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Many countries favour using Kilojoules instead of calouries for enrgy input and output. Please add the option to choose in all relevent dashboard areas.
I agree completely. That is why I have resurfaced this thread because I find Fitbit’s attitude both irrational and arrogant. I personally will be telling people to use Samsung trackers instead as they are compatible with both Android. AND IOS
It is such a simple calculation - just multiply your calorie by 4.184. If it could be done for all other units of measure, why not this one? It does appear that Fitbit’s lack of implementation is a deliberate decision for some arcane reason.
Exactly, this is why I bought and use an Apple Watch now. My FitBit is gathering dust. About to unsubscribe from these posts but it’s kinda fascinating how silly they are being over this issue.
I've been waiting for this feature since 2016 and others have been waiting longer.
Guys, a unit conversion is one line of code.
Every developed country except the US uses the metric system, in which the standard unit of energy is the Joule. I just don't get why you have metric options for every other unit and not energy. You can get this done. You really can. This is your time, your day, your moment, to shine. Grab one of your eager-to-impress dev team interns and give them the opportunity of a lifetime: bring happiness to legions of exotic foreigners who can only dream of living in a country that uses Imperial units. Please, pretty please, throw us a bone out here in the wilderness; drop in a unit conversion and a toggle switch.
We, humble non-Americans of the world, will sing songs of gratitude in our exotic languages and dream sweet dreams of the stars and stripes.
Congratulations on your perfectly penned reply, this is the best response yet! Do you mind if I assist your fame further and share it to Facebook and tag Fitbit? Your esteemed wit requires lauding! Yours in Joules! Mumma Campboli
Go for it, have given up on Fitbit, They only care about US based customers. All that effort to expand beyond their home shores is wasted by arrogantly ignoring a feature that is so requested and so simple to implement.
I see this has generated a lot of comments, many quite pointed. I am contemplating purchasing a new Fitbit but am worried that this particular, very straightforward request appears to be ignored. This may well affect my decision to buy.
It is simply irrational that Fitbit would partially address the issue of metrics and ignore the one important element, energy.
The most interesting comment I have seen in this thread regards the point that the USA which fights so very much for its independence and republicanism would retain an archaic imperialist system of measurement. Not even the English themselves use this antiquated system of pounds, inches, gallons, calories, etc. Yet America retains its colonialist past, clinging to its historical roots at all cost. The penny really drops (excuse the pun as America sticks to the use of the term penny in currency even though they are cents, a metric measure) when in many stores you can buy litres of products with an energy measure in calories!
Sometimes the most simple changes take the longest to occur........
Nearly at 1000 votes! Unfortunately far too late for me. My 2016 Xmas present was returned to the retailer in April 2017. Whilst the calorie to kJ conversion issue was a pain, the patronising response to my complaint was really off-putting and dumb. The swim counter functionality however was the more serious issue. Some days I was credited with 1 lap(50m) and sometimes 10 km! Thank God the retailer did not have to go to Fitbit to validate my claim or I'd still be waiting.
Well - there are currently 498 comments about this feature being absent on the FitBit and I am adding my request - there are probably many more Aussies than this who are using FitBit, and up until now I have just not bothered to log my food intake - and it looks like I will have to continue with this because I don't have the time or inclination to calculate all food in calories !!
My Fitbit telling me how many calories I’ve burnt means nothing to me as I can only relate to kilojoules. Please add in a simple option to change to kilojoules!
I understand why there aren't more votes for this idea. It so darn hard to FIND this then go through all the nausea to vote and comment. In addition, this failure to provide such a basic requirement (calorie to kilojoule) to meet customer needs shocks me. Very poor form Fitbit. 😡
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