Run Cadence

It seems since the surge is already tracking steps that adding cadence as one of the tracked metrics during a run (and displayed on the activities page) would be a very nice and somewhat trivial addition.


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and labels. 

First Steps

Cadence pleeeasseee 🙂 +1

First Steps
Is there any chance you could add a measure of a user's cadence (steps/minute) when they are out for a run? This feature could go a long way to preserving a person's joints. Just a single average would be fine, or even better, a graph of the cadence throughout the run.

Cadence please +1

First Steps
Yes please. I have a knee injury and reducing stride length is a consistent bit of advice for when running.
First Steps

When you follow the idea of healthy running you find a higher Cadence in every argumentation as a key idea. For me it is not easy to automatically keep a cadance of 170 to  180 Steps per minute as it is recommended by Natural Running, Chi Running, Danny Abshire (from Newton), and many more more or less popular running teachers. 
As fitbit understands itself as ahead of the competitors - in this point they are not.
But hopefully they can change this quick. Ideal as a softwareupdate.
I run with a surge - this watch is called the "FITNESS SUPERWATCH" so Cadence counting should be integrated. 
Hopefully soon 😉


First Steps

I believe similar ideas been brought up a few time before, but I think cadence is extremely important metric for running and this can help fitbit be more attractive to runners. A lot of other fitness trackers and GPS watches in the $200-300 range feature cadence tracking and it's a really important metric for aspiring and experienced runners. Even if the cadence reading isn't as accurate as a top-tier Garmin watch, it's still helpful to see if my feet get sluggish during a run or if I'm over-striding. Even the Moov Now features cadence and stride data and retails for <$80.


First Steps

Totally agree! Let's get cadence added in to the Surge's functionality. Should be a pretty quick feature to incorporate with an update.


Help us runners out, Fitbit!

I agree completely. I'm using a Garmin Forerunner watch (for pace and cadence) and fitbit for most other stuff. Would be great to have cadence added on most devices and pace added to at least the surge since it has GPS.


You have my vote.


Cadence is so important for running.  PLEASE ADD!


I am an avid fitbit user that owns several models (and has convinced most of my family/friends to get fitbits).  I am currently wearing the Blaze.  I love it, with the exception of not having a cadence indictor during runs.  As a runner, candence (steps per minute) is extremely important to be able to examine throughout your run.  Is there any way this can be added as a feature to the Blaze?  Please Please Please! 🙂

First Steps

Pls add cadence to Surge activity tracker and dashboard. This is a must have!

+1 from me as well

Recovery Runner
My main exercise is running and it would be useful to me if The app could do display the following:

1. Cadence. If the no of steps is known and the time taken is known, the cadence can be easily calculated.

2. Average stride length. If the no of steps is known and the distance travelled is known, the average stride length can be easily calculated.

Yes, I could do this myself for each run but it would be great to have this information displayed in the run summary.
First Steps

Show steps per minute for each km (just like time taken for each km) will be very valuable.

First Steps

Yes! I totally agree and have been wondering why this doesn't already exist for quite some time. I currently calculate my average cadence in Excel, but I'd love to be able to see it broken down throughout my run - maybe with an elevation graph in the background to see how cadence changes with elevation?

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Wow thanks for your suggestion, this is going to be very helpful for all the Fitbit Runners. Thanks for sharing this idea.  

First Steps
Blaze needs Cadence displayed for runners. The data is present so it is a simple calculation.

The display should also have the option of staying on and/or user defined timeout.
First Steps
Please consider adding cadence functionality to Fitbit surge next update.
I have the Fitbit surge and use it as a running watch, love the HR and GPS functions, adding cadence would make it PERFECT!

The data is already measured within the fitbit and even in the flare clock face, but in an unusable form.  You can also see the data on the fitbit website because it shows you how many steps you take in 15 minutes.  It would be incredibly helpful when running because it lets you keep up cadence especially going up hills.

Base Runner

Hey guys,
Iwas wondering if developer can add real time cadence screen in fit bit blaze while doing it is very helpful for new runner
It displays steps count in particular lap n in total excercise...but teal time cadence information would b very helpful so we can increase decrese cadence in real time while running


Any official asnwer by Fitbit on this topic?

It has been over one year that users are asking for this feature!!! Is there any intention on developing this simple but great improvement?

Stepping Up

I would like to see this as well in the Charge (HR). This is such a base-functionality that it belongs in all fitbits 🙂

First Steps

Bump.  This is very important and seemingly all the hardware is there.


I'm just moving to a Blaze from a Basis Peak where i used Cadence (steps per minute) as my primary stat. It's how I make sure I'm moving at the speed I want to be moving at.  Should be availalbe in all walking/running related activities.



First Steps
Should be easy to do as step rate sensor already there.
Premium User

Yes, we need this, it would be so helpful and would help improve speed and avoid injury

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