Save countdown time on Sense/Sense 2

The countdown timer on the Sense does not save once you exit the Timer app. For example, if I were to set a 30 second countdown timer, I want to come back to the Timer app later today or tomorrow and it would still be saved to 30 seconds. It does this on the Versa / Versa 2. It does not do this on the Sense.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject
Alta > Versa > Versa 2 > Sense
Recovery Runner

Exact same problem here! Had the Ionic, changed to Sens, but the timer indeed is a drawback. There are no apps available filling in the gap. Pls Fitbit, rework the timer app!


Any news on this feature request? 

First Steps


I've owned my fitbit sense for about 2 hours and have already been searching help forums to find the function allowing the timer to carryover from use to use, it's that critical to me. I use the timer function daily with my toddler's sleep tracking/training, usually in the middle of the night when I'm half asleep myself. Having to reset the timer each time rather than having it save from the previous use is a huge loss for me. Please update!

Recovery Runner
Good luck.
Not going to happen. Please look at the message trail on this. These forums
are to users what your pacifier is to your child.
First Steps

So lame. Even the most basic $10 watches at Walmart have this functionality. Add this please!


@Bethod09 ain't happenin your best bet is to return it at this point. a year later with no response from fitbit... yeah ain't happening

Recovery Runner

So I finally switched to Apple iWatch. Figured if they weren’t going to solve this and numerous other issues after a year (at least for me, maybe longer for others) they weren’t ever going to solve it. Apple iWatch saves multiple timers, counts floors and your heart rate correctly, and doesn’t ignore me when I send challenge invites to friends.

Yeah I might have to to go the Apple Watch route too, FitBit have just mega dropped the ball on their OS. I hope the collab between Google Wear, Samsung & FitBit will release some major improvements, though we'll probably all be inside the Metaverse by the time that happens 🤣


I just got my Sense and can't believe over a year in, the timer still can't be saved.


One reason I upgraded from Ionic was the timer one day decided to no longer work.

Very Very disappointing...I used it daily to time the cooking of various meals.

Pls fix

Timer on sense needs to change. It would be nice to be able to save timers such as 30 seconds or 1 minute etc so you dont have to dial it in every single time. Also, the vibration at the end of the timer is so weak, i hardly notice it. Finally, when you do set a timer, the screen turns off so you cannot see the time.
Stepping Up

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!! 

First Steps

Absolutely!!  I really wish the Sense kept the timer set to the previous setting.  Or allow us to save frequently used timers.  This was a very convenient feature on the Versa that I wish the Sense had kept...

Space Racer

Hi, try the SimpleTimer app from the gallery, it has a 23 hour timer and many other advantages, such as remembering 4 presets and the active one, the current time is displayed at the same time as counting, and has many other features such as Repeat, Auto Start, Display on or off option as well as Auto cancel alert for repeat timers. But it only does one timer at a time. If you use it in conjunction with the SimpleClockPro clock face it will run in background. The button will do start and pause, more useful when using the stop watch.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Nickel88, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing suggestions:


Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions.


Yes I can't believe how different (in an annoying way ) the user interface is with the Sense is as opposed to the Versa. When I had the Versa, the Timer would always revert back to the last timer used. Also the "alarms" where much easier to set up. I feel like they added a bunch of unnecessary steps with the Sense.  They should really just use the Versa UI . 


Even the Workouts were annoying with the watch buzzing every single time my heart rate would increase and decrease. It took forever to figure out that you have to change those settings for every single individual workout you choose from the watch itself!  


Sorry to rant but the Versa2 was much simpler.


BUT GOOD LUCK getting Fitbit to take any suggestions seriously.  This is the one thing they are very bad at.  They just say "where looking into it" and never do anything.  I've had a couple requests I submitted years ago and still.....crickets.


Annoyingly when you look at the image in the app gallery, it still shows the option for different count down timers, even the possibility of naming them.  


Space Racer

@RonaldM  - well spotted, documentation isn't provided as to how to enter "Bread", anyone know how?


Most probably Fit Bit will say: We're working hard to find a solution and will update this super easy fix in 400 years

Not applicable

Well I'm not waiting around anymore to find out, my Galaxy Watch4 will be here next week with my S22 Ultra 🤷🏼‍:female_sign: my husband has been trying to get me to switch watches since it came out and it's definitely time. Fitbit hasn't actually updated or improved anything in years and I'm super tired of the watch randomly losing connection and their abysmal watch face and app collection. Samsung added a baked-in interval timer so I feel confident I'll be a happy camper. 


Interested to see how it works out for you KStout. I went from Samsung to Fitbit for the battery life and challenges with friends. Over a year later and those are still the only 2 upsides honestly. 

First Steps

i have been so annoyed by this since i got my Sense fitbit. it feels like such a basic feature. honestly, stuff like this, along the underdeveloped app store, the random apps that are available (that i have no interest in), the lack of what seems like really basic features... i really doubt i'm ever going to buy another fitbit after this one's deadskies. it's ok that things aren't 100% polished and pretty, but there's an excess of useless nonsense, and a deficiency of common-sense, basic features. 

And how long will it take to fix it. 7/2020 to 4/2022 is a long time for a simple fix.

It's an abandoned project, never gonna happen.. FitBit cashed out there chips after the community got them here..I've done the same ordered an Apple Watch and moving on. I remember when MS used to acquire a company it could go 50/50 they'd ever make something good out of it, or mess it royally. In most cases when Google acquired there's a high chance they'll just let it die.. Mandiant now will suffer the same fate.

Or you can all hold out for the collab between FitBit, Samsung & Android Wear (LOL Android Wear another abandoned project).

Don't hold your breath for any of it..

Every post I see about this the @Moderator continually says to post it as a suggestion & if it gets enough votes the FitBit team will take a look at it.  Can someone tell me how to vote for this feature (to be added back not newly created, so that should not be a difficult thing)?  I don't understand how each of these posts with so many responses that everyone would like to have this has absolutely no traction & no moderator can send a link to "vote" for this feature.

Recovery Runner

Yeah, you are absolutely right. Probably when all (!) users of the Sense would vote for it, there is slight possibility a miracle would happen

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