction. 

Guys, we’ve been requesting this for years. If you want to keep us, a request like this shouldn’t be so hard to accommodate. Look how many people are asking. 

Base Runner
I totally agree. What could be so difficult about it and why wouldn't they
want to do it?

This thread is 6 years old.


Do something, or shut it down.


I don't know what is wrong with this company, they've changed so much.

First Steps

Well I am somewhere around 400 continuous days of 10,000 steps. Would be great if Fitbit could track that some way.  If only there was a technology that could do that automatically so I did not have too.  Some interesting way to tell me how many days in a row I have.  I wonder if Apple Watch or a Garmin would do that?

Recovery Runner

I stopped commenting here because it’s obvious nothing is ever going to happen. Why on earth could you earn a 5000 steps badge Deli but on the day that you make it to 85,000 or 95,000 you get nothing you’re only badges at 90,000 and 100,000 before that they go up every 5000 until you’ve had a major accomplishment.


The suggestion has 1931 likes. At what number of likes do you guys actually take notice and listen? 

First Steps

Here are some ideas for badges:


Circumference of Mars - 13,263


Perimeter of India - 14,116


Africa coastline - 16,100


Circumference of Venus - 23628


circumference of Earth 24,901 


That said, I at a loss for why Fitbit doesn’t have a badge beyond Pole to Pole yet. Is it some sort of reverse psychology marketing ploy, a lack of desire to encourage loyal customers, laziness, stubbornness, a belief that those who surpass Pole to Pole don’t need badges anymore or some misplaced belief that no one cares?


The lack of badges past Pole to Pole isn’t a dealbreaker, but it leaves me feeling unloved by Fitbit. ☹️ 


Come on guys! Don’t just tell us you appreciate us. Show it! Give us new badges!!!

Base Runner
Love those ideas.  Magellens voyage and equator would be good too.  I have watched this discussion and left ideas for years.  Many of my Fitbit friends have left for Apple.  I also dont understand lack of response.  You dont have to do everything....but it would be good to see them do something Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Recovery Runner

Man Frustrated

I first posted on this thread over 12 months ago, not as long as some, but long enough to get really frustrated with FitBit.

This suggestion is "under consideration", but they, FitBit, have a real problem on their hands.

Should they decide to adopt this suggestion, then those users between 2013, and current day will get a glut of new badges as they will no doubt have accumulated significant step/floor totals over the previous 6 years. Furthermore unless FitBit do their research properly, which having followed this thread, looks unlikely, then they would have to ensure that not only do they create newer sets of badges/categories/incentives, but they would also have to accommodate those users who would no doubt have surpassed most ideas that FitBit may decide to implement, and therefore would already be looking for newer incentives.

They, FitBit, could take the easy way out, and create a "Double Pole to Pole", as an example, for those who have stepped 40,006K, or a "Satellite Return" for those who have climbed 70,000 floors.


Like many who have posted on this subject, I'll reiterate, goals and incentives are "real" drivers for many people. They must be, else why would FitBit have adopted them many years ago, when they were a customer focused business? (...better not finish that sentence)


Should FitBit decide EVER decide to adopt this, they would no doubt release it with a good deal of "fanfare", expecting the "community" to pat them on the back, saying "well done FitBit". More likely the reaction would be "...about time FitBit… where have you been since 2013?"


Ahhh… I feel much better now.

Man Wink

First Steps
Well said. I’ve actually given up on Fitbit ever making these changes to incentives.

I still use mine, but not sure I would replace it, as the unique differentiator is non existent for anyone who has owned a Fitbit for more than 2 years.

Sent from my iPhone

Fitbit, do you care about your clients? Not sure you do, really do, really really do.

First Steps

I agree with the suggestion to add more lifetime distance badges. I was sad to reach the pole to pole badge, because there aren't any after that. Some additional badges would be great!


Also, I agree with the idea of streak badges -- if you meet your set number of steps for 7 days in a row, etc.

Great ideas and I couldn’t say it any better to those Fitbit crew (guys)
who supposedly read these comments. I don’t know 🤷‍:female_sign: if they do. I
believe they don’t care about us.
Keep on going.
Not applicable



Smiley Happy

Recovery Runner



Please consider increasing the maximum floor count of 700. I've just managed to achieve 1,317 floors in one day, yet sadly the badge limit is 700. Most importantly please make it a retro applied badge. I'm still aching 3 days later and don't fancy doing 1,317 floors again anytime soon. (Welsh 3000).

First Steps
I, mtrobert, am a fitbit user, not connected with fitbit, I got into this
discussion , to maybe get fitbit to update.
100% with you. I also did over 1'300 in one day and suggested the same thing you did a year result or real feedback other than aboilerplate response.
Enjoy the next challenge!
Recovery Runner
I agree they really need more badges.


Swim badges!!!!!

Distance Runner

This initial posting was created in 2013. YES, 2013 and is Still under Consideration.  SIX years later.  Seriously!!!


I agree we need more distance badges as the distance between two badges seem way too high, for exemple I would suggest  the London-Sydney badge at 16.983 kms (10.553 miles)

Could you also create more badges at 20 and 25 000 kms ?

Thanks !


there are very long distances between some distance badges, for exemple between the Earth badge and the Pole to Pole badge, so may I suggest the London-Sydney badge at 16.983 kms (10.553 miles)

Could you also create more badges at 20 and 25 000 kms ?

Thanks !

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @RogerG, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!

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