Samsung Health & Fitbit integration

Can we please have something that syncs our fit bit stats with our S Health stats? It's annoying to have multiple fitness platforms especially now that androids are becoming more and more popular as are fitness apps. It would be nice to do it all from one place.


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Hoping for this integration!!

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I would really love to link my fitbit app with my Samsung Health app! Please make this happen!

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I also agree that it would be great with we could enable fitbit sync with Samsung health. The other features of fitbit like food tracker are not as global and inclusive of all countries so its a struggle when trying to manage the calories taken. 

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Please make our lives easier and have fitbit app sync with SHealth.

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I think it is pretty sad to have to choose between these two things. The Samsung phones are arguably the best phones on the market. S Health is much easier to use with the Samsung phone. It is integrated properly with the phone. I also don't love the Fitbit app. It is good, but not great. The first wearable tracker I bought was just a cheap $30 one and I thought the app that had was better. There isn't a good excuse for not integrating Fitbit with one of the world's biggest health apps. It is integrated with less popular apps. If this isn't improved, my next activity tracker might not be Fitbit. I am thinking about wireless scales and bands as well. Those are all sales that could be at stake. This is one of the reasons why I don't like Apple. They are snobs in this way and I think everyone loses. It isn't cool to make people chose between apple and google for every single thing. Google is more open so I like it better. I wouldn't call Fitbit snobs like Apple because I can see Fitbits efforts to integrate with many apps. Just please make S Health one of them. Honestly, I really like my Charge 2 and I have advocated for it many many times. It would be a silly reason to lose sales but do I chose between Samsung over Fitbit because it is much more seamless. I will be getting things that work well with my phone, not change my phone to integrate with my accessories. I am not typing as a critical and complaining customer. I truly am just trying to show the logic in hopes that you guys will get it together and realize that a lot of sales could be at stake for something that is probably a relatively simple fix. It is about priorities. I think the integration with this app should be one.

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If you notice this, please make it able for my Fitbit trackers to sync with Samsung Health

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My Fitbit surge and Samsung fit(phone) have way different step counters and i want to be able to use my fitbit(since it is always on me unlike my phone). Is there an app that both use that would take in my Fitbit steps instead of phone steps?

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I am a Samsung user and have been for  Years I tried getting a Samsung gear watch but it was too big for my wrist. So I was introduced to fitbit but it does not communicate with my Samsung health app. Is there anyway to incorporate the two so I can use them? 

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Make heart rate and activity appear in Samsung health information.

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Please sync data with samsung health!!!!

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Really fitbit 


Sort it out... this is pathetic to not synch to all devices ... I know you've been aware of this for years but have done nothing. 


I want a refund so I can get something compatible 

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I use S Health but can not use Fitbit with the app. Please make compatible 


Allow fitbit and samsung health to communicate. 

Not applicable

There should be an option to synco Fitbit with S health. 

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I use Samsung health for step challenges with my overweight dad and he does not have a Fitbit and I do. I love my Fitbit, but to me helping my dad with his weight and doing these challenges is more important to me! Please partner with Samsung health so I can keep challenging my dad to walk more while also keeping my fitbit for myself Heart


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Hi @KDubbs17! Thanks for your suggestion. I moved it to this similar thread to add you vote to it. 


It would be nice to have my steps sync with Samsung health. They have challenges that are fun each month. I don't always have my phone when taking steps because I don't keep it in my pocket or wear it.  So I don't get credit for all the steps I take during the day which makes it hard to finish the challenge


I know this has been brought up many times before, but it's been years now and there's no news or progress on it. 


I use the Fitbit app all the time, I have 6 friends that all have Fitbits and we compete in challenges and stuff, it's great fun. However, I also have friends on S-Health and G-Health (many more since these people don't want a smart watch and just use their phone to track activity) - why is it STILL not possible to sync to these.


I know there is this app: which is great and does work, however why is there no official integration? If a third party solo developer can have an approved app by Samsung which imports Fitbit data I highly doubt the problem is Samsung but instead it's Fitbit wanting to keep people in their eco system.


It's really annoying and with the release of the Galaxy Watch I might have to leave Fitbit even if I do love my Versa.

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Fitbit Moderator

Hello @Ricky_Dawn.


Thanks for sharing your feedback with us. We definitely understand that this is important for lots of users.


As you mentioned, at the moment we do not have any updates on the matter. You can support the suggestions to integrate with S Health and Google by voting for them. While they are listed as 'Not Currently Planned' you can still show your support as they are still being paid attention to. Read the FAQ to better understand how the Feature Suggestions board works.


Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Make Fitbit work with samsung health. 

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Hello @Changry! Thanks for sharing this suggestion, I moved it to this similar post so you can add your vote to it. Please keep sharing your ideas! Woman Happy

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I recently switched from an iPhone to a Note 9. I love the Samsung health app and would really love if my Fitbit could sync with it so I wasnt running so many different apps

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Hi @2Hoover2, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Currently it is not planned to develop this integration! 

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i got a fitbit for christmas in 2014, and have used one daily since then.  I love my fitbits, i own several and have purchased others as gifts.  I was recently given a samsung smartwatch, and i'd like it if the software would allow me to use both at the same time (without wearing both watches at the same time).

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Moderator Alum

Hi @Buddha19, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Currently it is not planned to develop this integration.

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