Samsung Health & Fitbit integration

Can we please have something that syncs our fit bit stats with our S Health stats? It's annoying to have multiple fitness platforms especially now that androids are becoming more and more popular as are fitness apps. It would be nice to do it all from one place.


Moderator edit: edited title and added labels


I wholeheartedly vote for this!! I would love my SHealth and my Fitbit Flex to sync. I am new to FitBit but I do believe SHealth is very accurate. Thanks for listening!!! 

First Steps
Add me as another vote. This is a must for anyone with a Samsung device!
First Steps
Another vote here, love s health fb needs to sync

It's silly that 2 of the biggest players in the health tracking field are not "playing" together.  Come on Fitbit and Samsung, make your users happy!


Edit:  3/8/16 - Moderators can we get some feedback on this?  Has this been submitted as a enhancement yet?


Readers:  Please ping the moderators and don't just like the idea.  We need to get someone at Fitbit to pay attention to us!


Edit:  4/18/16


Readers:  I have escalated this 2 times now and continue to get "Thank you for your suggestion ..." and then basically I get a bugger off, cause nothing has happened.  It is very clear to me that the moderator's are either not watching our posts, or will look at an idea once give you the nice feel good candy coated meaningless response, and then never come back to the suggestion.


My opinion is that if you the reader are serious about getting Fitbit to provide or work with Samsung to provide Fitbit S Health integration, that each of you call, or chat with Fitbit representitives and individually voice your concern.  It is obvious to me, that spending our time posting here is not effective at all.


CALL Fitbit and demand that they work on providing this functionality.  As I pointed out to the representitive that last time I spoke with them.  "Fitbit is the largest retailer of wearable fitness trackers.  Samsung is the one of the largest smartphone vendors.  It's not rocket science to figure out that this is a win/win for both companies".  So let's give them a push in the right direction!

- Thanks.

I am thinking to buy fitbit only if it works with s health if not I have already Samsung fit and it works good
First Steps
Please have S Health and Fitbit Charge HR sync. Another vote. Thx.
First Steps
I agree with you all...pls make this happen
First Steps

Please elevate this ticket to a priority; as more Samsung phones are being shipped, the larger audience samsung+fitbit are missing out on. Seamless integration would be a great way to market to the growing number of wearble users.

First Steps
I agree too. Listen to Samsung users. I have a s galaxy and have used s health for the past two years and I love it. Just bought fitbit yesterday and found the app dont sync with s health. Please make it happen.
First Steps
This has to happen... massive Samsung market going untapped
First Steps
I was using s health before I got my fit but and still prefer some of the features, instead of having to log in all my info twice and carry my phone every time I work out, it would be great to be able to sync it to my fit bit which I love. Pleassee?
First Steps
Add the samsung gear s and all the other gears to the app. And also integrate the fitbit app with the s health app on samsung devices.
First Steps
Yes please

Edit - 3/8/16


Come on folks, read the comments and be sure to vote for this idea!


Moderators - talk to us!



I'm pretty new to the Community but the idea of Fitbit (all models) HR needs to be able to sync with the Samsung S Health seems to be a very requested feature.  From what I can tell in the "Requested Features" section there is one post

S Health & Fitbit integration

Status: Reviewed By Moderator

by Katmorea on ‎07-17-2015 06:21 - last edited on ‎10-19-2015 19:48 by Moderator Moderator
That seems to be where we are suppose to "vote" for this request.  Currently there are 186 votes for this feature.  There are more than 85 comments in this section, and several posts that have other "votes" as well.
I'm not sure how this works, but maybe if everyone posting would also go vote at the above posted "request" we could get some action on this.  Seems like more people post here every day requesting this feature, but I'm not seeing much of a response from Fitbit personal, so maybe we can get noticed more if everyone will go "vote" for the feature.
Frustrated, as this should not be a big deal to implement.
Recovery Runner
Great idea
Stepping Up

The idea is brilliant! Putting everything into my SHealth's DB will be sweet!

First Steps
I would also like s health and fit bit to integrate, because I, like a lot of people don't have their phone attached to them all day, but can have their fit bit attached. It makes sense to sync them. More people would likely use s health if this were the case. I think it would be an ideal pairing.
Stepping Up

I would like it too

First Steps
Please provide integration between Fitbit and S health. This would provide 100% tracking...critical need.
First Steps
Make that one more! We need to mention this on our forum boards to greet more votes!
First Steps
Add me to the list also. I find it strange that fit bit is not a compatible device for S. HEALTH
First Steps
Would be useful if there is an integration with S Health (Samsung) possible. Bit dissapointed my Fitbit Charge HR is not on the accesory list.
First Steps
Connectivity between my new Fitbit and S Health on my Samsung device would be nice.
First Steps
Totally agree, I have the note 5 and the fitbit charge Hr. If they intergrate them together, that would be the best!
Yes please. I love my Zip and wear it constantly. Like to have it sync with my new Galaxy S6
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