Rowing/Stationary Rowing Machine Exercise Shortcut

Considering most of the important cardio equipment is represented in the Exercise list, I think it's more than justifiable to add a stationary rowing machine to the list. Almost every gym in America contains at least one or more Concept 2 rower as it is a total body and low impact method of Cardio. It's one of my favorites and I'm sure I am not the only user that is a bit disappointed that is not represented.

Moderator edit: Edited title for clarity and added labels.


I totally agree. I just bought the Fitbit ChargeHR and was kinda disappointed that stationary cycling and rowing's not included. I know many would benefit from this even more so if they reside in countries that are hot (28- 33 celsius) the whole year round. Outdoor cycling is a no no.Woman Wink

Stepping Up

I recently bought the Surge HR thinking it would be an efficient way to keep track of my various exercise routines (BW conditioning, hiking, jogging, and most recently, rowing (on Concept 2 PM5).  I should have done more homework.  As has been mentioned numerous times here, none of the Fitbit products have the ability to efficiently capture rowing workouts, (ie capture it as easily as a running workout).

I won't rehash all of the previous messages from customers about this, except to say I agree with all of them when it comes to adding this as a new capability.  


A simple question of Fitbit if I may: are you actively pursuing the development of a rowing component (preferrably in concert with Concept 2)?  If so, can you give an approximate time for when there might be an announcement about availability?  It would certainly result in my having a lot more enthusiasm with my friends and acquaintences in the rowing community when it comes to using Fitbit.  Thanks.

Stepping Up

I've had my Surge fitbit for 3 days and will return it to Amazon for a Garmin product.  The Surge is fine for running, but the lack of a rowing tracker (my main source of aerobic), coupled with what appears to be a year's worth of apathy from Fitbit to respond to the numerous posts about this problem (not even a "we hear you, and are working on it"), means I'll take my business elsewhere.

Life's too short...

First Steps

+1 for better representation of ERG/ indoor rowing activity.  Thanks! 

First Steps
Please add Rowing activity, as other exercise activity options are not capturing accurate information.
Recovery Runner

Please add Rowing Machine to the Blaze Exercise shortcuts.

Recovery Runner

Both 'rowing' and 'rowing machine' are types of activity already, at least on my Windows 10 app and the online dashboard. Are they not showing up for you?

First Steps

I'm genuinely curious how rowing isn't an automatically recognized activity for Fitbit yet. It's the same motion over and over again (should be relatively easy to program), and rowing machines are far from rare (as other users have said, they can be found in nearly any gym in America). Thankfully my Charge HR does recognize that I'm working out, but the estimated calories burnt is woefully inaccurate, less than half of what the machine estimates. I would assume this has to do with it only being able to sense movement, not resistance. But if it recognized rowing I would think it could be, while not perfectly precise, considerably closer. 


edit: in reply to the user above me, they are both options, but only if you're manually editing the activity. And then the calories are still way off. 


 The Surge vastly underestimates the calories burned on the rowing machine.  Using a heart rate monitor, I get a calorie burn of about 700 calories whereas it is about 250 on the Surge.  Please create an application that records rowing results more accurately!

Ever feel like you're being completely ignored???

I'd love this added to the Surge too btw. I use a Concept 2 everyday.
First Steps

Add Rowing with manual input details as MyFitnessPal does it:
Duration, distance, HR and show the correct calories burned. Fitbit Cal count on rowing is way off - too low.

Community Legend

Rowing and rowing machines are allready availible in the track previous execise.

If you want to see an exercise shortcut for rowing, not what is being asked here, please vote for this request.



Well you won't be getting it here - this has been going on for well over a
year now with nothing but crickets chirping from Fitbit. Try Garmin instead
- the new Vivoactive HR runs circles around Fitbit in terms of features,
rowing included.

Moderator Edit: Removed personal information.

First Steps
Theres no rowing/rowing machine option on my surge, could this become a thing please?
First Steps

Yes, please add rowing as an automatically tracked activity - or add it to the Blaze list of workouts to select at least. 🙂

@Donnaj415 wrote:

Considering most of the important cardio equipment is represented in the Exercise list, I think it's more than justifiable to add a stationary rowing machine to the list. Almost every gym in America contains at least one or more Concept 2 rower as it is a total body and low impact method of Cardio. It's one of my favorites and I'm sure I am not the only user that is a bit disappointed that is not represented.

Moderator edit: Edited title for clarity.


First Steps
I would love to be able to set my surge to ROW when I'm out on the river!! I use the bike setting to get distance and speed but would love to know stroke rate as well. Please please please Fitbit work it out!
Stepping Up

To Everyone on this blog who has requested a rowing tracker on Surge: don't hold your breath.  


Rowing, either on the water or in a gym, has been raised for over 18 months by numerous folks on this blog, including myself, as a valuable, necessary component in tracking one's health.  Fitbit ignores our request as evidenced by not even a hint from them that they are considering this.  Makes me ponder what the replacement device will be once my Fitbit needs replacing. 

I started using the Garmin with the rowing app and didn't get good results.  Then I started using the Garmin chest HRM strap, which overrides the wrist HRM.  Best results I've gotten from any tracker on calorie burn when rowing.  
First Steps

Yes!  I'm ready to give up on Fitbit, sacrifice my data and move to a different tracker that does do this.  To not be able to GPS track rowing is just stupid.


Hi.... Please would you consider adding an activity that is for rowing on sea or water. It should record gps info and heart rate, a lot of people are looking for this.. Thanks

Recovery Runner

Please add an indoor rowing sport mode on the Blaze. I row for the majority of my cardio/endurance work and would love to have a profile readily available. I have one for weight lifting, bicycling, walking, circuit training, and martial arts, so an indoor rowing option would complete my tracking needs!

First Steps
I have been using the Fitbit Surge for about a year now and was just told by my doctors that i should not ruin anymore, I was running three times a week. I have since converted to stationary rowing and was stunned that it was not an option to track on the Surge. Programmers, please add this function to the tracked activities.

Answer: Garmin vivoactive hr





Moderator edit: removed personal info

First Steps
Yep, made that switch already.
First Steps
I couldn't agree more. I have an indoor rower (concept). I would love to have an option on my Blaze to track my cardio. Just like the post above, I use the weightlifting and cycling trackers but this would just be the icing on the cake.
I can't rave enough for my fitbit. I don't miss a day wearing it. I truly love it and the company as a whole.
Thanks so much.
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