More badges (Add badge ideas here!)

Need more creative badges and trophies rather than just the lifetime records... that could be more motivating.

Here are a few ideas:
- Badge for reaching 10000 steps for 7 days in a row, 15 days in a row, 50 days in a row...
- Badges based on active minutes/calories/kilometers
- How about some more crazy/funny badges like "night owl" for someone who regularly achieves a lot of steps at night, "out of bed" (same principle but for early morning), etc.
- Badges that reflect poor activity; for instance a badge if you don't reach 10000 steps/day once in 7 days, ...

I think that these are all ideas that could really enrich the experience of fitbit users by increasing motivation and I believe they are all relatively simple to implement in the Fitbit system!!

Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

Recovery Runner

Not sure I understand exactly how this system works, or is supposed to work.

This particular thread started in 2013, and has accumulated 17 pages of posts consistently since its start.

With well over 1,000 votes, one would expect that Fitbit would see that the User base is asking for this simply addition.

I say "simple addition" since it does not involve any changes to the physical Fitbit range of products, it is only a change within the Fitbit Application and backend Database.

Having already seen that "Goals" are a real incentive to get users engaged, it leaves you scratching your head, as to why there is a ceiling on those Goals, and the reluctance of Fitbit, to listen and aid its user base. It is one of the quickest ways to loose that engagement, that has been built.

The Personal Health tracker market is getting to fever pitch, where users are looking for product sets that deliver what they want, and they will "jump ship" if they do not see their input being valued.

So, Fitbit, give your Programmers and DBA's something to do, and lets see this get some traction.

First Steps
Well said! I have had a fit bit for over 7 years, but am thinking of
switching to another brand that offers more because fit bit pays zero
attention to their user community. Too bad.
Base Runner

Since Oct. 2012 I have 39,600 km but the last badge seems to be pole to pole. There should be a badge for around the world.

First Steps

Weight gain badges similar to the weight loss ones for those of us who want to gain weight.

First Steps

I noticed that after you hit 200 floors there are only badges every 100 floors afterward. It would be nice to have a badge for the 50s in between as well (eg. 250, 350 etc.). 

Recovery Runner

Bike challanges bike workouts to do on your bicycle :bicycle: outdoor activities added and outdoor workouts added to include paddle boarding/ kayaking.  Swimming workouts added. Badges added for all


Okay, Here is my question, as I can't seem to find it elsewhere. How do I change the tile on my dashboard to pop up the newest badge I acquire or to change it to a badge I really want to see? I know that there was a time you could do that... did they do away with that feature? I apologize if this isn't where I should post this, but if anyone knows where I can find this answer, please redirect me to it? I also hope that they come up with new badges soon. It would be nice to get a list of the badge one can get when one signs up on Fitbit for the first time... I know I found a list somewhere, but it escapes me where I found had ALL of the badges available that you can get.


Many thanks,


First Steps

I have achieved 10,000 steps every day for a year now and was disappointed when I did not receive a badge for this accomplishment. Please create a badge, it takes a lot of focus and determination to hit the mark every single day and it would be something to strive for. I’ll even volunteer it as the Team T&B badge as a possible name.

Recovery Runner

10,000 steps every day for 365 days, is a one mammoth effort, and is deserving of recognition.

I, for one, applaud your focus.

It would be really pleasing to see FitBit join in here and give the very many suggestions of this thread some serious action.


There was a post a couple of days ago where a weight gainer was asking about recognition badges, since the focus appears to be on weight loss. We should not forget that there are people who have very different drivers, and all should be given appropriate encouragement for their efforts.


so, once again, I’ll prod FitBit to get their Application developers to design some new badges, and help their FitBit customers achieve more goals. It would be good to hear back from FitBit regarding this thread and suggestion set.


Keeping Pace

I would love to see more badges, too. Not to sound silly, but they're fun to receive.


Getting steps is not a problem for me but meeting my sleep goal often is. Earning a badge for a week of meeting my sleep goal would be a great motivator for me. Or one for going to bed/waking up on time. 

First Steps
I am not a Fitbit employee of course, but I use one, when I joined this link I hoped there was a Fitbit moderator watching this. If there is I hope ideas can be presented to higher ups, since I couldn't find a direct comment link, if a moderator is reading this, please pass the ideas in this link on. You might get a bonus.
Recovery Runner

I’ve just read through this thread in an effort to determine why FitBit have NOT taken any action, and this is what has transpired to date…


The request was opened on 12th Dec 2013.

Since then it has received 1,807 votes(Remember this as there is a post that I’ll refer to which could affect this count.)

To date there are 435 individual ‘comments’. 26 of these ‘comments’ are from 16 FitBit Moderators.

At least 20 of those Moderators comments ‘claimed’ to like/agree/support the various suggestions contained in this thread, yet strangely FitBit has seen fit to ignore the requests/suggestion of its Users.


Back on the 7th Mar. 2015 the original status changed from ‘Under Review’ to ‘Reviewed by Moderator’, which we can assume means it is no longer being actively considered. (I say that, because nothing has happened to implement these suggestions)


Then on 8th Dec. 2016, the status changed to ‘Duplicate’, pointing at two other suggestions, which both had much less ‘Votes’. Not really sure of how FitBit treat this status but decided to plough on regardless.


The most significant post was on 2nd Nov. 2017, where the status changed to ‘Archived’. In this post we are advised that “Your suggestion has been archived and can no longer receive votes or comments.” It goes on to suggest we can add new Feature Suggestions. This immediately makes you think, If all our excellent requests and suggestions are simply ignored, and archived, why would we raise some more? Furthermore, why have a “Feature Request”, then do NOTHING about them. (By "nothing" I'm not including the act of 'archiving')


Whilst I haven’t read EVERY post in detail, I did read through a good deal of them, and there are some surprising requests/suggestions, that would not have entered my head, but nevertheless, are MOTIVATORS to FitBit users. (We know this because they have taken the time to sit down and write a Post.) By in large the majority are calling for INCENTIVES, and in achieving those Badges/Trophies, it helps drive the Users to reach the next goal and keep them ENGAGED. When you reach the end of the line, there is a tendency to STOP. (You don't see Usain Bolt running through the 100m finish line and keep running to the 200m line, or the 10k, 20k, etc..., NO, he's reach the final goal, there's nothing left, so STOP.)


Below are those 15 Moderators, in the hope that they ALL receive this post, and realise that the FitBit User community are still actively seeking some action on this particular subject. Maybe they can, collectively, put our suggestions forward to the Developers (with some force), and educate them on what could be an EXTREMELY valuable feature set.

AlvroFitBit, Justin, MatthewFitBit, Zepleahy, MelissaFitBit, Derricks, LucyFitBit, CindyFitBit, SantiFitBit, AlejandraFitBit, MarleeFitBit, HeyDayFitBit, SolangeFitBit, MarleneS, YojanaFitBit.


NOTE. My original post included URLs to the 15 Moderators, but this was NOT allowed, so I've had to amend, and send a COPY to each individual.


And finally, I/We, would be grateful to receive some engagement from FitBit on this subject. I’m sure I speak for many of the contributors here, when I say, it feels like we are talking into an empty cave.

Try not to stand aloof, ENGAGE with your user community, and promote your own ideals of ENCOURAGEMENT… PLEASE.

First Steps
Amen! Motivation is the key reason for adding more badges & I agree some suggestions have been really creative. Fitbit, please listen!

5K Racer

I really don't understand why FitBit doesn't have lifetime step badges when their entire branding (at least in the beginning) focused on STEPS.  We have lifetime floors and lifetime distance, but not lifetime steps?  You can't even find lifetime counts on the app, you have to login to the dashboard.  I'm willing to bet 99% of FitBit users have no idea the FitBit dashboard even exists.  


Why can't the app give you your lifetime metrics? 


We definitely need:

- Lifetime Step Badges

- More Lifetime Floor Badges

- More Lifetime Distance Badges

- Better pacing of the Lifetime Distance badges 


Recovery Runner

We keep throwing ideas at them But they yet have not done anything 😢

Distance Runner

@Heather-S- There are lifetime badges for steps and floors. You can see them all (easily) here:

5K Racer

@EricJRW - Please re-read my post.  There are NOT badges for lifetime steps.  There are badges for DAILY step counts (i.e. the shoe and boot badges -- Hiking Boot, Blue Suede Shoes, etc).  But not LIFETIME STEPS -- example, if you walk 5 million lifetime steps, there are no badges rewarding you for your total step count since joining FitBit.  


We have badges for LIFETIME Floors and Distance, but not Steps, which is very weird to me.  

Distance Runner

Daily steps translate into lifetime distances and climbs.

Recovery Runner

I think there should be a Round the World Badge for those who have walked around the world at the equator (24, 902 m). 

First Steps

Hello Fitbitters,  what would be nice to for a new type of badges is on for continuous days over 10,000 or whatever your goal is.  However like the distance badges you can make them more interesting such as the number of days as the Calgary Stampede (10), days that the Mars Rover was operational, how long it took Colombus to cross the Atlantic.  Use your imagination to make it as interesting as possible.  Cheers!


We need more  badges for after pole to pole. Motivation gone once you reach the top.

Recovery Runner
There should be an equatorial badge--around the earth at the Equator--among
other badges.
First Steps
Should be called either Magellan or Francis Drake badge
First Steps
First Steps
Yes, I would like one,but I am only a quarter of the way there.
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