Option to use all features on Fitbit Sense without Fitbit Premium

Fitbit Premium should be reserved for complementary products and services, not data access/analysis. Fitbit has chosen to put the data that differentiates the hardware behind a paywall, leaving the hardware undifferentiated. This is a doomed (and lazy) strategy.

Recently I got a chance to use fitbit premium. One of my relatives had it. It's not worth it.


I thought the main advantage would be that all the premium "clutter" and other garbage would be gone from the app, but this is not true. There's still a pile of popups. Even with premium you have "fitbit now", which is the stupid popup at the top of the app, that advertises various new-age woo garbage like, Deepak Chopra. Seriously? What next? Is fitbit going to be partnering with Goop Labs to show you ads for Gwyneth Paltrow's $150 coffee enema kit? (Yes, that is a 100% real thing. No, I do not advise getting it).


Finally I was able to give myself an uncluttered fitbit experience by basically taking a knife to the mobile app and cutting out all the useless junk. Fitbit Now popups? Gone. Full-screen popup ads to buy new fitbit products?? Gone. All the places where it nags you to "BUY PREMIUM!!!!!111" - also gone. This requires some reverse-engineering of the app, and I only know how to do it on Android. It won't actually unlock the premium features, but it get rid of the nags, upsells, and calls to action. But if you are interested in something like this, hit me up.


Recovery Runner

It is pretty bad that some data are hidden in the paid 'premium' app, but it is adding insult to injury that Fitbit has partnered with an anti-science woo-meister. I cannot in good conscience buy 'premium' while someone like Deepak Chopra is associated with it - he's not getting any of my money - and I'm not sure it's worth buying Fitbit hardware if some of my data won't be available without a 'premium' subscription. After years of being a Fitbit customer, I'm now looking at a Garmin, Samsung or even Xiaomi alternative.

Stepping Up
That is exactly what I did. After years using fitbit both me and my wife went to Garmin as well a some of my friends

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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First Steps

I have a Fitbit sense. Chose it over the versa 3 because of the extra measurements it makes. I also regret having bought it. It feels like I only had Fitbit sense for 6 months, because after the free trial finishes one no longer can use many of these features. As if paying 300 for a Fitbit sense wasn't enough. Needless to say, most likely this is the last Fitbit I'll get: the watch per se isn't competitive with an apple watch or a Samsung in terms of usability and (non health tracking) features, and for the health tracking features one gets after the trial period, it becomes an easy choice. I regret not having realized this earlier. 

Hi There
I feel the same ….
Sent by Alexander Reid M.Sc.
Recovery Runner

Totally agree. If I buy the top tier watch by Fitbit I expect to have all the features enabled for lifetime

First Steps

Recently activated the Sense.  Like all previous comments, unimpressed that my personal health data analytics are not fully available as part of my Hardware Purchase.  No extra fees or subscriptions should be required.  That is certainly how it is being represented.  If people want to go beyond their own personal metrics such as coaching and meditation, a much smaller charge for such non-personal data services would be reasonable ($2-3, not $13).  
I hope Fitbit is listening, as a long time user, I’d prefer to stay, but these pricing shenanigans make other options more appealing.   Thank you


Yup. This is why I didn't get the sense and I still don't regret it
Stepping Up
I no lounger us a Fitbit because of their cooperate greed in wanting me to pay extra for my own data.
It is true that Fitbit has a good device that you pay a good price for, but extra for me data was too much for this old man to take.
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