Remove unearned step and floor badges

Recently, my family and I rented a bunch of Jeeps and took them over some mountain passes in the Colorado Rockies. It was an amazing time. I had my Fitbit with me.


The roads were basically constructed of boulders and therefore pretty ...bouncy. At the end of both days, my Fitbit had registered 100+ flights of stairs. The second day I got my first 150 Flights badge. I would love, love, LOVE to have the badges for these days revoked. I didn't actually earn them and I don't like the idea of having a badge I didn't earn. And 150 flights of stairs is a tough one to earn legitimately. 😞


Can you all implement a way on the backend so that users can petition to have unearned badges removed?



Moderator edit: edit title for clarity and added labels

Recovery Runner

I also need to delete badges. Not weight loss badges. I need to delete the steps and stairs. I had a situation where my fitbit continued counting into a crazy high amount (75,000 steps!) when I wasn't even wearing it. I earned a badge. And because that badge is so high that in real life, I will never surpass it, any other more modest badges I may really earn will not be displayed. It's permanently displaying the 75K and like 50 flights of stairs. I don't understand why we can't fix this. Thanks.

Not applicable

Please, please give us the ability to delete all types of badges. I take great pride in earning these badges, and I have a few that were not actually earned because of the wind-pressure-altimeter problem. I have used the "log driving activity" function to delete the stairs from my record, but the badges remain. I'll never know if I actually REACH these goals or not. Please, let us delete instances of earning badges that we know are false. What could possibly be the harm in that?

First Steps

Please, please let us delete badges that were'nt earned. I got 3 new badges from the fan on the nightstand like a lot of people. I have been using them as a big motivator and I am so bummed. It's really unmotivating to have them there and to have not earned them.


I have a charge HR and over the years I have gone from a One, a Force, back to a one, to a Flex, and now to the HR. I want to be able to start over - remove my badges and re-motivate myself. I also would like to remove badges that I was given - but did not actually earn. How disouraging to finally EARN a badge - and not get recognized for it, because it was givin to you by mistake? This issue NEEDS to be fixed!!!!


 I have a charge HR and over the years I have gone from a One, a Force, back to a one, to a Flex, and now to the HR. I want to be able to start over - remove my badges and re-motivate myself. I also would like to remove badges that I was given - but did not actually earn. How disouraging to finally EARN a badge - and not get recognized for it, because it was givin to you by mistake? This issue NEEDS to be fixed!!!!


I have a charge HR and over the years I have gone from a One, a Force, back to a one, to a Flex, and now to the HR. I want to be able to start over - remove my badges and re-motivate myself. I also would like to remove badges that I was given - but did not actually earn. How disouraging to finally EARN a badge - and not get recognized for it, because it was givin to you by mistake? This issue NEEDS to be fixed!!!!


Someone else has added this request previously so it would make sense to add your vote to it.


Please add your vote to the request from  followingsea as we all seem to agree this is something that needs fixing.


Please add your vote to the request from  followingsea as we all seem to agree this is something that needs fixing.


I am adding my comment here, even though I've commented everywhere I can about this, to no avail. I have all the Daily Climb badges up to 300 Floors, most of which were "earned" on July 21, 2013 by driving my car in a mountainous region. I recently LEGITIMATELY earned the 100 Floors, but there is no acknowledgment of this, since it thinks I already got it. This is so frustrating to me. Why hasn't Fitbit added the option to remove unearned badges after all this time? I have had my Fitbit for almost 3 years, and have been attempting to contact them about this matter for well over two years, and still nothing has been done. C'mon Fitbit!!!! 


Especially now that I know WEIGHT badges can be removed. Seriously. What's the difference??

Recovery Runner

Please allow users to delete ALL badges, not just the weight badges. Yesterday I added the mobile track feature and it added over 100k steps that I most definitely did not take. Now I have badges that I never earned and would like to remove them. If we can remove weight badges then it should be a simple fix to allow us to remove all badges. I honestly don't understand why this hasn't been done already.

First Steps

My fitbit charge HR malfunctioned last month and I now have badges for every 10k steps from 20k to 100k in a day (which I definitely havent earned!). I know that I am unable to delete them but this is something that, although it seems stupid, is very bothersome to me.  I have been using the technology for 2.5 years now and dont want to reset all of my data. 


Please figure this out fitbit! 

First Steps

My fitbit charge HR malfunctioned last month and I now have badges for every 10k steps from 20k to 100k in a day (which I definitely havent earned!). I know that I am unable to delete them but this is something that, although it seems stupid, is very bothersome to me.  I have been using the technology for 2.5 years now and dont want to reset all of my data. 


Please figure this out fitbit! 

First Steps
Hi! I just got my brand new out of the box Fitbit One tonight. Amazingly and unexpectedly I have been immediately awarded a lighthouse badge.......interesting as I have been inside for the last hour cooking some food and walked up one flight if stairs..... I really cannot understand how on earth the ability to remove badges doesn't exist.... It's not exactly really complicated to activate a long press on the app over the badge to bring up a delete option?! Please get this sorted Fitbit!! '
Community Legend

I also want to be able to revoke daily step badges.  Received a 100k badge for doing 21.6 million steps in a day.

Recovery Runner

I am yet another person who, on checking my fitbit just now, saw that I had walked 3000 steps every 15 minutes for the past 9 hours (100K+), so have suddenly earned many unearned badges and want to be rid of them.  I've deleted the steps, but why doesn't this automatically update everything!

Community Legend

After you deleted the steps, did you sync your tracker?

Recovery Runner
Sure did, but I think once synced and badges earned, they can never be unearned!
Community Legend

I am yhinking that  updating the tracker, and  hoping by removing the steps before the end of the day the badges would not be earned.

I walked 21.6 million steps in a 5 hour period according to Fitbit, and foot those badges 

First Steps

Now more than a year further there's nothing changed????????


I still can't reset/delete my unearned badges!!

Not applicable

Went for a drive yesterday down a windy country lane, the fitbit recorded loads of steps and climb. What was annoying was:

  • Recording the activity as "driving" on my phone did not negate the wrongly accrued figures. I had to add it via the website under "common activities".
  • And now I have these crazy badges: 200 floors = castle.

Come on already Fitbit, either undo the badges when activities get updated, or let people choose to delete them!

It's not exactly rocket science...Smiley Mad

Premium User
First Steps

Similar problem for me with badges.  I learned I can't wear the Surge on long distance motorcycle rides. 

Community Legend

On July 1st Fitbit said i walked half way across the United States, not to bad considering i did it in less tye 4 hours. That is 375 mph I was going.  I woild like to remove my 45K, 50K, 55K, 60K, 65K, 70K, 80K, 90K, and 100K badges. I just wonder where my 1,000,000 step day badge is?

Not applicable

My fitbit flex went nuts and now I am super awesome according to my new badges. I would like to earn so, how do we remove them?

First Steps
Can't believe that after more than a year this hasn't been addresset yet...
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