Save countdown time on Sense/Sense 2

The countdown timer on the Sense does not save once you exit the Timer app. For example, if I were to set a 30 second countdown timer, I want to come back to the Timer app later today or tomorrow and it would still be saved to 30 seconds. It does this on the Versa / Versa 2. It does not do this on the Sense.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject
Alta > Versa > Versa 2 > Sense

I also have ‘lost’ this capability by ‘upgrading’ from Versa 2 to Versa 3. I am disappointed to see on the Community pages that this was raised as an issue so long ago, lots of people want it and the programming must be simple yet Fitbit appears to have ignored the problem. PLEASE moderators give feedback on why nothing has been done to address! Thanks.


With just 206 votes it's not one of the top issues. I guess it's a good idea to raise awareness in the forums when people address this problem. 

Space Racer

As a possible alternative switch to the SimpleTimer app instead which retains the last timer(s) and has many more features or use Alarms while waiting for the fix for Sense and Versa 3.

Recovery Runner

Hi Guy, thanks for suggestion; installed it


@Guy_ I've seen and tried your suggestion already. But somehow the original timer app works a lot easier for me. Setting up a timer is so much easier. 

They're just not fussed, data is $$$ and they have it now. By the time we all boycott FitBit they will have enough of it to wind it up. I mean think about it, has there been any improvements to FitBit software lately? We can scream as loud as we want no one is listening, get an Apple Watch or another competitor and leave this trash behind which I'm in the process of doing by June.

Recovery Runner

Yes, pls have the save timer option - it’s has been this was on the surge and ionic - backwards step to Mae me set it every time

First Steps

I also upgraded to a Sense from a Versa 2 and miss the ability to save one or more timers. Like others have mentioned, this was confusing for me since promotional photos show what appear to be saved timers. There are a number of tasks I do often that I would love to be able to have ready to go on my Sense watch. It's much more convenient than using the timer on my phone because it's easier to accidentally ignore my phone, as opposed to the vibrating of the watch on my wrist. It would be great to have multiple custom-named timers, and also potentially be able to run the timers concurrently so I can keep track of multiple things and know which timer is going off when time is up. Anything would be more helpful than the current default, but these sincerely seem like minor requests. I upvoted this thread to show my support, please consider enabling the feature in an upcoming update. Thank you.

Space Racer

@CyberneticNixie- While there is a need for improvement, please look back in this topic at solutions, such as SimpleTimer which remembers up to 4 timers or Voice assistant [long press] and say "start egg timer for 3 minutes", "show my timers", which go some way to getting around the problem.

First Steps

@Guy_ While I appreciate your attempt to help, I am aware of those options, and frankly, I shouldn't have to download your (or anyone's) third-party app to make my Fitbit do something simple that it is clearly intended to be able to do with its in-house timer app & past versions were capable of doing. Seriously, even my old Timex clipwatch in high school 25 years ago was capable of saving multiple timers, so what is the possible motivation for Fitbit's app developers to disable/leave out this functionality?


Hi @YojanaFitbit, is there a way to get a status on this? Knowing 'older' Fitbit devices still have the same Timer app but with a save and name option. Thank you for your time. 


First Steps

I also just “upgraded” to Sense from Versa 2. What a bummer! Why hasn’t something been done about this? I cannot believe it’s been two years and nothing has changed. Disappointing, honestly. 

First Steps

I dearly wish not only that it would save my most recent but that the implications of "Add Timer" followed through. Meaning i could have multiple timers saved. 30 seconds and 5 minutes being very opposed in how you enter them and annoying to switch between if last was saved.

First Steps

I am a new Fitbit user, so I didn't even know that they had this feature on older models -- but it's definitely bogus! I used saved timers on my old watch at least once a day, oftentimes 2-3 times a day.... this timer is a huge waste of time - gonna have to try some 3rd party one, which is sad and pathetic.

Space Racer

Hi @jana.jarolimova - to help with your looking, the free SimpleClockPro watch face with addon SimpleTimer app has the possibility of 4 remembered preset timers and loads of extra features, such as auto start, repeat, time etc. for Sense and Versa 2 watches or later.


i downloaded the simple timer when guy mentioned it before. In all reality this problem isnt getting fixed especially with the sense 2. I would look at the reviews to see if this was fixed on the new one but I'm not going to pay another 300 bucks just for that. sorry fitbit


For what its worth the GUI is very basic and i don't know/haven't used all the functionality but it saves the timer i need and starts immediately on opening the app as I prefer (i did figure out how to enable/disable the auto start). The largest con for me was exiting the app with the button on accident thus stopping the timer BUT that was fixed with the last update. At this point the only thing that the stock one has better is the ability to run in the background but I don't think any 3rd party app can get around that.... and I guess the look too but i personally could care less about the visuals.

Space Racer

Effectively @EmperorJJ1 is correct.


Unfortunately Fitbit don't allow developers to set background timers and alarms, so the only option is to use a clock face that can manage it. Even that isn't always going to work if you use another clock face or exercise at the same time as the timer, in which case only the Fitbit one can work.


It's a question of finding the right combination and methods for your use.


works for 99% of my needs, and is free. plus i still have the stock one i can use for the rest if need be. i mean fundamentally i would have paid a developer for the exact app that simple timer is but for me to go that route i need to try it first. i miss the trials on my old samsung you could get for paid apps/faces.

First Steps


Thank you, Guy_Marathon Racer; I appreciate you providing us with this workaround at no charge. 
I, too, would have paid for this application, but I genuinely appreciate your generosity.
Space Racer

@EmperorJJ1, @kmgl , thanks.


Btw, if anyone else in this feature suggestion is still using SimpleClockDuo on a Sense or Versa 2 or later, switching to SimpleClockPro is free and has addons [ which includes the SimpleTimer specifically for remembering the last timers, etc] that the Duo version doesn't, along with many new features.


Being able to save countdown timers on my Fitbit Sense would be a big plus. I use the timer daily, several times each day at 2 different settings: a 35 second timer for physical therapy & general stretches/exercises AND a 20 minute timer for icing & heating my back. It's a bit of an additional "pain" to reset the timer several times a day. Please add this function if possible to the Sense. 

First Steps

I used the timer multiple times daily on my previous smart watch. It saved last three times or whatever fixed times i chose. Not only is the timer on the sense a pita that has to be reset every effin time, i can't add a different better time from the app store. I've had sense for 20 months and it still annoys the f out of me every effin day.

Space Racer

Hi @fnerphl - create a separate post with details for your gallery problem,

Space Racer

For anyone interested there is a new version of SimpleTimer, called Simple4Timer, which works well as an addon to SimpleClockPro


In addition it has up to 4 concurrent named timers and greater control over the alerts in settings.


Each timer can have it's own settings, so for instance one timer can Auto start to run once immediately on start and others can be preset ready to run on demand and repeat. Max time is nearly a day.


It can be accessed simply by a double tap to start a timer or check the progress.


Simple4Timer-screenshot Sense All.png


For information developers are not allowed to create background timer and Alarm apps.

You can set timers for 5 mins and 10 mins as default or a custom timer. I would like to be able to change those default timers from 5 mins and 10 mins to different times that i personally use more frequently.
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