Pregnancy setting/mode for more accurate data


Logging a pregnancy is a must, as is the ammenorheic period due to breastfeeding.  These drastically affect predictions making the app useless for many.  Eg. I have entered my data since 2011.  My periods are like clock work occurring every 27 days... but I have had 4 pregnancies in that time so the app is telling me that my peiods average every 104 days.



Option to add basal body temp and ovulation data (eg. predictor strip).


Moderator edit: title

Recovery Runner

Since they just added the female fertility tracking to the fitbit app, it would be great to add a pregnancy mode to it so the app doesn't try and add suggested periods to your calandar. A pregnancy mode would be great in the app and on the alta hr because as a pregnant woman we gain weight and always have a high heart rate and it would be great to have the app reflect that. I've had my app say I've gained x amount of weight since the last time I tracked my weight.  Would be great if it said gained x amount of weight since getting pregnant.

Recovery Runner

Actually, I'm pregnant and this Women Health feature is usless for me at all. I want to now which week of pregnancy is now and when by child will born. Additionally, this information is important to correct track weight.

Please, add this option ASAP.

Tempo Runner

Leaving out pregnancy is a bug, it's not the absence of a feature.

First Steps

I have read the first two pages of the original thread. There were many valid complaints and concerns. I can't be certain, but it seems as if this setting was removed due to the complaints. I understand if that is the case. However, I think it is still ridiculous to remove the setting altogether. We, general public, already know that everybody's individual needs differ. If a notice on how to make adjustments was made it would be the users responsibility to adjust accordingly. With that being said, the problem with removing the setting all together, and having women comment or vote is that by the time you all have made a decision it won't even be needed by those who were interested. Maybe, in a couple of years, but it already hasn't been available for a couple of years now. Why don't you re-offer the setting and make adjustments as need while it is available? Or send out more personal fitbit newsletters that are relevant to our pregnancies. Trimester or weekly, maybe even teaming up with another company that already does something similar, but doesn't offer that nutritional and fitness tracking that you do. That would be more logical. 

Good luck, hope to see it soon. 

Recovery Runner

@AlexandraFitbit, there are so many awesome suggestions on this thread that would go a long way to increase female interest in the versa/fitbit! 

First Steps

So I think the female health tracker is a fantastic addition to my dashboard however I recently fell pregnant and there is no option to change the settings on the tracker to consider this. I’ve had to just switch it it off instead. I just think it’d be helpful to have an option to select pregnant, especially since it allows you to track other things that ladies like to track when trying to conceive.

First Steps

So far I have been ignoring my goal weight and still logging as usual. But it would be so helpful to have the pregnancy/nursing option! 

First Steps

I just wanted to add my support to this! it super frustrating to have the cycle length and thus also the period and fertility predictions thrown off so badly by this inability to log a pregnancy. Having this feature would also really set Fitbit's female health tracking tile above my other female health tracking apps which also don't let me log a pregnancy or an amennohric period due to breastfeeding. 


I love the new women's tracker! But it needs a pregnancy mode. It keeps predicting a new period, but I know I am months away from my period starting again. Also being able to track your symptoms and having custom symptoms would be great! 

Plus it would help make the app info more acurate as being pregnant changes your body SO much!

1. Target heart rate zones. your resting heart rate increases due to the increased amount of blood. 

2. Required calorie intake. Since you need more food/energy because your body is working harder.  


It would be really great to have some special workouts designed for pregnant women on the Fitbit coach too. Sometimes it's heard to come up with routines that are safe during pregnant women but still help us stay in shape. 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

First Steps

I would love to have various options during pregnancy that so many have suggested, and additionally the ability to have he heart rate monitored closely during exercise while pregnant. I've been told I need to keep my Hr below a certain number and if my Fitbit would vibrate when I hit that number I know to slow down a little without watching the HR constantly while I'm trying to get a good workout in. I'd also appreciate the ability to track and target moderate weight gain/goals on the app based on the trimester you're in. I understand there would be a lot of programming that would go into these changes, but for sure would like the option to click "pregnant" in the cal and cycle tracking.

First Steps

I think it would be beneficial to have a pregnancy setting for the menstrual cycle tracking feature.

First Steps

Hi there,

So I think it would be extremely helpful if you guys implemented a Pregnancy and Breast Feeding setting into the app. I think a lot of mothers would find this appealing.



First Steps

Additionally having fertility treatment as cycle altering would be extremely useful; medicines, IUI, IVF... and when the period doesn’t arrive have an option other than repeatedly moving the start date... I don’t want to change it to next week when hopefully I won’t see it for many months. 

First Steps

An option to log pregnancy for the female tracking option would be helpful. Especially since it is a part of female life. And that way the female tracking is able to stay accurate

Not applicable

I’m actually surprised to discover that there isn’t already a pregnancy mode. It really seems insane that a FEMALE health app doesn’t have this option available. Please add it immediately. 

Not applicable

I suggest making a feature that accommodates all the pregnant people using the Fitbit app. Exercise apps for pregnant woman are astronomically priced and I believe it would be a great addition to Fitbit. There is a huge market of pregnant woman desiring to be more active. Fitbit would be a great way to get pregnant woman to exercise and enable them to continue their exercise routines post-pregnancy. 


This feature should accommodate the Charge 2 fitbit tracker as heart rate is essential to track during pregnancy.

First Steps

Add the pregnancy option. I am at 82 days since my last period and that number is just going to rise. It seems so very short sighted to track fertility but not have a pregnancy option. 

First Steps

The new Female Health Tracking tile is useful but does not yet have all the features I would need to switch over from my other app. For those trying to conceive or using natural family planning methods, it is important to track results from ovulation and pregnancy tests (and some also need to chart their basal body temperature daily). The female health tracking tile would be much more useful if there were a built-in way to log these results.

Recovery Runner
First Steps

I am so glad I am not the only person thinking that the female tracking app needs pregnancy tracking (and for the fitbit app to alter the body expectations during this period)... I am at the tail end of my pregnancy now (2 days till due date) during my pregnancy my heart rate has increased, my body weight (obvs), and my exercise has had to go down, but my calorie goal cannot be edited so thinks I am over every day (when I am not), even though my body is using more calories for the baby. 

I would also like to see a way to put weight tracking on 'pregnancy mode' too, there are recommended amounts of weight to gain during pregnancy for your bmi, which could be an easy template to use. I had to just turn my weight tracking to 'stay the same' but have to work out manually how much weight I have gained since becoming pregnant. 

Adding the breastfeeding option is also a really positive idea, as you use more calories and need to drink more fluids. 

Status changed to: Needs More Info
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @dotcaaahm We wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing suggestions:

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for.

Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions!

First Steps

I’m in pretty good physical shape but since I’ve been pregnant my “cardio fitness” went down to fair-average from good-great. Fitbit should add an option that you’re pregnant. So many variables change in the boy when you’re pregnant and that should be taken into account when evaluating cardio fitness. My doctors said it’s normal for your heart rate to be higher because of the increase amount of blood produced. 


Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Jaqadams22, thanks for sharing this idea. This information will be really helpful to get better information for Cardio Fitness level. Let's see what others think.

First Steps

Love this idea!!! Please add to the Fitbit Versa female health app! Im currently TTC and it would be nice to have more features regarding this as well as pregnancy and nursing! 

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