Please add Polish to the language list

I would love to buy fitbit for my parents.


Moderator Edit: Updated label

First Steps



I found official site:

On the www address it says /pl/

Plus on the bottom of the site in country selector it says POLAND.


I think that they're testing Polish site and they are preparing for entering Polish market.


FitBit finally and officially in Polish market - that will be interesting.

Maybe someone from FitBit team wants to say us something good ???




First Steps

I have just bought fitbits for me and my wife. I cannot believe that there is no polish language available yet. Can you please add it asap? My wife is cosidering returnig her charge 2 to the shop. She hates English but cannot understant Chinese!

First Steps

Just bought Fitbit for my mother, please add Polish,it will help a lot.




I’d love Fitbit to support Polish language. My grandma and my parents would love it! For now, I’ll let one of them try my Apple Watch... 

Not applicable

Please make a polish language available in ALTA HR. People asks it since 2015 and I think it's a lot of time which passed already. 


Thank you! 

First Steps

So none-english speakers could use that - it would be great if polish language was available. Id love to get those for my parents.

Stepping Up

They do not read this forum.

This is funny because even xiaomi has Polish language.

So they have a long way to a weak xiaomi

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Witam jestem biegaczem i narciarzem. Używałem róznych zegarków do mierzenia aktywności sportowych, od 2018r uzywam fitbit ionic i jestem mega zadowolony, ale mamy teraz 2019r polska jest w UE Wasze produkty sa w wiekszości sklepów z elektronika a j poslkiego jak nie było tak niema

proszę  o dodanie j. Polskiego

Not applicable

Just found out there is no Polish language (and knowing Fitbit it will never be). I wanted to give the Charge 2 to my mother but without Polish it's useless for her (she can't speak English). Another reason to reach to any other competitor company. As far as I am aware, to officially enter the Polish market they would have to prepare the product and fully support the language ( instructions, device UI, app ). I voted here to support other Polish users but don't have any hopes and I will look for another brand to give to my parent.

First Steps

Hello I want too Polish language on my Fitbit app. It is a lot of another company with it

First Steps

Hello, I would like to ask you to add the Polish language to the application. Please also consider adding a notification function when the connection between the watch and smartphone is broken.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Dezyderiusz82!  That’s an interesting idea, thanks for sharing why you would like to have an option to use Polish language on the Fitbit app. I've moved it into a similar suggestion, as the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Hey Fitbit **ahem**!. 


We Poles have been asking for 4 years for you to add Polish language and you continue to ignore us! I'm throwing your piece of crap non-Polish tracker to the garbage can where it belongs and going forward with a company that actually cares about its customers.




Still waiting for the Polish app, my mum would appreciate it a lot!

First Steps

What about Polish language?

First Steps

got this watch as gift and love the design but will have to return it as i cannot use it without polish language. Lack of respoce from fitbit  mods to so many comments from polish users is also dissapointing. There is so many pols that would buy it if PL was an option but do not comment here cause of the shock that in a thing in 2019. Can someone from fitbit pls comment if and when PL language will be available. 

submited with help of eng speaker. 

First Steps


 Is there already fitbit versa 2 with Polish language support? I read the forum, the case has been going on for 4 years. And I wonder between fitbit and garmin. Garmin has Polish version and what about Fitbit Versa 2? I am looking forward for your reply.

First Steps


To be honest, I do not believe there is no response from Fitbit regarding so many requests for the language! Neither practical nor verbal to those comments at least... what is the problem nowdays with that??

I am also hesitating between Fitbit and another smartwatch (M. Kors) and the lack of my mother tongue makes me reluctant to buy Fitbit.


First Steps

We are waiting very long time and we need use application and smartband and smartwatch in Polsih lenguages.

If You cant do this we can help 😁


Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @FlashPL! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request. Post a comment or click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

Hey're really starting to get on our nerves by ignoring our
expectation for a Polish language app.
First Steps

Please add Polish language!!!

First Steps
It grasses too long !!! When I read user reviews on GOOGLE PLAY, nothing
has been done for 2 years !!!
1 day and with Google translator you can translate the English version and
not spoil the company's image.
First Steps

Hello Joyana

Please do something to add polish in app and firmware.

It grasses too long !!! When I read user reviews on GOOGLE PLAY, nothing has been done for 2 years !!!
1 day and with Google translator you can translate the English version and not spoil the company's image.
I am a seller and I use and fitbit products myself. Polish language package is very very necessary.

First Steps
Still nothing....
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