More badges (Add badge ideas here!)

Need more creative badges and trophies rather than just the lifetime records... that could be more motivating.

Here are a few ideas:
- Badge for reaching 10000 steps for 7 days in a row, 15 days in a row, 50 days in a row...
- Badges based on active minutes/calories/kilometers
- How about some more crazy/funny badges like "night owl" for someone who regularly achieves a lot of steps at night, "out of bed" (same principle but for early morning), etc.
- Badges that reflect poor activity; for instance a badge if you don't reach 10000 steps/day once in 7 days, ...

I think that these are all ideas that could really enrich the experience of fitbit users by increasing motivation and I believe they are all relatively simple to implement in the Fitbit system!!

Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

First Steps

Some more ideas:

- Virtual Walk Races.

- Adventures all around the world (eg: walk in Lisbon, walk in Amsterdam, Tour de France, ...).


I use FitBit since 2017 and the badges and challenges still remain the same!!!

Hi Ruifalhas,

I've given up on Fitbit with regards to this topic. Not not address the topic with all the feedback in this thread tells me that it can't be taken as a priority by Fitbit. Incidentally, For this but mostly other reasons, I'm now using a Garmin.

Not applicable

This issue has been in excistence since 2013, really is sad to see that it takes so long to add more badges. The whole experience is based on the badges. Please add more badges for distance, like:

new-york to amsterdam

Whitehouse to kremlin 🙂

round the world

round the moon

Earth to moon

roundtrip asia (continent)

rounttrip europe (continent)

roundtrip afrika (continent)



I have all the lifetime distance floor badges, really gets boring now. And my motivation for getting a new fitbit is nit that high, an Apple Watch niw becomes interesting since i don’t have any of the badges.



I've given up a while ago and have switches to another watch brand.

Fitbit should listen to its costumers, or lose them.
Recovery Runner

I would love if when I looked at the phone app it told me my awards too. Or told me something like, you have 3 days left to get 10,000 steps to achieve your badge etc. Because sometimes I get an email telling me I've got something over the lifetime of my Fitbit but I didn't even know it was a thing so it wasn't a motivation, more just a nice little fact which I also like.

First Steps
Like it, but like you I am a consumer too, trying to get fit bit to do
Recovery Runner

Definately need more lifetime badges for steps  and elevation.  

Ik hit: Pole to Pole on 26-10-2019 and Satellite on 28-05-2018

no motivation there any more!!!

I can relate. Amen. We are above stupid badges though, just have to keep
moving on without stupid Fitbit. I think nobody is listening anyway.

I gave up and have switched brands.

Really need more badges! It's a little deflating to know you have hit the highest & longest ones and nothing new to look forward to.  So more lifetime ones, and more than are stringing together good habits - a week of hitting 10K steps, a month of 10K steps, etc.



First Steps

Swim distance badges.

Recovery Runner

Too little too late. I completely gave up on Fitbit & bought an Apple Watch that I LOVE.

Stepping Up

More lifetime badges for steps and elevation, please.  Otherwise, you will start to lose loyal customers!

I totally agree with you! Thank you for your ideas :light_bulb:
First Steps
Agreed, considering that the newer fitbits don't record stairs. I think
those are gone.

Love the Minion badges - let's have more e.g. DJ Josh 12,121

That’s a fantastic idea, I would want them! Fingers crossed 🤞
First Steps

Hi FitBit guys, if you take a break to think about badges you will find more than 1.000 ideas... just implement it. Don´t think only about steps, think in the other information we have there like: sleep, heart rate, active minutes, ...


Some more ideas:

- 1 day with a good sleep.

- 3 days in a row with good sleep.

- ...

- 1 day with more than xx minutes.

- ...

- 1 day with a good heart rate.

- ...

- Grand Slam: 1 day with a good heart rate, with more than xx minutes, with a good sleep AND with more than 10.000 steps.

- Golden Grand Slam: doing a grand slam 3 days in a row.

- Super Slam: doing a grand slam 7 days in a row.

- ... and so on... just think... we also have mindfullness, # exercises, kg, bedtime and wake up, steps per hour, cals, floors... any excuse to don't have good ideas for badges?



Rui Falhas Santos

Recovery Runner

I didn't realize how much I actually liked receiving badges until the Minions set came along. They are cute, fun and motivational. Count me as one who would like to see streak/in-a-row badges as well as other quirky badges such as the time-of-day type suggestions.


But please, positive motivation badges only. When under the weather or otherwise confined, the last thing people need is a reminder that they failed to achieve their fitness goals. 


There should definitely be a badge for winning bingo games.

Recovery Runner

Like many, I gave up on Fitbit a while ago. Hard to believe that a company that has been so successful at engaging its customers has so completely lost touch. Everybody loves badges. Everybody uses them as motivation to push themselves harder and further. To let this sit there ignored for EIGHT YEARS is beyond my comprehension.

Base Runner
In 2015, my emloyer promoted fitbit as an incentive.  So many steps meant a cost break on health insurance.  At the time about 40 or so folks all linked together as friends at work.  We made it a friendly competition and  tracked and reported our badges remaining distance to next badge and everyone would congratulate and encourage each other.  Fitbit social applications in 2015 was far superior than it is now.  Fitbit has not added new badges ( minions don't count), they reduced data you can see on connected friends. The social networking died in that group. 7 out of the 40 is all that use fitbit today.  80% reduction in customer base from my group..thats what fitbit has done by not listening to its users. Not letting us see friends lifetime data and not developing new badges were the two nails in its coffin.  It's less about tracker functionality and more about the social interactions and the apps that excited customers.Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
You were very patient, 8 years! I gave up after 2 years and never looked back.
Difficult to understand how something so easy (new badges) just does not get done by Fitbit and alienates so many people ( ex clients)
First Steps

Would be cool to get a badge for flipping all the bingo tiles in game play.. like a Blackout badge! But any bingo badge would be great!

Really any premium badges period would be exciting to gain!

First Steps

Why is there no recognition for the accomplishment of at least 10,000 steps every day for 365 days in a row.  THAT"S A WHOLE YEAR!!!

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