Replaceable Battery

In Future products I'd like you to make it possible to replace the built in battery with a new one when it no longer holds a charge.  This is my main gripe when it comes to fitbit devices. While I've not had any of my devices batteries fail as yet, I'd like to be able to replace them when they do.


The Ionic should have had a replaceable battery (and don't try saying it would ruin the water resistance ability, I can drop my phone in 50 meters of water and still replace the battery myself and I've had dive watches that can go to 200m and still replace the battery)


Even if people have to send the device in to have the battery replaced, it would be preferable than having to buy an entire new device.  So please for future devices please consider adding the ability to have the battery replaced even if only by authorized service technicians.


I agree 100%.

Recovery Runner
Switch to Samsung Gear. So much better.
Recovery Runner

Lack of replaceable battery means both:


1) FitBit doesn't give a _____ about the environment

2) It's more important that they work in planned obsolescence and get you to buy a whole new device every other year than it is to provide a positive customer experience.

Recovery Runner
The real kicker is the coupon offered is only good towards a lower level
tracker and not good towards a comparable wearable like the Blaze or Ionic.
First Steps

Battery replacement is a must if Fitbit want to keep customers and for them to encourage others to follow. My Charge 2 battery has stopped holding charge after just over 2 years. I’ll be switching brands if not satisfactorily resolved. Sad because I like the device but I am not spending >£100 every 2 years for a new one.


I agree. I don't like the "throw away" attitude that is prevalent today. 

I would rather replace a battery than throw the entire watch away. 



I need to replace an Ironman digital watch, and I was very seriously considering the Charge 3. The ONLY thing that is holding me back is that the battery cannot be replaced. I find it wasteful and it's very frustrating to me as a consumer that a company that promotes itself as dedicated to increasing awareness of health isn't concerned with the health of the planet. I won't buy something that ends up just trash eventually. Timex replaces the band and battery on my Ironman watch. I just have to send it to them and pay $20.00. If Fitbit had a similar option for its battery, I'd be willing to pay even a bit more than that, but if there's no option, I'm just not willing to do it. It's a shame, but until this is addressed properly--Apple watches can have their batteries replaced, for example--I simply won't invest in Fitbit.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @sjacobs143, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!


The battery issue is really a problem. I have purchased a "CHINA-BIT" which works as well or better (gives hourly info on phone app) than my Charge 2 and it cost $10 total brand new. Less then you can get a used Fitbit battery, even if you are willing to try to install (directions on Utube)  So I guess as my battery dies, I will just retire the Fitbit for good. Very poor customer service to make it not replaceable for a reasonable price. 

First Steps

My alta HR is one month out of warranty and has stopped holding a charge, and the only resolution is to purchase a new device. What a terrible support plan...what an absolutely negligent attitude towards the environment. What an absolutely dismissive attitude towards the consumer. It's 2019...a replaceable battery should be an absolute must. No other company has honestly turned me into a detractor as much as FitBit. 

Recovery Runner
Welcome to team Screwed Over.
First Steps

I totally agree with NZWhiteknight. Buying the FitBit charge 2 was a tough decision because of the expense. But I purchased it in August  2017 and it already needs a new battery in June 2019. There is no reason a service is not offered to change the battery. Best Buy, Staples and similar stores should be authorized dealers to service battery replacement for Fitbit.

First Steps

I would love to see the ability to replace batteries instead of having to buy a complete new device once the battery kicks the bucket.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Barbarajane06! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing. I've moved it into a similar request. Hopefully we will have support from other users since more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains.

First Steps

I think we need to support greater life span of electronic devices.  My concern is for the environment and the hidden effect that our consumer driven lifestyle is having on it.  I will not buy another fitbit wrist device (watch) until the company starts supporting swap-able batteries and seals.  It should be totally do-able in this day and easily manageable for your local jeweller / watch maker.


First Steps

This shouldn't even be a question at this point.  Everyone would like to see a replaceable battery instead of needing to buy a new device.  A discount on a new device is okay, but why buy a totally new device when it just needs a new battery?  Please make this possible, I think you've gotten enough feedback to see this is pretty much a universal request.

First Steps

Hi @Fitbit I purchased a used Charge2 in October 2016. It finally gave up on me last week. I purchased the Charge2 because I was concerned with my wellbeing and how your products allows people to not only monitor their activity but also to make a conscious effort towards bettering their health through exercise. 


As I've grow older I am not only more concerned about my health but also equally aware of pollution and environmental damage being caused to our planet. As other organizations move towards limiting their use of plastics and reducing carbon footprints; I feel you can make a tremendous change by making your devices re-usable. One should be able to change their device batteries than be forced to purchase a new device and wasting something that can be fixed. Its a shame that people have multiple devices lying around that can be fixed and perhaps recycled and put to better use. 


I would be grateful if you can share this concern with your CEO Mr. James Park. I would be overjoyed if you can hear not just me but so many other's here who are calling for reuse and recycle rather than replace and waste more.


I've had my charge 3 less than a year. The battery won't hold a charge. So now I have nothing. This was not a question I even thought to ask when purchasing it when it first came out. Are any of the batteries replaceable on any model?

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @cheri_powell! That’s an interesting idea and could be useful for most of Fitbit devices, thanks for sharing it.  I've moved it into a similar suggestion, as the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.

Not applicable

How about a bit of respect for your customers by providing replacement batteries instead of bad luck your watch is dead after a short period of time.....even apple allows replacement batteries for goodness sake.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @SunsetRunner! That’s an interesting idea and could be useful to have this option on Fitbit trackers, thanks for sharing it. I've moved it into a similar suggestion, as the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs


Hi @chatswood! That’s an interesting idea and could be useful to have this option on Fitbit trackers, thanks for sharing it. I've moved it into a similar suggestion, as the more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs


what a cop out, standard useless answer. It has been the same answer for years. So I guess Fitbit does not give a D*** about its customers. Oh, I mean FORMER customers.  I can get a unit better from China for less then $15 that does all or more than Fitbit. 

Recovery Runner
Right, I got the same response a few years ago. Robot response is all that
is. Meanwhile, I switched to a Samsung Gear 3 and have had only a couple of
issues fixed by either turning the watch off then back on or deleting some
of the watch faces i had downloaded that were sucking up the battery.
Not applicable

fortunately my retail store has more ethics than this mob ever will & gave me a FULL refund on this piece of crap as it still had a month of warranty to go.....I now have a garmin instinct.

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