Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.

Everything about the new design is wrong!  I just went to check my weekly sleep scores & it’s another idiotic graph. You have to tap & hold each day individually to get the actual score for that day. Before your weekly scores were all laid out together & you could see them all at once. Hopefully they’re going to fix all of this soon. I see a lot of people jumping ship already. If it’s not fixed, I’ll be joing them as soon as my device dies. WHERE ARE THE MODERATORS IN ALL OF THIS?? It seems we’re being ignored & they’re hoping we will all give up & go away. Well we’ll go away alright, to a competitor!


First Steps
It seems apparent that no one at Fitbit even wants to appease their customers. Infuriating and insulting! They just send you to the Community Forums to complain to each other but they don’t even honor the questions with a valid response.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
I hate it!! The old one was great! Are you trying to lose customers?? Please change it back!
Recovery Runner
The sleep screen is horrendous and does not track accurately. The readiness score doesn’t populate unless I refresh multiple times. The exercise days is not accurate.
First Steps
Sigh. Please bring back the old sleep display. The new format is terrible
Stepping Up
Yes! Exactly! It’s so blatant, its insulting. This is a David and Goliath
situation. I can just imagine a meeting with someone saying "I don’t think
the customers will be very happy with this change." And then some shmarmy
over achiever not interested in serving customers says, "They'll raise a
little stink for a few weeks, but then they'll all lose interest and fade
away. Who has the time to do anything about it? Eventually they'll just get
tired, worn out or forget and then they'll need a new watch and we'll get
them to buy the google. We'll lose a few loyal customers, but we can afford
that. It's worth it." That's what I keep imagining as how else can this
totally obtuse customer service be explained? No questions answered and
being given the run around when pressed for explanations. Hopefully my
cynicism is ill-placed and there is something different going on, I like to
imagine the best of people if I can, but I feel like all of us dissatisfied
customers are a calculated and "acceptable" risk and loss on someone’s
spreadsheet (no knock against spreadsheets, I love them, when their powers
are used for good). It feels as though we are just a line item of loss in a
larger plan. Even so, Fitbit/Google, it could be done in so much MUCH more
respectful way. Fitbit/Google, you are not just losing customers for a
product, you are losing respect and goodwill...I think you need to add
another column on your spreadsheet for that, those costs are much higher
and last much longer.

If you are not going to budge on this and either revert back or give
customers the option to do so, or do a new uodate that takes into account
these complaints, or even if you are going to do any of that, at least do
the decent thing and communicate with us, your (previously) loyal
customers! Have the decency to tell us directly that you have heard us and
that you do or don’t plan on addressing this and why. And if you really
want to do the right thing, automatically refund all dissatisfied
customers the cost of one years premium (whether or not they choose to
cancel) for basically removing the product we paid for...and while you are
at it, toss in a voucher for the cost of people that are so dissatisfied
having to go out and buy a new watch from another company. You are making
all of us pay for your stubbornness and questionable business practices.

Do better! You can do better, so do better. Please.
Recovery Runner
When I phoned Fitbit on Monday I assumed I was speaking with someone in
England. After spending 45 mins on the phone supposedly restoring my sleep
benchmarks (which hasn't worked afterall) Palblo told me me he was in

I agree with your post 100%

First Steps

The new app is TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why change something that works well???????

First Steps
Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Why the change to display the sleep stats? It's horrible.  My wife can't read the displayed data as well. The data isn't displayed Ina more comprehensive manner. It's like it was changed because it has been a long time since a change was made. Garbage. It's another reason to consider a new device from a competitor. Bring back the old sleep display.

Just want to weigh in on how much I dislike the new sleep chart style. Cluttered, hard to read. Please bring back simpler, cleaner graphics.
First Steps

The “new” layout feels like I’m now working in the old school DOS system and it’s so terrible. Not to mention wildly inaccurate sleep data that is not editable. This is such a heavily used feature that needs remedied. Massive miss by Fitbit with this update.


Agree with all comments! 

Recovery Runner

I agree. I dislike the new format. If my sleep is broken up in segments I cannot access earlier segments to either delete or edit. I can only edit the main sleep cycle. The old chart was much more readable to me. Return to the old format now please. 

Recovery Runner

Looks like I am going to Apple Watch, their metrics are more user friendly.  Sad to say but I've been a Fitbit user for at least 10 years.  

First Steps
Well said!
Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

What have you done. The new upgrade is senseless. I am looking forward to you going back to the older version so I can track my sleep. For my health. If not I will look at other ways to track my health. Thank you 

First Steps
Good morning,

I was talking a the app. I don't like that Fitbit keeps changing the look
of stats. You know the old saying, if it's not broke don't fix it. This is
the second time that Fitbit has decided to change the look of the app.
Whether it's your sleep, or the sleep animal, or your heart rate and
exercise. Why Is there a need to keep changing it?

Thank you, Mary

Yes, agreed - please bring it back ASAP

First Steps
I am a 5 year premium member and will be CANCELING my membership because of the new format. Please email me to rejoin if you give members a chance to chose the new or OLD format. Whoever made this decision needs to be fired!!!

Terrible “update” on sleep. I cannot see why any designer or committee determined the new sleep metrics to be an improvement. Previous design was far superior. And this isn’t a display we will prefer after we get used to it-it is objectively bad. I’ve had three fitbits over about 10 years for both sleep and activity metrics,  and if this display persists I’ll switch to a different brand. 

First Steps

Please bring back the old sleep 

First Steps
Same here. I have the Luxe and now that I had to hook up with goog;le, I
have to put up with their "updates" that ruin the reason I got my new
fitbit. smh
First Steps
So does the former graphic for sleep show up properly on IPhone? I have an
android and the sleep graphic was "updated" and now is pretty much useless.
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