More badges (Add badge ideas here!)

Need more creative badges and trophies rather than just the lifetime records... that could be more motivating.

Here are a few ideas:
- Badge for reaching 10000 steps for 7 days in a row, 15 days in a row, 50 days in a row...
- Badges based on active minutes/calories/kilometers
- How about some more crazy/funny badges like "night owl" for someone who regularly achieves a lot of steps at night, "out of bed" (same principle but for early morning), etc.
- Badges that reflect poor activity; for instance a badge if you don't reach 10000 steps/day once in 7 days, ...

I think that these are all ideas that could really enrich the experience of fitbit users by increasing motivation and I believe they are all relatively simple to implement in the Fitbit system!!

Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

Nicely said!
First Steps

I am surprised that.... 5-6 years after receiving initial hundreds of requests for the addition of new badges like additional lifetime distance, and lifetime steps badges, that the requests have not been acted upon. C'mon folks....

First Steps

Earth Equator circumference badge 

24,901 miles, that would be a logical step for the next badge after pole to pole 

First Steps

I'm adding my voice to the crowd that wants to see more lifetime badges that go beyond Pole-to-Pole and Satellite.  I'm in a competitive community where forwarding lifetime updates to others gives both a sense of accomplishment to the person achieving the award (along with the bragging rights) and encourages others in the community to push that much harder to reach the same goals.  In cases where some members of the community started at different times, tracking the time between awards can also provide bragging rights.  For example, I went from Russian Railway to Earth in a bit less than 9 months, which was about two months better than my closest competitor.  I'm still behind overall, but I had fun passing the information to others.  


Moderator edit: all-caps

First Steps
I've decided to leave fitbit and move over to Garmin. Fitbit was great to start me back on the road to fitness, but they aren't interested in anyone other than newbies. That us clear from this thread!Sent from Samsung Mobile on O2
I certainly agree with you😃, but something or someone is not listening to
us, and so l invented my own award system. I love mine. After, about a year
of not caring about Fitbit, a light :light_bulb: hit me. It’s better than Electronic
awards, which my husband used to make fun of, lol 😂
Keep walking
Merry Christmas
Recovery Runner

I just suggested a Disney World badge! 

That’s a good one and accomplished by fireworks 🎇
Recovery Runner

24, 901 miles is the circumference of the Earth. That is the gold medal of life long distance achievement badges for Fitbit.

Recovery Runner

Fitbit users have taken over we do not ask we hereby proclaim this to be so:

24,901 miles is the Gold Medal Badge for long distance!

This is the circumference of the Earth!


This has gone viral


Moderator edit: all-caps


So many people are asking for more badges why is there no response from fitbit? 

that is indeed the question. Not a single word

So, @Ecotropicworks,  I got my Earth Equatorial Circumference (24,901 miles) badge months ago, and just completed my International Space Station Orbital Flight Distance (26,472 miles) badge.  What's next?


I fear if they do finally give us badges, it will premium only. 🙄

Base Runner

I have been on this string for years.  No new badges ever put in since 2014.  It feels futile.  When ever a moderator responds they always say, put the idea in the enhancements section.   Since pole to pole is the longest to date.  Since hopefully Google wants to expand the badges when Fitbit did not... Here are a few lifetime badges for Fitbit users that may want to stick with the product for a lifetime.  These badges of famous expeditions, and geographic accomplishments may enhance the experience for goals to seek for the lifetime Fitbitters?  Question I have is would Fitbit want to have users for life?  Prove me wrong Fitbit.  Here are a few long time endurance goals that would only apply to Fitbitters you keep for decade or longer. 




Equator 26472

Magellan Voyage 43,400

Longest Solo Flight (Steve Fossett) 26,393

Longest Balloon Flight (Bertrand Piccard 29,055

Per a google search, longest Airline flight (for the Moment) NYC to Singapore 10,357




That would be a bad move. I just don’t understand why it’s not being
addressed at all.
Yes, it feels futile, which is a shame as it should not be rocket science. Hopefully, some of the badges you propose can be added soon.
First Steps

Yessss I really want more badges!!! Especially something for weight gain if needed.


Also the weight loss badges are annoying bc they go up higher than I weigh, so I'd like something else instead 

First Steps

Hey guys, 


I think it's a great idea to show the progress towards your next badges (how many steps/miles/floors left until you get your next badge). 

Stepping Up

Please more lifetime badges that go beyond Pole-to-Pole and Satellite.  As many others have suggested, Earth Circumference award would be great!

Recovery Runner

As noted earlier, we now acknowledge an Around the World Badge (at the
equator) of 24, 901. Everyone who has completed this, I offer
congratulations. Please accept this as fact. Recognize it in all those who
have completed the badge. Any responses she simply say AGREED!


Moderator edit: personal info removed

Yes please to that
“Please sir, can I have some more?” Lol

Recovery Runner

You may have them all!

Moderator edit: personal info removed


We are asking again for more distance badges. The ideas expressed above are wonderful ways to motivate us loyal users. What do you say, Google?

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