More badges (Add badge ideas here!)

Need more creative badges and trophies rather than just the lifetime records... that could be more motivating.

Here are a few ideas:
- Badge for reaching 10000 steps for 7 days in a row, 15 days in a row, 50 days in a row...
- Badges based on active minutes/calories/kilometers
- How about some more crazy/funny badges like "night owl" for someone who regularly achieves a lot of steps at night, "out of bed" (same principle but for early morning), etc.
- Badges that reflect poor activity; for instance a badge if you don't reach 10000 steps/day once in 7 days, ...

I think that these are all ideas that could really enrich the experience of fitbit users by increasing motivation and I believe they are all relatively simple to implement in the Fitbit system!!

Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

First Steps

Is it really that hard Fitbit? These are all fabulous ideas. Shoot, your customers are doing most of the innovating and work for ya. 

Can you PLEASE just do it!!!!

I heard that Google bought Fitbit. Anyone know if that is true? If yes, maybe we have hope for something better in future.

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First Steps

@Broinhim2 Yes, it is true. I just heard as well, even tho it happened in November. 

A lot of ppl are concerned about their data and info, cus ppl are claiming that's the only reason it sold for so much! Even though Google insists our info is safe. Just think what would happen if insurance companies gained access to all our information? SCARY!


Yup, Google is essentially a data mining company and it knows more about it's users than they know about themselves.  This is the only reason they would be interested in something is to get at the data.

First Steps

i would like to see a 24,000 mile around the world badge.I have that tomorrow.6 yrs 3 months since i got my fitbit zip.i had the pole to pole badge made. thanks Rich

Yeah, and how about walking to the moon! 245,000 miles ish as an average.

I was hoping for something to compare to others rates of steps per hour and
such as well.

Here's hoping.


David Weis
Director of Data Services

Austin: 512-522-1880
San Antonio: 210-202-3274
Houston: 713-300-1863
Cell: 918-527-1018

Recovery Runner

Come on Fitbit, these are all great suggestions. Please push these ideas forward in the lineup and give us some more motivation to want to use Fitbit. It shouldn't be that hard and it will increase customer retention! Please!


Please! 😄

Recovery Runner

There needs to be a 2,500 step badge. Sometimes it is hard enough getting 5,000 😂

First Steps
There is a 5000 steps in a day,boat shoe and 10,000 is sneakers.
First Steps
Tks for comments,even though some people do alot it still feels good to get some reward. no jogging all walking
Recovery Runner

Yeah, there already is a 5,000 and 10,000. There should be a 2,500 badge. Not all kinds of people can get 5,000 in a day. I can get the high badges, but others can't.

First Steps
Sounds good,take things forgretted sorry.
Marathon Racer

Night Owl... Yes! Brilliant! 😄

Recovery Runner

Hitting sleep goal 7 days in a row, 14 days in a row, even a month would be great! "Sound Sleeper" as the name?

Recovery Runner
These would be good badges to add with the release of Active Zone Minutes. Similar to the steps badges, these badges would be 30 minutes, 120 minutes, etc for regular active minutes and lower amounts for Active Zone Minutes.
These badges would push users to stay active and achieve badges. Badges haven't been changed and users need more motivations.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @zaacckb, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see badges for active minutes and active zone minutes. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about it here. I hope to see you around.

Hi Yojana,So is there any news on new badges? This suggestion has been floating around for several years now.
First Steps
Haven’t heard anything from Fitbit, sorry to say.
Recovery Runner

Being a long time advocate of this particular topic, and having seen its status set to "Under Consideration" (by MatthewFitBit) some 17, yes Seventeen, Months ago, I was trying to understand exactly why FitBit seem to be so reluctant to implement the suggestions in this particular thread, and move it from "Under Consideration" to "Released". Having followed the "Under Consideration" link, and read through quite a few of the other entries which are "Under Consideration", i couldn't help but notice a status of some entries as "Released". Naturally I followed the "Released" link and began to read through those suggestions that had achieved "Released" status, in an effort to determine exactly what is the trigger to FitBit when they decide to "Release" a suggestion, or park it "Under Consideration". Up until now I was under the impression that "votes" were the driving force, but having seen that there are a good many suggestions that have "Released" status where their "vote" count is hundreds, and in some cases, thousands less than this particular thread, I'm left, once again, scratching my head, and asking... why?


So, FitBit, we would love for you to come clean on this and respond to your customer base with a little more than the glib "Under Consideration" tag. If you have NO intent to EVER appease your users, tell us so that we can move on, and make appropriate decisions with who we want to align our health goals to. If on the other hand, the subject is "seriously" "Under Consideration", then give us something to hang on. Something like "expected within 1 month", "expected withing 6 months", "expected withing 1 Year"... etc. 


Signed in extreme FRUSTRATION with this subject.


Well said!
First Steps
Would like to see one for either 50 million steps,mosty walking and/or 25,000 miles done in 6 yrs and 4 months.Have a great day
First Steps
Can you please consider to create more badges past the daily 100,000 - suggesting a 110,000 and perhaps a 125,000.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @LetsStayActive, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see more badge past the daily 100,000. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about it here. I hope to see you around.

Thank you for your email,
“Here, here!”
So articulate and thorough.
You have a gift.
Moving forward, and take care

Stepping Up

First, I LOVE the ideas that paddy0ne has already stated as well as those others have put in the comments! Agreed to all of those!

I added some suggestions here and included my lame version of what the badge could be called in parentheses 🙂


We should have badges for...

  • staying within your calorie target threshold for a certain number of days in a row (Calorie Commander)
  • hitting your water intake goal for a certain number of days in a row (Hydration Hero)
  • getting back into a stride of exercise and/or logging food after hitting a rut (Back To Basics)
  • getting a "good" or better sleep score for a certain number of days in a row (Ritualistic Rest)
  • hitting all four of your goals in a day: steps, floors, distance, and active minutes (Committed Completionist)

I have more ideas, but I think this is plenty for now since there are 22 pages of ideas listed here! I hope we can see this added soon.


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