Music OFF/ON control

Please give users an option to TURN OFF the music option on the Fitbit Blaze.  I have sat down in MANY meetings where I cross my arms and my phone begins playing music (loudly!).  I have the option to allow notifications... so, I think it's appropriate to give users the OPTION to turn off music control.  Turning off Bluetooth shoudn't be the only alternative!  Thx


Moderator Edit: Added Labels


I didn't see anything for this in the search that I did. 


It would be wonderful if there was the ability to sync music to the Blaze (with bluetooth headphones) so that you didn't need your phone to listen to music during a workout. I know other watches like the Fossil Q-Watch and Apple Watch have this option. Even if it's not the Blaze and on a future product I think it would be a great feature to add and I'm sure others would feel the same way! 

First Steps

Please add the capability of adding a small music library to the FitBit Blaze and other like devices (like is available on other competing devices) so you don't have to carry your phone while working out. This would be a great addition to an already awesome product!

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

I like this idea about having music library in Blaze, but this is not possible due to tech limitations. Thanks for stopping by!

First Steps

So I keep having the music turning on even when not touching the phone or my fitbit. It has happened three times and all since I got my fitbit. Extremely unhappy since it has been twice during meetings and once during a funeral. Please allow us to turn off music control and FIX THIS BUG. 

First Steps

This happened to me today in a meeting. Took me a while to figure out what caused my music to start playing on my phone. It didn't go down very well I'm afraid to say. This is a much needed update, give us the choice to ruin meetings and funerals. 


There are options to turn off Heart rate and Quick View, let's be consistent and add Music.  I have had the same unexpected music start up in a quiet office. Please add this feature.  

Base Runner

I want to join this request as well. I've had my music Turn On by accident and that uses a battery which I can't afford. I turn off quick view and other options to save battery why can't I turn off this without turning off all my notifications

Recovery Runner

Yes please can we have the option to turn the music control on or off.


I am getting extremely frustrated when I want to stop/start, rewind or forward a track using the controls on my bluetooth headset, only to find that I can't because the Blaze has the controls and I then have to use the Blaze to do those tasks. I hate that, I want to continue to use the controls on my headset. I think the user should have control over this feature, very silly not to allow the user to be able to disable this feature if they want to.

First Steps

Yes! Wholeheartedly agree. Very obnoxious when I cross my arms and music starts playing in the middle of a discussion or meeting. Would really appreciate a music on/off option asap. 


This is a big enough bother that I may look for another watch and encourage others to avoid getting a Blaze.


As with many others who have commented on this request, I too have had my music start in an office meeting and it didn't end well. All it would take is an on/off feature on the screen just like the on/off option for notifications. Please add this!!

Recovery Runner
I tend to listen to music whilst I am travelling to and from work. I have a bluetooth headset with all the controls on the headphones which is much easier than lifting my arm to control via the blaze. However because I cannot switch off the music control, the blaze takes over the controls which is very very annoying. To resolve this issue, I now turn off the bluetooth connection between the blaze and my phone so my headset can take control. I should have to do this if FitBit made an on/off feature for the music. Please please can you add this feature.
First Steps

Can you make app for the blaze on your phone app where by you can storage some music which can be transfer to blaze

Community Legend

The Blaze doesn't have enough memory or the ability to play music, this request would require redesigning both the software snd the hardware in the Blaze.

First Steps

My music (or podcast) control issues happen when I am giving a test. It's so embarrasing and disturbs the students' concentration. I really wish I could turn it off!!

First Steps

Please give us the option to turn off music control. I listen to Sirius XM while cutting the grass and the blaze keeps changing tracks constantly.

First Steps

This is the worst thing about the blaze. It starts music seemingly at random and isn't available when tracking a run which would be the only time I would want to use it.  Instead it routinly embarrasses me in meetings.

@McDraw wrote:

Please give users an option to TURN OFF the music option on the Fitbit Blaze.  I have sat down in MANY meetings where I cross my arms and my phone begins playing music (loudly!).  I have the option to allow notifications... so, I think it's appropriate to give users the OPTION to turn off music control.  Turning off Bluetooth shoudn't be the only alternative!  Thx


First Steps

I agree! I just came from a meeting where I did not touch my FitBit (but I did cross and uncross my arms many times) to find out from my coworkers that my phone (which was left at my desk) randomly started playing a podcast VERY loudly! So embarrassing. We need the option to turn off music control. Please add the feature!!

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @McDraw! I appreciate the time you took in order to place this suggestion and thank you all for voting too. At this moment turning off the Bluetooth is the best option to turn off the Music Control feature. I want to mention the even though we're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

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