More badges (Add badge ideas here!)

Need more creative badges and trophies rather than just the lifetime records... that could be more motivating.

Here are a few ideas:
- Badge for reaching 10000 steps for 7 days in a row, 15 days in a row, 50 days in a row...
- Badges based on active minutes/calories/kilometers
- How about some more crazy/funny badges like "night owl" for someone who regularly achieves a lot of steps at night, "out of bed" (same principle but for early morning), etc.
- Badges that reflect poor activity; for instance a badge if you don't reach 10000 steps/day once in 7 days, ...

I think that these are all ideas that could really enrich the experience of fitbit users by increasing motivation and I believe they are all relatively simple to implement in the Fitbit system!!

Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

Recovery Runner

We need more incrimental badeges for walking distances traveled. It takes too long to go from a 3,000 badge to a 5,000 badge. Let's do it in, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 mile badge increments. No one cares about 5,000 miles until they  are 4,500 miles into it. Then the distance badges need to go indefinately from 50 miles to 100,000 miles or whatever. That would only take 25 years at 4,000 per year. I guy like Colin39 would set his senior eye on this type of goal.


Same for elevation Badges.  It stops dead at 28,000 floors.....but our passion for climbing doesn't. Please correct as in the manner above. We need to go to at least 100,000 floors with small encouraging increment badges/goals along the way.  Cheers, Burrito Bob

First Steps

The badges are a good idea.  I especially like the ones for poor activity.  I can see a group of friends making fun of others or teasing them for some competitive activity if they receive badges for poor activity.

Premium User
Recovery Runner

I like this idea, specially the funny badges and the name Night Owl sounds so goodSmiley Happy

Community Legend

Need more Badges for Lifetime Miles and And steps. Many of us who have been around since the beginning have past the 25 Million mark in steps.

Premium User

great idea.  it would also be nice if the dashboard communicated these to the fitbit force device, letting you know when you have met a goal or achieved a badge (or reminding you that you have been sitting too long).  The Nike version does this, not sure how it was overlooked by the fitbit developers.


It's a very important idea, I'd like to add the ability to post the badges on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

First Steps

I love it! Great Ideas for badges!


Just thought I'd throw in some additional Badge ideas:

- Badge for conscutive days with 30 min of High Activity, (5 days, 10 days, 20 days etc)

- Badge for a certain number of times (over a period time) that you had 30min of High Activity, (e.g. 5 days with at least 30min of High Activity over 14 day period)

- Badge for consecutive days with 10, 20, 30 flights climbed.

- Badge for consecutive days of eating at (or below) your goal calories.


First Steps

I agree on the climbing badges!!  I've reached 28,000 in my first 15 months.


As a product that emphasises fitness and health I think it is a pretty bad idea to create badges that encourage unheathly behavior.


Also incremental badges for flights of stairs (rather than jumping to 14,000 from 8,000) would be more motivating

First Steps

Hi there,


Its about 1,5 years later after i posted this idea:



I would like to see more badges and or achievements, maybe if the community starts a brainstorm session to find some new ways to add badges.

I was thinking about:
- Time placed badges/achievements like:
--- Friday night stair climbing achievement/badge, for example, between 6pm and 11:59pm on a friday you need to climb 10, 25, 50 etc stairs to get it.
--- Sunday morning early bird achievement, for example, from 5am to 10am you need to get 5K, 10K 25K steps to get this badge/these badges.

There is no limit to on these kind of badges...but the goal is off course to get the badges so it shouldn't be easy, also seasonal badges are possible, or holiday badges, for example the days after Christmas, we all eat more in this period so there should be special Christmas badges if you hit the 20K steps the day after Christmas or something like that.

- Also i was thinking of a 'in a row' badge like:
--- For 2, 5, 10 ,25, 50, 100 days in a row 10, 25, 50, 100 stairs a day. If you don't climb the 10 stairs for 1 day the in a row badge resets to 0 (if you climbed 10 stairs for 10 days in a row you keep that badge off course)....hope you know what i mean, i'm not english.

This can also be done for steps.

I think there should be much more badges/achievements, i think it is really helps you get motivated...its like a game.
And it shouldn't be limited to 100 stairs a day, it must go to the imposable like 10K stair climbs in a you always have something you could achieve if you want to.

Please feel free to do more suggestions for badges/achievements, i hope the developers of the fitbit website/devices will notice this topic and more important that they agree on this, again, if its like a game with lots of stuff to get/achieve its more fun (in my opinion!!)

Thanks for reading and i hope you agree with me on this one and maybe there will be more badges/achievements on short term, because i want to get them all!!!!!! 😉


Posted 67 weeks ago


And some more ideas from the same post:

Some other badge/achievements ideas:

1. 5 Day 100% 100% Goal mission
- Get 100% on the minimum goal percentage of all the goals (steps, climbs, calories, distance, activity), the minimum is the basic goals that you get when you first created you account, IF however, you changed your daily goals then you need to reach those goals 100% for 5 days straight. and if you lower(ed) your goals then it will be set to the basic/standard goals (and you cannot change it for 5 days (when the mission ends it sets itself back to the goals you had if they are lower then the basic).

2. Hit the stairs man!
- Hit the stairs says it all, get 10, 25, 50, 100, 1000 (whatever numbers) in 1 hour (of 10 minutes or whatever the developers think is fair).

Achievement Badges,
Life time steps? Get a badge when you hit the 100K, 250K 500K 1M, 2,5M 5M, 10M.
If you need another 10K steps to reach a badge like this you probably will do those steps today instead of tomorrow 😉 (i would).


Like i said, its about 1,5 years later, i started using my fitbit again since yesterday Smiley Very Happy

But there are no new badges Smiley Sad


So, here's the topic/idea again, maybe they will consider it now 🙂



First Steps

by jmcbeth on ‎12-29-2013 06:35 PM

As a product that emphasises fitness and health I think it is a pretty bad idea to create badges that encourage unheathly behavior.


Its a motivation tool, its up to you to do it in a healthy way, If there are badges that you cant get without getting a hearth attack you should try and work to get there in a normal way.

Badges/Achievements just make it more fun to be more active then you normally are, its doesn't mean you need to get the badge for taking 5000 steps in 10 seconds, if you can its great but if you cant its not the end of the world, maybe you'll get it later.

And it also would be very appreciated if the fitbit staff let the community know if this is gonna happen or not, if not then i dont need to talk about it any more.

First Steps

Yes. I agree. I want more badges! I want to win all types of badges. Walking more than 10,000 for seven consecutive days, and then a month. Things like streaks. Never being inactive for a certain amount of time in a day and then reducing that number. Like no more than 3 hours of inactivity in a row, or 2 hours, or 1 hours. 


Recovery Runner

I recently entered a USA sanctioned 6 Day Race (Dec 28-Jan 3/2014) called Across the Years . I walked the entire 6 days with a target goal of reaching 100,000 steps per day for the entire 6 days. I was successful as I walked 627,000 steps yet I could only get a 75,000 step badge each day. I placed 17th out of 45 entrants from around the globe.


I entered the 6 Day event because of purchasing a Fitbit Ultra in May 2012 after hearing about it on Dr. Oz. The badges motivated me to keep walking and climbing to where I felt I could compete in ultra distance events. I entered 4 in 2013, a 50K, a 50 miler, a 100K and the 6 day. Thank you Fitbit!


I belong to a very large group of endurance athletes who are constantly pushing the barriers. Fitbit must lead in this pursuit. If I can influence others to raise their athletic horizons at my age (66) then Fitbit should follow suit and raise theirs.


We need many more interesting and relevant daily target badges for both distances and elevations to help motive people to stay active in the short term so they can achieve their long terms goals, i.e. lose weight, get in shape, look younger, feel better, increase self esteem, overcome depression, sleep better, etc. 



There are many Fitbitters who are encouraged to hit the daily targets that speak to them and push their limits. We need to increase the target badges to keep up with Fitbitters ever increasing physical aspirations.  Fitbitters never graduate from the school of fitness so we need a wide variety of target badges to help us stay motivated. 



Burrito Bob

First Steps

I'd really appreciate if Fitbit could simply add badges for 800, 900, and 1,000 floors per day.  Even though it's a lot of climbing, I don't see any logical reason why the highest daily floors badge is 700.  It's definitely possible to go beyond that (even if it seems slightly crazy).


How hard could it be to add those badges?  At least up to 900 - that way you could fill out a full row on the badges page!



First Steps

'd really appreciate if Fitbit could simply add badges for 800, 900, and 1,000 floors per day.  Even though it's a lot of climbing, I don't see any logical reason why the highest daily floors badge is 700.  It's definitely possible to go beyond that (even if it seems slightly crazy).


How hard could it be to add those badges?  At least up to 900 - that way you could fill out a full row on the badges page!



Base Runner

Badges related to achievements against friends would also help increase the fun of competition. eg. More steps/cal burn/distance/etc than all your friends for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days in a row.

Marathon Racer

I never look at my collection of badges, how many I have collected, and we definitely need more of the distance and especially the 1,000,000 badges. I get the feeling the design of the badge system was to encourage first timers and as human nature prevails they drop off. If we average 10,000 steps/day it takes 100 days to get 1m. So if those gaps were like the distance it takes me years to get the  badge. There needs to be some Physiology thought given to the badges


When you look at the Premium Benchmark profiles the bell curve is slightly below 9000 steps/day for all categories and that gives me reason to suspect the badges are at the lower activity end. I'm in the 99% with my 16,000 steps/day


The data is there and with the gaps in the badges, and if Fitbit aren't careful with the design there is a negative. Take floors for example, I live in a relative flat area  I have only averaged 7 floors/day over 2 years since I had the Ultra so where I'm at now with floors it will take me another 8 years to get the maximum floor badge.


If we had the age breakup I honestly believe we have more older people than younger people buying Fitbit, so lets give the Seniors an opportunity to accumulate worthwhile badges. Because floors aren't on every Fitbit the obvious one is the get a range of 1,000,000 badges and that will cover all.




Base Runner

I agree with WendyB for badges given for major Lifetime Steps achievements. I hit the 5 million lifetime steps mark this week and was anxiously awaiting a little pat on the back by way a newly earned badge.......... but there was nothing!   Really!?

First Steps

There should definitely be daily/weekly/monthly "challenges". That may work better if there was some sort of points/levels system. Badges for "streaks" (e.g. 7 days in a row at 10k+ steps) are a great idea, too.


I'd also like to know what the next badge is and exactly what I need to do to earn it. I want a progress bar or something. Especially for the big lifetime badges, I really don't have any idea where I am. If I could see a progress bar, it would push me to do just a bit more to fill that bar up.


Yes please! Especially on Flex and Zip where it is all basically about step and distance. There's no fun in that if you don't have an altimeter or an Aria! I find it very bland to not have a bigger hype around badges considering that they are one of Fitbit's major selling points.


More, easier increments would be great too. It's very difficult to skip 5,000 for each badge.


more badges, more badges, more badges!!!!!


I'd like to see badges come more frequently than every 5,000 or every 100 miles.  As an office worker, I bought the Fitbit to determine how many steps I was getting in a day (it wasn't a lot!) and now I've been working at increasing them.  But for me to get 10,000 and then 15,000, that is very difficult unless it was accumulated.  I've been doing much better lately but it will still be hard for me to hit these levels for daily badges.  I'd like to see the option to maybe select a job type so that the system could create badges that were more realistic to what you might be able to do and what would be considered great milestones for your lifestyle.  I know this machine is meant to get you walking and exercising as much as possible and that everyone should take 10,000 steps a day, but how about giving people the option of selecting their levels, which would then create aggressive, but doable, goals for them?  That way, you get to see more badges, which is much more motivating.


I also agree with everyone that more creative and fun badges would be interesting to get.  Getting badges for taking the same number of steps in a day as a particular animal or moving the same amount of distance as a particular animal does in one day would be fun to see.


One of the best things and most motivating things about the Nike Fuelband are the trophies (ie. badges) that one can win. They have such a variety that they keep peole going -- and some trophies are only unlocked after someone has attained so many Fuel Points (I guess for Fitbit it would be unlocked after so many life steps).


I would love to see Fitbit start getting creative with badges so that there's more of them to earn to keep people going. Having a 2000 flight difference between one badge and the next sucks the fun out of badges.


Here's a list of the trophies that Nike+ offers to keep people motivated. It would make a good template for what Fitbit could do also.

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