Please add ING Bank to Fitbit Pay (The Netherlands)

Dear Fit Bit Pay responsible,


For all NL users of your Fitbit Ionic, could you please make sure only ONE bank in our country is contracted as soon as possible? Preferably this is ING Bank, the biggest one in The Netherlands with > 8 million (private) clients (= 47% of the population). 


Without any Dutch bank the whole feature is useless, so please TAKE ACTION if you want to increase your customer satisfaction that is currently dropping dramatically...


Kind regards,



The Netherlands. 


Moderator edit: Topic for clarification 

Recovery Runner
Good news

It works !!! YAY

I can now pay with my Fitbit. Is there plans to add multiple cards such as
my credit card as well as my Rabo Maestro?



Hi Danny, you can already add multiple cards. I added my ABN AMRO bank card and my Bijenkorf Mastercard.

Recovery Runner
I was thinking more like my credit card (Mastercard)


Sent from my iPhone

I was so happy and both myself a Charge 3 SE so I can use fitbit pay. But now I can't get my card in. As soon I press on my wallet in de fitbit appit stay's looking for connecting and don't let me continue 



@Dees2011 This is probably an app problem and not related to pay. I had the same issue. Reinstalling the app worked for me.


Tried that also already . But nothing . Desperate 

Recovery Runner

So far I am not so happy with Fit Bit-Pay.  It has potential, but not there yet.




Sometimes it works, but not reliably. I cannot leave my card at home.   I get messages such as use the reader, sometimes taking the watch off and using some distance bring the watch to the reader slowly works. But at the moment it has the value of a gimic. 

@Mausy wrote:

Dear Fit Bit Pay responsible,


For all NL users of your Fitbit Ionic, could you please make sure only ONE bank in our country is contracted as soon as possible? Preferably this is ING Bank, the biggest one in The Netherlands with > 8 million (private) clients (= 47% of the population). 


Without any Dutch bank the whole feature is useless, so please TAKE ACTION if you want to increase your customer satisfaction that is currently dropping dramatically...


Kind regards,



The Netherlands. 


Moderator edit: Topic for clarification 

When is the next update to fix these issues




Recovery Runner

Depends on the shop’s equipment I guess. Works fine with the payment terminals Lidl or AH has. Hoogvliet terminals suck. 

Recovery Runner

Nothing wrong with anyone’s equipment. My pin card works fine. 

Recovery Runner

And the watch?


Had too get a new bankpass with wirreles payment . Got this weekend the new card. Paid yesterday with my fitbit charge 3 without any problem. Super nice 🙂

First Steps

Voting for ING, too.


First Steps

Goedendag, Ik wil een FitBit kopen maar wil wel weten of een ING Mastercard werkt met de FitBit Charge 3. Kan iemand mij duidelijkheid geven? Dank!

Recovery Runner

Nee, Rabo en ABN Amro tot nu toe....

First Steps

oh, omdat er staat Mastercard ( ICS )

Recovery Runner

Creditcard, nog niet geprobeerd. Maar verder werkt het prima


I've used my Mastercard without any problems. I believe all ICS credit cards are now supported.

Recovery Runner

Dear FitBit crew, 


I have had a Fitbit Versa/Ionic for quite a while now (I think about 1.5 years'ish?), ans have been following certain threads, this one being one of them.


Come ooon guys, when will we finally be able to pay with ING NL???

I did see the status ("in concideration"), also noticed a few Dutch banks have been added.


BUT! What about thé biggest bank of the Netherlands, aka ING Bank??

I enjoy usimg my Ionic, but I REALLY wish I could pay with it. Honestly, after changing my watxh FIVE times (due to errors) I cant swe myself buying a FitBit again. I mean, you cant talk on the phone with your watch, like lets say Samsung, nor can you reply to messages, other than the pre-fixed 5 msgs and emojis. 


I have paid quite aome money for this watch: its a beautiful watch, but if I could turn back in time I would MOST DEFINITLY buy a Samsung smartwatch instead. 😞



First Steps

Just started a chat with ING customer service again. The employee stated that ING developed an mobile app which makes it possible to pay with your phone (only Android). I asked if my request can be registered somewhere and that the ING pretends to be an innovative bank so this functionality will suit. The employee gave his personal opinion that it isn't that innovative anymore. She referred to Garmin Pay and that ING would only follow this. The employee expects that there will be a lot of acquirers for wearable payments due to PSD2 regulation.


In a nutshell, they just don't work on it and they don't seem to care.

First Steps

Ad ING please it's a big bank so you make a lot op people happy.

First Steps

Please support ING

Recovery Runner

Dear FitBit, 

I am kimd of SICK AND TIRED of waiting on empty promises to be kept! 

Can you give us what we PAID for, please?! Mind you, there are many smartwatches out there that beat any FitBit in a second! Just to mention a few feats: watches you can pay with, take pictures with and even make or take phone calls with, with other watches you can reply whatsapp etc aswell where FitBit only has 5 pre-set basic messages only. At this point FitBit watches only look pretty on our wrists. I am definitly not buying (or recommending!) A FitBit watch ever again! Mind you...I paid €320 for a watch that doesnt sync properly, doesnt add ING Bank, music transfer is a pain in the *ss aswell, wifi doesnt connect and IF it does, it doesnt STAY connected.



First Steps

Hi Fitbit moderators,


Is there any update on this topic? I simply don't understand that one of the biggest banks in The Netherlands doesn't support Fitbit pay.

Recovery Runner

Please ING!


I think everybody with a different bank than Rabobank and ABN better open an account at one of those 2 banks. It is not Fitbit who make here the problem about not been abble to pay with your fitbit. It is the bank like ING who not support this. Rabobank let you alow too use it for free. ABN ask a small amount for using the wireless payment.

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