Quick Replies for iOS Devices

When will it be availible to reply with iOS for apple users. I noticed Versa can reply to text but it says only for android. I will never switch to android and the reply to text is the only thing that Fitbit is missing. Apple Watch does all the same plus reply to text and taking calls. Big miss on Fitbits part. 


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Stepping Up

I think it is vital that Fitbit does something about this feature as I am sure I am not the only one who is currently deciding between an Apple Watch and the Versa as a smartwatch option. It is possible I will get an Apple Watch because of the lack of this feature. It is an utter let down, especially since the Versa is such a nice smartwatch, that the Apple Watch is ahead of the game on messages for Apple-smartwatch buyers.


I would certainly purchase the Versa if I was told they were to add Quick Replies, as this is a feature I used frequently on my Apple Watch before it broke.

Not applicable

Surpris de constater qu'il n'y a pas de "Quick reply" pour IOS ?! et aussi surpris que Fitbit app ne communique pas avec Health de IOS ?!. Est-ce une limitation technique ou un choix d'affaires? 

Surprised to see that there's no "Quick reply" for IOS and  Fitbit App doesn't talk to IOS Health ?! Is that because for technical reasons or business choices? Humm...

First Steps

I chime in with all other. Though I love Fitbit, I will not switch my iPhone to Android.  I bought Versa due to the fact that it is waterproof and I no longer have to be careful going running in the rain or not wear it when I go swimming or at water parks. However, I would really like to have the feature of quick response to texts using Versa as I see other smart watches have it (for Android users). Would you be able to develop a special app to enable this maybe?  

Thank you,


Stepping Up
This is because Apple's iOS is very closed to outside companies, unlike Android or Samsung, which powers many other phone brands than its own

Sent from my iPad
Recovery Runner

Enable 3D Touch on iOS app face to enable or disable quick view. Currently need to open app and delve into settings. Also add same as notifications ability to turn quick view on and off on the watch itself. 

Not applicable

When will IOS be able to quick reply! I like the thought of scribble/keyboard option! 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey @Versa03.


I will be merging this suggestion to the one about Quick Replies for iOS Devices. Be sure to vote for this suggestion if you have the time.


Thanks for participating!


How many votes do they need lol. I still don’t understand why theres an option to input personal quick reply messages on the iphone app but doesn’t allow you to use it anyways. At least remove the option so it doesn’t tease us iOS fitbit users 😂

First Steps

PLEASE bring quick text to iPhone users! It would help tremendously! 

First Steps

Plz fix text reply for ios as very quickly as possible...


Now is  ..... Can see but  Cant Text Back like a Dumbfounded .



Unavailablity for text repy on ios  is   Feeling like a Dumbfounded person...


If available text reply on ios too,  i ' m sure ur Brand will become World's No.1....

First Steps

Unavailability for text reply is Feeling like a dumbfounded person.


plz fix as very quickly as possible... to become World's No.1 Brand.

First Steps

I’ve just bought my Versa today and I would love to be able to reply to messages with quick reply. While I’m due to upgrade my phone, I plan to stick with Apple. The only reason I got a Fitbit and not an Apple Watch is I know Fitbits are good quality and reliable. 

First Steps

What’s the point of showing the feature in the app for IOS if it can’t be used? Was this just a lazy move on Fitbit’s side or a teaser of what’s to come? Either way, I’m contemplating switching to an Apple Watch. I’ve always been a Fitbit user but if you purchased pebble (who I followed since they had a kick starter) and they allowed you to respond to texts , why can’t Fitbit? I’m trying to stand by this company but I expect so much more 🤦🏽‍:female_sign:

Stepping Up

I really would like to see this feature added as soon as possible. When can we expect it?

First Steps

My main question on this topic is: Why can we see the options for quick replies at the app on our iphones but it is still unavailable? Since we couldn't see in the past, does that mean that you're currently working on it?


Certainly, it is the only thing that's missing on our Versas right now.

Base Runner

Same question here...

I don't think fitbit will be ever able to implement this because iOS ecosystem is too secure and restrict. 

First Steps

I vote for the quick reply for IOS users! Would be so convenient 

Recovery Runner

Same comments as most but perhaps Facebook Messenger could have quick reply as well - might be an easier path to follow. I use FB messenger just as much, if not more than iMessage. Could be a good stop-gap measure until Apple comes to their senses. 🙂

Recovery Runner

yes! I would love that! if they made that a thing all iPhone users would start to think about getting the Fitbit versa or ionic instead of apple watch



I definitely support this idea! I do hope this feature will soon become available to us iOS users.

First Steps
Yeah this is ridiculous... why would they advertise it in the commercial??? What a scam.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

I agree kinda wanna return the watch an just get a Apple Watch at this point because I have an Apple phone an I can’t even reply to messages which was the mane purpose of me getting it 

First Steps

Please provide a status on the progress made to allow quick replies from the Versa through an iPhone.  Patiently waiting the ability for this feature or another app to use as a workaround!

First Steps

I just got my Versa, 10/6/18.  I've been trying to set up the quick response for days.  I now realize it is not offered for ios devices.  When looking for a new Fitbit, I was comparing the Versa to the Ionic on the fitbit website.  I chose the Versa, based on the fact it had many of the same features as the Ionic and was PLEASED to see it also offered quick response.  I don't see an asterisk to it at all, indicating it may have additional requirements for the feature.  I feel kinda duped.


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