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Fitbit Update 06/7/17: Thanks everyone for your feedback on the new Android dashboard. We have relayed this information to our Android team. This thread will now be closed, as the Android team has no plans to revert back to the old dashboard. We're always working towards making improvements to the app and appreciate your cooperation on future app updates.
Fitbit Update 05/22/2017: Hi everyone -- I've read through every post in this thread and the major feedback points and concerns can be summarized as the following:
- General disappointment with the change (no specific details provided)
- Lots of empty space/more scrolling/clicks required
- Bottom tiles don't scroll data with days
- Unable to fully customize top section with tiles from the bottom section
- Prefer linear UX design
- Difficult to read/no dark theme available
- Can't swipe between days, only able to click to scroll through days
- Can't to resize tiles
Please let me know if there's something specific that is not on this list. I have relayed this information to our Android team and at this time, it doesn't sound like there are any plans to revert access to the old Dashboard.
I know that any change is going to be a little jarring, but please remember to keep your posts respectful and on-topic, per our Community Guidelines. This thread will be better for everyone as a constructive conversation.
Fitbit Update 04/24/2017: Hi everyone -- Beginning with the release of the Android app version 2.48, the new Fitbit app Dashboard with the updated look will be fully implemented. Users will no longer have the option to switch to the old Dashboard design, so I encourage you to check it out if not already using it.
We're constantly striving to improve Fitbit products and services and we appreciate all of the feedback we receive from our customers. We currently do not have any plans to revert this change; you can find more information about the app and how to start using it by clicking here.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
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Looks like they ignored us all again and went ahead with the shocking new dashboard without implementing any of the requested changes, now in there wisdom they again alienate us by removing the function to revert back to the old style dashboard where we can arrange the information how we want to see it not how they want us to see it, suggestions that were made back in november last year (and theres 8 I made ) https://community.Fitbit.Com/t5/android-app/new-dashboard/m-p/1655903#m36589 Have been ignored after having 5 trackers I may invest a little more into a company that doesn't make changes without giving people the option of staying with what they have (ok I didn't get that many votes but how many different forums are there about this, how many threads do we need to post on before we post it on the relevant thread - sometimes change is not for the better - if it is not broken dont fix it. Don't get me wrong I'm all for improvement - if it is an improvement like the little arrow on the top tile to take you back to yesterday - why only that tile I want to see all of yesterdays data without having to go into each separate tile and then going to the day I want, I wont even go into the removal of the sensitive sleep function for the charge 2 and the ability to be able to toggle between the 2 to get both sets of data for that day - for medical (active case) purposes for and by my gp
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05-05-2017 05:29
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05-05-2017 05:29
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The old dashboard was very easy on the eyes and friendly, one glance bar graphs, one swipe back for ALL previous days info and many other really great features. Seems like this new dashboard was designed not by an exerciser but by an IT person sitting in a chair daydreaming about fancy circles and how to make a change for the sake of only change, not function! The app is 50% of the purchase. I was 100% on board with my Surge before, I'm now 50%. I didn't think I would be saying this but I will be looking at other brands with focus on a GOOD smart phone application.
05-05-2017 05:52
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05-05-2017 05:52
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PLEASE give back the option for the legacy dashboard. I replied to another e-mail below with more detail so here I'll just ask. Thanks.
05-05-2017 06:00 - edited 05-05-2017 06:16
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05-05-2017 06:00 - edited 05-05-2017 06:16
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although I have posted the link in an earlier email I will repost my original comment below, in the link is also a response from a moderator and a reply which people might be interested in
the more votes the more of a chance we have of improving these changes to what we would like
Fitbit also need to remember a mobile phone is not a desktop therefore will never get total parity and need to learn to walk b4 they can run (ie Resting heart rate differs by 1 pt between mobile and desktop) get the basics right first
I also agree, they are trying to inline dashboard with the PC version, not that this will get read by fitbit but if you must update to this new dashboard at least keep the option to choose between the 2 dashboards (Old and New)....additions that need to be inplemented to improve new dashboard are as follows
1. Unlock the top Tile
2. Allow User to chose what is in the larger tile (ie be able to change distance with heart rate etc.)
3. allow the user to allococte which tiles go where (like in the Older Version/Desktop Version)
4. allow the whole page to show historic data when paging Left - like the Old Version (not just the present locked top tile)
5. colours change on progress Bar/Circle (like the Old Version).
6. if you want it like the Main Desktop allow all the tiles available on PC Inc multi action Charts/Graphs (Heart Rate for example)
7. The Add button (+) needs to be in page not in overlay as it covers information
8. Calories Burned and Calories Left Should be in the same tile ( Like Cals In/Out).
Please Note this is for the Andriod Changes but guess it would aid the IOS as well
05-05-2017 06:09
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05-05-2017 06:09
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The new.dashboard is total millennial garbage. All fluff and impossible to view your important information in one simple screen like the original dashboard does. Clearly designed for a generation with nothing more important to do but scroll through screens. We will be researching alternative apps. What an unfortunate turn for such a competent line of wearable tracking devices.
05-05-2017 06:15
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05-05-2017 06:15
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Just got the new update to the Android app and can no longer switch back to the old dashboard. I really do not like the new dashboard. The tiles take up too much room and it is hard to see everything I want to see. It also gives me a headache and makes my eyes hurt to look at it, not sure if it is all of the white space or that it is so busy or what. I get migraines and bright light is one of my triggers, I have to make sure I always have my sunglasses when I step from the office out into the sunlight or my head will start hurting in just a few minutes. So, the white space seems to be acting on me like a bright light.
The lines just seemed a lot cleaner than the tiles and it seemed to take less time to scroll through the lines, then it does to find what I want with the tiles. I use to go to the Fitbit website, but stopped when they switched it to tiles. I have seen other websites do the same thing and it just makes the page seem way to busy and it seems a lot harder to find what you are looking for. Maybe the icons appeal more to younger people because several of the sites that I have seen switch to tiles are universities, so since they are trying to attract students I guess the tiles work better for them, but I do not like those websites anymore either.
I tried the new dashboard when it first came out, but did not like it then and switched back to the old version. I do not like that one tile in the top window is bigger than the others and I don't like that it will only let you have certain tiles in the top window. Different people want to see different things, so why where those items deemed as the only choices for the top window?
Maybe if a few changes were made it would be better. For one thing, the background color, getting rid of the glaring white would make it easier on my eyes and less likely to give me a headache. I did just try looking at the screen with my sunglasses on and that was a lot better on my eyes and head. Give us more flexibility with the tiles. If I had more flexibility I could probably come up with something that would work for me. For example: If I could have two large tiles up top, I would have the Steps and the 250+ Steps/Hour, since hitting my target steps and making sure I get up from my desk and move more are the most important things to me. Then in the smaller tiles I would get rid of Calories and add Resting BPM. Then I could have Water and Sleep as the next two big tiles and that would give me everything that I usually look at on one screen. It will take a little getting use to, but I could probably live with that.
I have been using a Fitbit since early 2013. I started with the Fitbit One and upgraded to the Charge HR back in 2015. I have loved my Fitbit, up until now. Yesterday if someone asked me what device I would get if I decided to upgrade to a new one, it would have been another Fitbit. Today this new dashboard is going to make me rethink that and start looking at other brands. Hopefully some changes can be made to make things more flexible and I can continue to be a Fitbit user, but we will see.
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If I thought fitbit was doing this to simplify the code base so they could now add all the feature requests people have been requesting for the last two years, I might accept it. But I just know fitbit will continue to ignore what we really want, and continue to deliver worthless new "Features" that no one uses.
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05-05-2017 07:08
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05-05-2017 07:08
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The Fitbit company are not listening and are not going to listen. 'They' decideded this is what they are going to do. I wonder if the CO has ever read the community board) Telling me they are 'striving' to make things better is not something I beleive. There appear to be as many issues with tbe upgrade as the older version which I never had any problems using. I am offended that tbe IT people think I need little animated circles in order to use and like the new dashboard.! I much prefer the old dashboard which was easier to use and much easier to see. I like many others will be looking at other brands when I upgrade.
05-05-2017 07:12
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05-05-2017 07:12
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I hate the new dashboard. I want the old list back. not a series of huge ugly buttons.

05-05-2017 07:16
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05-05-2017 07:16
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If people have been giving them feedback, and they've been ignoring it, about all I can suggest people do is update any Amazon or other reviews they've made with that information.
I know I removed a star after a simple bug report ended up wasting hours of my time with someone "informing" me how it really was working fine, and then arguing with me about it; it was a bug report, not a help request.
(apparently they could look at my data and see there was sleep logged, but not that I'd manually entered it)
05-05-2017 08:06
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05-05-2017 08:06
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I found the same thing this morning. I'm not happy. As much as I liked the old format, the new format could be workable if it just was a whole page swipe and not have to go into each tile to view or edit.
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I hate this dashboard! No longer is everything visible at a glance, it's ugly & looks like it was changed for the sake of change - not to be better. Give me back the user friendly, visual pleasing, useful one!
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The one positive thing of forcing everyone onto the new dashboard is that unlike before when people could just use the old dashboard and completely ignore the new one, now everyone will be stuck using the new dashboard.
Problems such as the fact that the only daily tiles are at the top, while all other tiles only display data for the current day, used to be able to be ignored by people like myself because I'd just use the old dashboard. Now that's no longer an option, there is at least hope now many more people will realize these problems and start to complain to Fitbit. The more people they hear from, the more seriously they'll take things.
If enough people call and complain, or vote for ideas already submitted for enhancements to the dashboard, there is at least some hope something could change.
That's the one potentially positive thing I can take from the forced dashboard update. Perhaps it will now trigger a flood of customer complaints which Fitbit won't be able to just ignore.
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05-05-2017 08:44
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05-05-2017 08:44
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I want my old dashboard back! The new one is horrible. Was considering upgrading my device, but not now.
05-05-2017 08:51
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05-05-2017 08:51
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You've changed the simple, effective (if slightly buggy) dashboard for this new crusty white dog-turd of an offering. In what way is that an improvement?
05-05-2017 09:11
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05-05-2017 09:11
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To anyone who, like myself, is dissatisfied with the new Android dashboard, there are things you can do:
- As @ChrisXC suggested previously, go to the feature suggestions area and vote for the things you want. No guarantees that this will force any changes, but at least you will have provided your feedback in an organized and "official" way. https://community.fitbit.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?advanced=false&allow_punctuation=false...
- If you cannot abide the new dashborad, you can always revert back to using v2.47. You will need to turn off auto-updating for apps on your device, but that might be a small price to pay to have the functionality you had yesterday. Check out this other thread where the reversion process is explained. Keep in mind that you probably want v. 2.47 (not 2.44 as this comment relates to another, now fixed, issue). https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Android-App/RESOLVED-04-19-17-Time-awake-restless-tag-not-showing-in...
As for myself, through the months I did occassionally pop over to the new dashboard preview, but quickly switched back due to many of the reasons that have already been mentioned. The new dashboard irritates me enough that I have reverted and will forego all other FitBit app updates until the new dashboard is more usable to me, or the option to use the "old" linear dashboard is restored.
I am not quite as pessimistic as many on these forums are. The issue which previously caused me to seek out app reversion instructions (the dissapearance of sleep/wake/restless time tags from the graph), ended up resolved in favor of restoration of the feature in question. The entire process (from first outcry to new app version) took about 4 weeks (3/21 - 4/17). So, it might take some time, but don't lose hope just yet.
I will say that I have been considering an upgrade from my current Alta to an Alta HR - but will wait for this dashboard issue to be resolved to my satisfaction first.
05-05-2017 09:45
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05-05-2017 09:45
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Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

05-05-2017 10:01
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05-05-2017 10:01
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@dubstep99- Here is a more detailed explanation of app downgrading which might help: https://www.maketecheasier.com/downgrade-android-app/
If you didn't have to login to the app (with username/password) after installing the older version, then you didn't uninstall the current version first, which needs to be done.
Also, before installing the old version, make sure you turn off the "Automatic app updating" option (Play Store > Settings)
05-05-2017 10:07
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05-05-2017 10:07
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I absolutely hate the new dashboard and I am really upset that I can't go back to the old one now. Why don't you check these things out with users before making these changes. Very unhappy user.
05-05-2017 10:12
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05-05-2017 10:12
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So disappointed! I don't like the new dashboard at all. Maybe someone will come up with an app that will mimic the old dashboard.