Sharing GPS map to social media

Sharing a walk to social media (say Facebook) doesn't work correctly. It invites you to take a photo that then gets tagged along with the walk data (not the map feature) Which is then shared. Surely this is wrong, the map picture with the outlined route that you have walked with the detail of that walk should be shared, not a picture that may have been taken after that has no relevance to the walk data.


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity, labels and format.

Base Runner

Map my run and runkeeper allow you to post your completed activity as a map to Facebook.  This seems simple ... when will i be able to do this with my Fitbit Flex? .... I feel somewhat antiquated .. 🙂


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I was really dissapointed that my Fitbit Surge could not share mapping data on facebook.  It's one of the most fundimental things to share and is why Runkeeper and Map my Run are so popular.  Fitbit need to get this sorted sooner rather than later.... if free apps can do it then surely it cannot be that hard.


Fitbit:  improve the share options you give to your users.  $250 is a lot to pay to record achievements in detail but be unable to share selected elements from your dashboard ie maps

First Steps

Hi there,


I could not find this feature on the fitbit app(ver 2.5). 


For now the workaround was to take a picture of the map and then linking the image to Twitter/Facebook. As an example,


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First Steps

Add Nike + GPS to the list of apps that post to your Facebook Page with a map.


This is a great idea, and already in use by all your competitors. MapMyRun, MapMyFitness, Cyclemeter, etc, etc...


It's great to share the map so friends and other riders can get ideas as to new paths, trails, etc...


Need to be able to post workout to Facebook.  Cycle app and many others do that well. 

First Steps

As I understand that posting from the Fitbit app to Facebook is disabled, I hope that this will not always be the case.

I have been shown the IFTT app by customer service. I'd ask that "exercise" be a field to be posted. Like almost all other running apps, when the run is done I have been able to post "just finished a 3.1 mile run". It would be nice if Fitbit could do that. The main reason I purchased the Surge was the onboard GPS for my runs and it's sad the app won't let me post it


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I completely agree.  Every app, tracker, gps watch etc has this ability.  I love everything about the Surge, except this oversight.

Not applicable

I would like this too.   Before I got my Fitbit I was using Runkepper and liked I could post after I did a cycle.

Not applicable

Really wish this was available.  Have friends that use Map My Run and would like to do the same.  If not that, then my steps and distance.    

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Thanks for stopping by @BikerBen! I'm glad to let you know that this feature is available at our iOS and Android app, it's so cool! You can share GPS activities you track using your mobile phone, known as MobileRun among others.


You can learn more about sharing exercise accomplishments at our help article. Enjoy it!

Good luck! Woman Wink

Thank you!!!
​You are getting close, but we would like to be able to post a gps map of
our run. Am I missing something where that is now available?​
First Steps

Hey @CindyFitbit,


Thanks for the feature and response. Appreciate it 🙂 


I am going to pick your brain here, I use a Surge wherein I have to manually select the Execrcise > Bike in the tracker. Upon fixating a GPS signal, I start the ride. 


From the KB article that you've shared, I don't think it's still possible to share my GPS track ? Because, when I go to the specific Exercise and select share, I don't see the GPS track/image. I may be missing something here. 

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Moderator Alum

Hey @digen you are right, my apologies for the confusion! At this time it's not possible to share the map, now this feature only allows to take or select a picture and then share the stats for the workout. I have corrected the comment above, again, sorry for the mistake. 

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Thanks for stopping by @digen! It would be great to have the option to share the GPS maps during exercises in social media. We appreciate you took the time to share your ideas with us.

See you around! Woman Wink

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Moderator Alum

Hey @Downsymarcellyyou are right, my apologies for the confusion! At this time it's not possible to share the map, now this feature only allows to take or select a picture and then share the stats for the workout. You can comment and vote for this existing previous suggestion.


See you around! 

First Steps

@CindyFitbit No problem. Thanks for looking into it. Is there a timeline that you could perhaps give us ? 

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Moderator Alum

Thanks for your understanding @digen. At this time we do not have a time frame, but rest assured we hear you and will review this suggestion. We hope this can be implemented soon! 


Keeping Pace
I love the fact that we can now share our exercises via the iOS app. However, I'd much rather share the route map for my runs, than a selfie! I know that other running apps allow for this but I think it would be great is this could be incorporated into the Fitbit app. Given that any tracked runs display a map of your route in the app, I'm guessing that sharing this map shouldn't be too difficult?
Recovery Runner
It would be good to be Able to share run data including route map (instead of a selfie) to social media. Include distances, times, calories - or even better let the user customise what they want to share
First Steps
Any chance of a closed group for Fitbit users. I do not want all the people I know to know I and back training and am sure I am not the only one.



I know that fitbit allows you to post your recent activity to facebook, but it is with a picture only, for me, I don't care to have my sweaty face pasted on facebook Smiley LOL  I would certainly post my work-out activities on facebook if not having to take a pic was an option, or as an alternative maybe have some saved pictures or clip art to choose from.  

Not applicable

I also would like to see the map of the route I've traveled in the Shared exercise. Thanks for contributing to the Feature Request board. I encourage you to keep participating.

First Steps

I have used mapmywalk previously and saw Fitbit now has an Moble app for exercise sharing. I have tried it several times and it is very good.... GPS usage, integration with my HR.....Except when you go to share on FB for example you cannot share the map of your exercise, only a photo ! Sorry but part of sharing on mapmywalk for example and on FB is to allow others to try your route. Commercially all the other apps I have tried allow you to do this. I think it is something if not added may deter some like me from using it.


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