Please add Polish to the language list

I would love to buy fitbit for my parents.


Moderator Edit: Updated label

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How about Polish language ? 
Is there any chance to add Polish language to fitbit app ? 

Lot of people use fitbit gear in Poland.

Anyone knows if there are some apps with polish language that you can synch with fitbit aria ?

I know that endomondo is in polish, but I need app that counts calories, weight, body fat etc.


Thanks 🙂 

Premium User
Progression Runner

Hey @traut! While there's no news on adding Polish to the Fitbit app's supported languages, Fitbit is constantly working to expand. In the meantime, I highly recommend that you share this idea in our Feature Requests forum. This is a great place to get the attention of Fitbit's developers. Let me know if you have any questions! Great to see you in the community!

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We want the Polish language Smiley Happy Nicely please.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Thank you for your contribution @Joasia_S and for sharing it in this board. I bet other users would love to have this language available. I will send your request to our developers so they can take it into consideration.


Any other ideas, feel free to share them out or vote for them. Thanks!

First Steps

Also I want to Polish language!

First Steps
Waiting for it 😄
First Steps



Is there any option to set up language of app, for FitBit Alta, to Polish?


The language on the phone is already set up to Polish, however in the app we have to set up region to Europe, simply cause there is no Poland available. This cause a strange combination where some info, like for example days are in Polish, however everything else is in English.


I got the tracker especially for my mother and lack of her own language is a big problem for her.


Thanks for support.

First Steps

charge hr also without polish language 😕


waste of money Man Mad

Not applicable

Pity 😞 also wanted to buy it for my parents...

First Steps
Prosze dodać język polski do menu i instrukcji

 Just adding my vote and 5 cents in support for adding the Polish language.


As a software developer, I do realize that adding a new language to technically complex products as those offered by Fitbit is no small feat, to say the least, but it would be greatly appreciated by many and would open up an even bigger market for Fitbit.


Fitbit's app offers great usuability and features, and is one of the main reasons why I'm using your products. I've recently upgraded my Alta to Alta HR and gave the old band to my mother. She's enjoying using it and is very curious about her stats and messages she's getting from Fitbit, but since her understanding of English is very limited, she's not getting the full benefits of using your solution. 


Here's to hoping that making the effort of adding support for Polish (and other languages) to Fitbit's products is not too far down on your to-do list!



First Steps

Polish language why not 


I love your fitbit surge and I bough surge for my 69 years old mother ( she is Polish and unfortunately doesn't speak any different language) .

When I purchase fitbit I did not even think I would not be able to change language for Polish  I thought we are in EU and everyone consider us. But unfortunately probably not  Very disappointed.

First Steps

How long we must waiting yet ?


Please add Polish to the language list


It's time to add our language.



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I agree fitbit need add Polish language.

First Steps

Please add Polish language Smiley Happy

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prosimy o język polski 

First Steps
Please add Polish to the language list!

Please consider adding Polish language. The language will improve the use of your products for the region of Poland.


We want polish in Fitbit Ionic !!!

Stepping Up

Hi, also want a Polish language but actually it is more important to have it in your application than in devices in fact.

Hope to see it soon!

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Please add polish language. 

First Steps

Please add Polish language. It would be good if we can add polish food databases too. We all can do it! 🙂

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I'm working in biggest chain of electronics stores in Poland.

We have FitBit products in our offer, but when customers learn that FitBit app is not in Polish language they choosing Samsung products or Garmin because App is in Polish language.

First Steps

Really please add app in polish language. I would be grateful if I can find polish food database too. Please! :3

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