Regain Lost Features Android Dashboard


I am disappointed that the new dashboard involves losing functionality and that the upper half of dash is isolated from the lower half so tiles can't be moved and also previous day's data is only visible in the upper tiles.


I am a Beta user and gave endless feedback in the thread started by @ErickFitbit for us to give our views but the release seems to have gone ahead without any being considered (we don't get told that bit). That thread is pinned in Android forum wil lots of useful ideas from us all.


I prefer the old dash but can cope with the new if it does the same things - this one doesn't and has been a massive disincentive since using it in both IOS and Beta. 


Please please consider those who use tiles other than those in the top fields and who also look at historical data and want to see a day in it's entirety not have to access every tile and graph individually, write hte data on papaer and then figure out how things are going!


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User since 2012One, Blaze, Android
Also occ posting as Blokeypoo
Base Runner

Bobby2478 - you do EXACTLY what I do & have expressed the same issues that I did previously.  I have also kept the old version up to now, but unfortunately I didn't think to stop the automatic updates & last night there was an update, which applied the new version of the dashboard & now I can't find anywhere to revert back to the old one.  Wouldn't you know, I just read your post this morning & it was too late.  I don't see what the big deal would be to keep the look of the new dashboard, just make it a WHOLE PAGE to scroll through to the previous days instead of just the steps.  Many of us use MANY or ALL the features that FITBIT OFFERS, but they are now ignoring us in order to just appease those that use only or largely use the steps.  If you're going to offer these features, then you need to offer them equally.  I agree, it is very confusing when you're trying to compare quickly & you can't.  There are many more steps in order to do what 1 swipe would have done with the old dashboard.


To those at Fitbit that might be reading this, please just add a whole page swipe instead of just the steps.  While the new dashboard takes up more space that the old one, it would be workable with a whole page swipe.  Thanking you in advance.

Hill Runner

While this thread is a valiant effort to influence Fitbit app design, unfortunately I'm not holding my breath anything will ever come of this thread.  I suspect 98+% of these posts go by the wayside and very few actually end up being implemented.


While I also agree with some of the other suggestions regarding more radical changes to the dashboard (bringing back the red/yellow/green color scale for example), knowing that those are very ambitions rewrites of the UI, I definitely don't expect anything will ever come of them.


Which is why I focused in on a VERY SIMPLE ask, one which has been in place for years until Fitbit developers either intentionally decided or didn't realize that most of the tiles in the dashboard only display current day stats instead of stats for the selected day.


I'd be curious if developers even realize this, or if it was even an intentional design decision.  Working in IT, I realize that the default response from development whenever you report a defect is the system is "Working as designed".  So when moderators or customer support staff say the new dashboard is working as designed, I'm not certain whether that is because that's just the default response in the IT industry since it's been working that way in production, or whether they've actually touched base with development and the developers informed them that they are aware of what is being reported and they intentionally designed the new app to work differently.


It would be too logical and too simple to make this change, which is exactly why I'm expecting 5 years from now (if Fitbit is still in business that is) the dashboard will look and function nearly the same as it does today.


And Fitbit wonders why their profits continue to tank.  Striving for new customers is important but they can't neglect their existing customers.  Similarly, there are such things as "low hanging fruit" and this suggestion to allow tiles to display daily stats wouldn't take much to do and would appease a LOT of people. But that would make too much sense, which is why I'm expecting that it will never actually happen.

Interval Runner

the red green yellow colour scale should be a simple <% or >% to implement its so simple in excel you would think that that amount of money these so called developers are being paid it should be a simple change but as this is a lost regained feature page I wonder how much will be heard looks like the current thread (well for Andriod users) IS


Why they have to alienate different users with the same problem is beyond me , should not matter if you got an IOS, Android or windows its ALL the same problem and should be combined, this is why nothing is ever done cos they see X amount of complaint by Each operating system they fail to see that its not just that one system that people have the complaint about.....Simples (IE FITBIT ADD THE TOTALS)

Recovery Runner

The Fitbit support twitter team all but basically confirmed they paid no attention at all to what's been said here or what people's genuine complaints are. I'm now highly questioning my decision to buy a charge 2, at least I didn't hit 'update all' on my phone today so can keep using the app with the dashboard that's actually useful to me.


Let us know if the dev and support team actually wants to pay attention to what's most useful for their users.


The new dashboard is too hard for me to use. I am disabled and need to customize it based on what i can do. The new dashboard does not allow me to do so. Please bring the option to use the old dashboard back

Interval Runner

@Dragonwrath very good point , I know its a pain but the active thread that we are all on is

if you copy and paste your comment here in there as well it may help your concerns to be seen

Not applicable

I agree with the other posters' comments. I much prefer the old dashboard because it presents more information in a smaller space (and in the order I choose!).

  1. The new tiles take up way too much space
  2. Having to press a tile to "drill down" to see my last round of tracked exercise or weight is simply annoying.
  3. Not being able to customize the top portion "quick view" is another minus

I can understand that some people may prefer a tile format, but at least make the old dashboard an option.


I would highly recommend going back to the previous dashboard version.  Do not like the new one at all; do not like the layout, cannot reorganize anything I want as the top tiles are now fixed; cannot swipe the days but have to press an arrow now and that only scrolls through the top tiles...can no longer swipe the entire days activities.  Prefer the flexibility of the old dashboard and the graph style progress bars.  It is more complicated then the previous version and finding what you want require too many keystrokes.

Interval Runner

@Ro64 exactly and have been saying since November of last year and others that were in the Beta test have mentioned it also but no changes have been made to it over the last 5 months, in the other thread that I see you have also made comment on  I reposted as Message 209 of 299 and Message 213 of 299 or very close to the area it doesn't cover all the errors and would probably like to include themes or at least optional background colour changes and the use of different colours instead of dark blue on a dark blue background (Sleep Stages)

Stepping Up

Shouldn't an update be an improvement, not a detriment? I thought the purpose of a dashboard was to provide as much info in an efficient manner as possible. Guess I was wrong. Fitbit likes to play games. Like pretending one doesn't need to buy a sleeve for the Charge HR. I would love to know the thinking behind this change. "Hey let's make it more difficult for our customers to access info."   "Great idea, I'll have tech get right on it."

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

We have no current plans to revert to the old Android dashboard. You can discuss this decision here.


I'm not only disappointed with the change to the dashboard, I'm disappoionted with the abrupt dismissal of the request to offer the old dashboard as an option to those who prefer it.  Come on, Fitbit - it wasn't broke, so you didn't need to fix it!   Please?

Not applicable

Yes - Miriam's comment was awfully abrupt - dismissive is the perfect term for it. It's also quite different from the excellent customer service I've received from Fitbit in the past - very disappointing.

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