Music App for Versa in India

I recently upgraded to Fitbit Versa and was really looking forward to using the music feature in it. Sadly, Pandora and Deezer both the apps are not available in India. The only option is to transfer the music from the laptop which is really outdated since everyone stream music these days. Please help us by keeping an app which is available in India as there are a lot of users of Fitbit. I honestly don't mind switching to a different app but having no option at all is just heartbreaking. Smiley SadSmiley Sad


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Hi @priyalm, this is a good suggestion.  I think that users in India will like this suggestion, let's see how many people vote and comment this idea.

Stepping Up

Hey It would be better if you guys can collaborate with Gaana, Saavn, Amazon Music, Wynk etc in India to provide music streaming service in India as the way to manually upload the media by connecting it to Windows 10 specifically is a really cumbersome.


I am 1st time user of Fit bit from India and Versa is the device i chose. its smart look is impressive. However, music service (Transferring process and available online streaming options), is something that has least impressed me. I agree with above comments, please add some Indian music services.

@priyalm wrote:

I recently upgraded to Fitbit Versa and was really looking forward to using the music feature in it. Sadly, Pandora and Deezer both the apps are not available in India. The only option is to transfer the music from the laptop which is really outdated since everyone stream music these days. Please help us by keeping an app which is available in India as there are a lot of users of Fitbit. I honestly don't mind switching to a different app but having no option at all is just heartbreaking. Smiley SadSmiley Sad


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First Steps

Yeah agree ... i have purchased a ionic and dissapointed to see that no music app is supported in india. This is so archaic !

First Steps

Oh, yes! So many streaming apps available in India, it's time we can use these services on the versa. Amazon music would be a better bet here, as the app is going to be global with country specific subscription which they cater to. Else there are others also. But definitely a need to give this feature to the Indians.

A whole of lot us won't bother to search this far and comment. Took me 2 weeks to reach this forum to comment

First Steps

Please support apps like Saavan, Amazon Music that are available in India for Fitbit Versa 

First Steps

Hi, The feature helps a lot to users from India and also helps fitbit to promote sales in India .. Please add support to music apps in India Gaana, Wynk, Amazon Music, etc. As now its the trend of online music streaming than downlaod and play

First Steps

Bought my Versa 3 days back and am regretting, as though I was able to download software FITBIT CONNECT on my Macbook, it is not giving the option of choosing my fitbit device as VERSA.

It does name all the other models though.This means that the music installation facility is also unavailable for Versa on the Desktop .

Puja Mittal
Insta:TheFitter You

First Steps


Bought my Versa 3 days back and am regretting, as though I was able to download software FITBIT CONNECT on my Macbook, it is not giving the option of choosing my fitbit device as VERSA.

It does name all the other models though.This means that the music installation facility is also unavailable for Versa on the Desktop .

Puja Mittal
Insta:TheFitter You

First Steps

Very true as mentioned by gentleman.. they have add gana, savaan etc to this device.. and also transfer local music via same Fitbit app not desktop based..


@YojanaFitbit @


I just ordered a fitbit and realize that there is no support for music :musical_notes: apps like Saavn. That's a big regret. As  we tend to spend more time with music :musical_notes: on AirPods during travel.


Any plans of supporting these music apps soon? 

First Steps

Yes, having these options Gaana, Saavn, Amazon Music would really help Indian consumers.


@YojanaFitbit what is the status of this request. Already have 15+ votes and many of them might not be able to to this thread.


Can we have an ETA on this ?


Yes pls! Badly needed Saavn app on fitbit.

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First Steps

I second the idea of connecting Versa with gaana,  saavn or other streaming app. This will give Fitbit a big boost in the market of smart watch also.

First Steps

I recently bought Versa in India and found out no music support in India. Is there any update if it will be coming at all for Indian users of Versa? 


Requesting any updates on feature suggestions?

First Steps

This is totally disappointed to see that in India no music app available to support fitbit versa 

First Steps

Yes. Fitbit needs to think of providing Indian music apps such as Gaana etc. Because, as recently heard, most of Indian not buying this product for reasons like it doesn't support Indian music apps and not able to control music which is running in your phone. At least they could have provided option to sync your own playlist from mobile app. Its bit difficult to sync your songs from Fitbit desktop application(for me at least) because, most of the times I do face wifi issue in fitbit mobile app. It doesn't remembers last connected network 😞  

First Steps

The Amazon Music app should be available for all fitbit users, regardless of geographical location.

First Steps

It will be great if apps like Saavn or Gaana is included.




I've had my Ionic for nearly a year now and here is the my view :

1- The Fitbit is by no means a user-friendly smartwatch

2- I bought the watch to help me with music while in the gym. If I am playing music(of the 2 songs I had managed orignally) and then go back to time, I have to press the left button...

3- moving music to this Ionic is a pain

4- the Fitbit app doesnt work on Windows 7(atleast not for Ionic) !

5- came back to India and lo - the Music Apps dont work ! No option to add any new local(Gaana, Saavn)

6- the payment option doesn't work

7- if the above was not enough, the notifications dont work after the upgrade to anddroi8.1 on my OnePlus6T !


It is just impossible to manage this piece of hardware....I wish I could return it ..


Fitbit Support team - do you want your customers to go through all this and know the answers/check compatibility for a thousand things before they purchase a product ?  Is the product manager even listening ?


By the way, I met someone today, who bought a Versa2 and he is not happy either ! Similar issues and it is high time you take note of the honest feedback...


I hear that Google has bought Fitbit, hoping to see some changes soon...


A very very disappointed customer.


Not applicable



I am new to versa 2 family and in India other music collaborated are functioning. 


Is there any scope Fitbit collaborating with Ganna or Amazon.Music apps in where we can listen hassle free, transfering music from laptop is soo outdated 


@Fitbit this is heartbreaking, plz collaborate with Indian Apps


First Steps

yes please provide a music service in india as well

First Steps

Yes pls
There should be an app for the same .
Best regards,

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First Steps

Except spotify there is no app which can be used in India.. there should be support for more apps as per country.

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