Option to disable "Fitbit Today Insights"

I find the tips of the "Fitbit Today Insights" to be irritating in the extreme, and was sorely disappointed to find on the support boards that there is, in fact, no way to turn this feature off. I have been a happy Fitbit user for literally years and look at the app several times a day. I detest the "Fitbit Today Insights" feature so much. I use this device as a tool and have no interest in algorithmic suggestions from this company. 


Moderator edit: Word choice.

First Steps

I originally tried to send the screenshot from my iPhone but that comment window doesn't even have the photo icon, and it doesn't have the Choose File button at the bottom. You may be referring to an older version of your comment window. This one has no option for navigating to a photo. The only path I see is to put my fitbit in my Vitamix blender for the sheer satisfaction of it. I am fast running out of patience with the new and more annoying app.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @GrantKellerThanks for taking the time to share this image. I'll change the status of this FS. Thanks for your help.

First Steps
I couldn't agree more. Just give us an option to remove this spam from the

All Fitbit has to do is pay one of their programmers to provide it.
First Steps

I have a iPhone 6s plus and I built my own PC for video editing, so it doesn't have a model designation. It runs the Windows 10 Pro 64 bit OS on an intel i7-5960x CPU with 64 GB of RAM and several terrabytes of storage in a RAID array. 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @KIM9 and @GrantKeller! thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. Post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

I sent you a long comment where I mentioned there is no Choose File button on the comment window at the lower left corner to let me add a screenshot for you to look at. I don't know where it went after I sent it, but I don't see it here.


Please believe that your app now posts random tips that cover the upper third of the app window on my phone. I used to enjoy the "reward" display the old version of the app showed me when I passed one of my goals. Now the tips hide them from me. Please either roll back the app to the original version or let us turn off the annoying tips.

First Steps

Another vote to remove the REALLY annoying "tips". I want an activity monitor and then live my life according to my own needs and want's. Having an app be "helpful" is really not what I want or need. Actually, why not make the "new experience" optional? I liked the previous interface, free from condescending tips and constant upsell adverts....

First Steps

Agreed. Please, please, please let me turn off these awful tips. They’re annoying, unwanted, unsolicited, condescending, intrusive, often flat-out wrong and occasionally bizarre.


I use Fitbit for exercise. That’s it. That’s what I signed up for. In spite of the fact that I am have had to exchange every single mode of Fitbit I have owned at least once prior to upgrading (they simply stopped working), I come back to Fitbit for the overall quality and functionality of the app ecosystem: it’s always been straightforward and user friendly, *and customisable*. I didn’t have to see or track anything I wasn’t interested in. 


Not only are these comments being shoved down my throat, I don’t even like the new dashboard.

Stepping Up

Please, please please stop the Fitbit Today Insights or allow the user to turn them off. Thank you.

Base Runner

+1 to this

First Steps

I fear Fitbit isn't interested in spending any money to remove this "feature" no matter what we say; otherwise. they would have responded by now. All they have done is ask for screenshots and not provide any way for us to send the shots to them. Another example of a good idea gone sour in execution. I believe I can get along just fine using MyFitnessPal without the Fitbit input.


I am just about to throw my Fitbit in the trash and be done with them for good.

Tempo Runner

Every morning when I open the app (iOS), a quarter of the screen is taken up by some bland "fun fact" about sleep or mindfulness or something. I can make it go away by clicking on it, but I can't find a way to stop those things from showing up in the first place. Please please please let us make those optional.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @groundzero! Thanks for taking the time to share your idea about making the Fitbit Today Insights optional on the Fitbit app with us! This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. Don’t forget to post a comment and click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

Tempo Runner

I hate these! If there are people who actually like them, then why not let those people opt IN? or at least let the rest of us opt OUT? I check my app to see my own stats, not bland 'fun facts' that I don't need. Why do I need a message taking up half the screen telling me I should walk each day? If you'd let me see my own steps, then I'd know how much I was walking each day. You cover up my sleep to tell me I should sleep. I mean, come on. (If you do take them away, please do not replace them with upselling to other Fitbit products.)


When I open my dashboard on my phone, easily 1/3 of it at the very top is a "health tip" I have already seen a thousand times before. And frankly, some of them are insulting to one who already takes her health seriously. However there does not appear to be a way to remove them permanently and I am tired of clicking the x every single time. It seems like it is a more than daily occurrence. Please make this stupid cluttered irritating "feature" go away, or at least allow a user to customize display to remove it. Makes me not want to use the app anymore.


I agree.  It's unnecessary and unwanted clutter.  I've searched for a way to disable this, but there doesn't seem to be any.  This is another bad design choice.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @OPA5001. Thanks for explaining why you'd like to have the option to disable the today insights from the Fitbit app with us. This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. Don’t forget to post a comment and click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

I hate these in app notifications. I have a lot of dietary sensitivities and follow a specific protocol so these suggestions are more than annoying, they are inane. They don’t apply to everyone and these should be able to be shut off. Your app doesn’t know what people need nutritionally. Please allow people to turn off all notifications. I don’t want to be bothered by them. Thanks. 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Witchyvet! Thanks for explaining why you'd like to have an option to disable the Today Insights with us! This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. Don’t forget to post a comment and click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps
Are you planning on doing anything to address the problem other than moving
our requests somewhere else? I used to manage a software development team
and this is a very minor request for a competent programmer.
First Steps

In one of the recent updates Fitbit started posting messages at the top of a user’s summary pages. A user should be able to opt out. It’s intrusive. Thank you!!  

First Steps

Track cardio minutes in addition to active minutes

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @RossBielak! Thanks for sharing your idea about having an option to disable the Fitbit Today Insights with us. This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. Don’t forget to post a comment and click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


I am a long-time Fitbit user and have purchased each new model and now have the HR3. The tips feature is horrible, and I should have the option to turn this off. We are all busy and having to do an extra step is beyond annoying. 


"Insights" or "Tips and tricks" or whatever this incredibly annoying "feature" is called has driven me away from my Fitbit. Having to dismiss "Insights" to view my stats is an absolute deal breaker. It is completely inconsiderate of users (i.e. your customers) not to mention perfectly ignorant of good UX. I've downvoted every one before dismissing but they still pop up. There must be a way to disable this in order for me to resume use of my Fitbit. Please email me when this feature is gone or disabled -- until then, my Fitbit sits in a drawer and I've deleted the app. Problem solved.

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