Quick Replies for iOS Devices

When will it be availible to reply with iOS for apple users. I noticed Versa can reply to text but it says only for android. I will never switch to android and the reply to text is the only thing that Fitbit is missing. Apple Watch does all the same plus reply to text and taking calls. Big miss on Fitbits part. 


Moderator Edit: Title for Clarity/Added Labels

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature for iOS. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQsFor now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. There are a couple of similar suggestions for Preloaded quick text reply and  Reply to text messages (scribble/keyboard), if you are interested in voting there.

First Steps

I agree. The Fitbit is by far the best tracker out there in my opinion but it needs to be dual operating systems. Why not integrate text replies for iOS as well? This is the main feature missing. I sold my Apple Watch to go back to Fitbit for the tracking part of it as it is better for me, however it would be more enticing to buy the new Versa if it had that feature. Also the ability to turn on or off notifications per app. 

First Steps

Please enable quick reply texts for iPhone users 

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone thanks for sharing this suggestion. This is being discussed although I do not have a firm commitment or timeline at the moment. Do continue to vote for this feature suggestion whilst it’s under consideration. It will be coming soon for iOS users (likely in the next OS update).

Please note that if something is under consideration and chosen for development, it can be a while until it's released or until I have any news to share. Please watch this space for any updates! Thanks for your patience.

Base Runner

I also support this feature suggestion. 

Would be a great step! 😊

Recovery Runner

Please enable quick reply for iOS, just got rid of my Apple Watch to buy the Versa but the missing quick reply is really letting it down


It is so exciting that we are now able to reply to notifications on out Fitbit Ionic and Versa’s, however, a lot of people including myself have an IOS devise and quick reply is only available on Android devises. 

Stepping Up

Please bring this feature to us iOS users. 


Would love this feature on iOS!

Base Runner

I would like the Versa to run the same way as in Android devices with Whatsapp, in iOS we have no fast replies. 

Base Runner

I support the idea! I think iOS needs the same features as Android, and as an iPhone user I think it's very useful, hope to see this feature soon. 🙂

First Steps

Just got my Versa and am loving it!  The only thing missing is the quick reply.  Please bring this to iOS users! 

First Steps

I vote for this as well!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make the reply to text feature available to iphone/ios users!!! 


Would love to see Quick replies! My dreams would come true 😂

Recovery Runner

It would be great to be able to respond to text msgs with iphones! Thank you for considering this!

Recovery Runner
Hi All,Smiley Happy
I greatly appreciate any who read my little suggestion. I have been an iPhone user for about 6 years. I love it and have no plans to move on towards android (preference) I have never felt the strong need for an apple watch because I feel as though it lacks in all of the areas of fitness and support. I have been a fitbit user for quite some time as well, and it has been such an awesome journey watching all of the neat new features roll out. I am with you FITBIT 🙂 I think you're moving quickly in the right direction and am so appreciative of it. As a young woman who works an office job as well as leads a pretty extensive social life, and is involved in different extra curricular activities I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the ability to send quick replies, from anything for that matter... if it has to be a separate messaging app I will gladly download it. (obviously THE orginal iOS Messaging app would be best) but i'll take WhatsApp... etc. or even an app that is created to send messages to other fitbit users through their device?? I noticed that there was an app called "Yo" I tried playing around with it.. and didn't really get it. Although I can see the potential of it being a really cool little nifty quick messaging app. I am here for the changes and appreciative for the notifications while I wait. It has made my life a lot less phone-checking-nutty. Am I also allowed to make a suggestion for an agenda app as well? I know that there is an app called My Agenda or something like that.. which I haven't really checked out. I switched my whole calender over to Google from iOS Simply because I wanted to have some access to it from my watch. My agenda is THAT important to me, to be able to see apointments and my daily layout. Will there be any updated apps coming directly from Fitbit regarding Agendas? tasks? To do's??? Thank you for getting through this 🙂 
Lots Of love. 

Please get quick reply for Apple IPhone users 

First Steps

I am a little shocked this is an option for android and not iphone users. I would think they should mirror each other. PLEASE enable this reply feature for ios. Thanks. 

First Steps

Yes please add my vote to add a reply feature for Ionic iOS / Apple iPhone users!!


Yes please add this!!!

First Steps

Please add this feature!!

Base Runner

@SantiR so is this suggestion being considered for the next versa OS update? 

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

@spin41 Hello! I really don't have those details. However, it is a possibility. I will update you all once I have more information about this. 

First Steps

This feature would be so cool in fitbit. But one thing I am scared is that would we be limited only for quick replies defined in iPhone or we could define our own ones for watch (my vote for latter) in settings page?

First Steps

please bring this to iOS.

I also will never use Android but love fitibit for the tracking. I have the Versa and the reply to text messages is only thing missing to make it truly great !

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