Revert back to old exercise tracker

I hate the new update. 


I don't care about pace or distance - I care about calories and time. Allow users to edit what they see on the "Track Exercise" screen.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Recovery Runner

Welp, false alarm. I am only seing calories and time for manual workouts not Fitbit initiated exercise. 


Why is this taking so long @DerrickS? Any updates?

Look I do not work for Fitbit, but when they said that this change is to
bring their tracking in line with the Center for Disease Control's (CDC)
way of tracking I knew it would not go back to the old way. To be truthful
I am hopping that they are removing our personal data and sending the
demographic data to the CDC to help improve their data about everyone. Then
we can see some real improvement in what we know about ourselves.

Michael D. Kester (U.S.N. Ret.)
Stepping Up

Here is my $.02.


There are two groups of Fitbit users - HR and non-HR.


For the non-HR, this change is better, as their devices don't measure HR (obv) and the comensurate calories burned - they bought it / use it primarily for walking/running-based activities, and its fine.


For the HR users (me), this is a step backwards, as I use my device while I am on the elliptical, doing yoga, biking, weightlifting, et cetera - all activities where my heart rate is a more accurate indicator of my effort than the swinging of my arms.  Frankly, I would not have purchased a non-HR Fitbit - it was of no use to me.


Is this kind of a minor thing - I guess.  But I found myself using that one screen more than any other to look back at prior "like" activities and quickly compare my previous workouts to the most current one.  Frankly, I hoped that Fitbit would give me a way to group activities by type so I could compare effort over time.


So Fitbit, ackowledge that you have unique user communities and give us a choice.  It is less useful device for me in the current configuration.

First Steps

As this thread has been tagged as reviewed, I'm not sure anyone from Fitbit is actually even looking at it...


I'm sorry to say it, but their CS is pretty awful.


If I'm wrong, and they are looking at it, some progress updates would be nice so that the folks viewing this thread at least know what is going on. This is all very frustrating.

Base Runner

I agree with you khop18  


The funny thing is that every time I send an email to customer services they tell me to post on the boards and that they keep up to date of peoples requests/suggestions here.  It sure doesnt look as if anyone is paying much if any attention - but who cares, we are only the customers.


First Steps

I would have to agree, I mix and match my exercises depending on what I am doing with my son and have the option to track time and burn is more appealling to me. Combine this with the suggestion of allowing exercise tiles to be used and then you could have a weight training exercise that has you doing XX number of minutes a week for XX calories burned.


I would like the ability to edit an activity after it has been recorded.  I am a runner and, although I have updated my stride length in settings, my running distances are always inaccurate.  I want to edit fields in a recorded activity, such as distance and activity type.  It is very frustrating having to figure out what time I started and stopped so that I can accurately log the exercise with the appropriate data.  In addition, if I accidentally choose an incorrect activity type, I have to go through the re-entry process again.  May be helpful to include the actual time the activity started an ended instead of just saying "start" and the total time of the activity.


Thank you.

First Steps
I also hate the new layout. Change it back!! At least give us an option to edit the display to how we want to view it. I'm 100% not happy with this change 😞

My fitbit app on iPhone recorded my activity as a "run" but it was a "walk."  I had trouble choosing the correct activity prior to taking my walk.  I would like to be able to edit the activity on-line as sometimes it's challenging to choose the correct activity on my phone.

Recovery Runner

I agree with this. I would love to edit an Activity after entering it without having to  delete and start over. Sometimes my start time is wrong (especially if I do not change the am/pm) Sometimes the date (there is no consistency as to which date shows up on the entry). Starting times of activities are often a guess. I would love to be able to adjust the starting and ending times based on the reported activity of the fitbit rather than using my memory. Again if I make a mistake anywhere in entering an activity I should not have to delete and re enter, but rather just edit!


First Steps

I would like to see a longer list of exercises.  I chose 'elliptical' today when I was on a stationary bike at the gym.  No entry for kettle bell, etc.  Even if these might record the same data on fitbit, the distinction to me (what I did) is important.


Recovery Runner

I know I've said this before, but I really think it's fixed now. undefined

Recovery Runner
Bananars, how did you fix it?? I did the update last night, but nothing changed on my app.

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner
How did you finally get it to revert back??
Stepping Up

I think it's activity dependent - some are showing correctly for me (Weights, Mowing Lawn, Elliptical) and some still show the old way (Bike, Yoga, Stationary Bike).


So, a partial fix, at least for me - not sure what that means...

Stepping Up



See the pic


I AGREE....we should be able to determine what exercise stats are most important in our display.  Not all FitBit users are runners only.


I agree, especially with having the ability to edit the distance.  I use a garmin GPS watch for my runs, so I have a more accurate record of the distance.  We should be able to update the distance if we know it and rely on the calculation otherwise.

First Steps

Yes please an edit feature. I accidentally mixed up two different workouts and now I can't change the name of the activity. Very frustrating. Also, will someone from fitbit respond to this post or do we cross our fingers and hope that one day when we log on there will be an edit feature?

First Steps

How do I get the old activity tracker back I not like the new one. I wish you would ask before changing screens

First Steps

I ride my bike daily and would like to use my HR to keep track of my heart rate but wearing it while biking gives me "fake" steps. It would be great to be able to turn off the step counter while riding or to be able to edit the steps out of the workout. 

Recovery Runner

I would like to edit the metrics of any activity custom or preset. If I change the name of a "workout" I should be able to add in steps or distance and calories burned I use a full HRM chest band and a pedometer but it just won't let you, and if I add it as a custom workout then I am even further limited.


It is as if some almighty power has thought that if the users can edit their stats they may cheat and change false data. it's just rubbish, and you would have to question the mind that would think folks that invest $$$$ on fitness would changes stats for some stupid badge on a website.

I want accurate data so I can track my workouts, and then cross ref when I do the same sessions at another time.

Not applicable

Please enable users to amend their activity.


There have been occasions when I've recorded an activity on my HR Charge, then selected the wrong activity type (eg bike rather than run) but once chosen, I cannot correct it without deleting it and manually adding it in.

@abunnygoesmoo wrote:

I would like the ability to edit an activity after it has been recorded.  I am a runner and, although I have updated my stride length in settings, my running distances are always inaccurate.  I want to edit fields in a recorded activity, such as distance and activity type.  It is very frustrating having to figure out what time I started and stopped so that I can accurately log the exercise with the appropriate data.  In addition, if I accidentally choose an incorrect activity type, I have to go through the re-entry process again.  May be helpful to include the actual time the activity started an ended instead of just saying "start" and the total time of the activity.


Thank you.


Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

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