See Vitamin/Mineral data in Food log

Most of the food already have entries in the nutrition facts for vitamins and minerals, so why can't we drill down into this data? I would like to know if I am lacking in any particular vit/min, so I would know if I need a supplement.



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Recovery Runner

Honestly, I don't know why this hasn't been addressed yet. I thought I must be missing something but lo and behold this has been a lacking feature that was suggested over a year ago. I, too, am vitamin deficient and would love to be able to use my dashboard to help keep track of the supplimentation I need in order to get up to healthy levels again. (Please don't suggest My Fitness Pal, I find the ads beyond annyoing) This should be a no-brainer for Fitbit to implement and I'm surprised it's not "under consideration" especially due to some of the conversations I've had with more seasoned Fitbit users.

First Steps
Fitbit already has all the data such as nutrition and contents of food we log in the system, my idea is to have a section in the app that tells the user the vitamins and minerals percentage so far and what do you need to be at the 100% of each one of them.
Another section would be for cholesterol monitoring, and for people who have diabetes to be able to log in their levels and monitor their foods.
Blood pressure motoring for people with that issue, so I can keep track of my logged information and see if it's getting better or show it to my doctor.
Last I'd like to ask to have more options when it comes to logging my weight since some scales have options such as lean muscle, bone weight, fat percentage, bmi, water percentage etc...

Love the Fitbit but hope you add those options to make it perfect ! Great job Fitbit team !!
First Steps

Can't believe this isn't already a feature. This is such a basic necessity when tracking nutrition. Fitbit - get it together.

First Steps

I have 5 meds per day and need info on how those affect my body with my fit bit device

First Steps
How about the ability to add and track supplements and contents of these as well as vitamins in food along with measurements not rounding up or down
First Steps

I would also like to see a tile added to help keep track of vitamins (for me) or medications for those that need it.  I need to take vitamins everyday for the rest of my life and although it shouldn't be hard to remember, it actually is, especially as I have to keep them tucked away so the kids don't have access to them.


This would be a valuable tile to have.



Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Moderator Alum

Thank you for your contribution @nuke4u. I believe that this suggestion might other users that are interested in keeping track of their vitamin and mineral consumption. I will gladly send your request to our team members so they can take it into consideration.


Any other ideas you might have, feel free to share or vote for them, if it’s already suggested in the Feature Request Forum.


Have a great day!

First Steps

As a Bariatric surgery patient (2 weeks pre-surgery) its vital for me to track Protein, Calcium, Iron and B12 intake. I encountered an issue with inputting the percentage of B12 contained in my liquid vitamin when adding it to my foods list. The system told me it could only be 600%. Is there anyway that this can be adjusted? Not just on the B12, but on all vitamins and minerals.

Thanks much!

First Steps

It would be very useful to me if my log on the Fitbit website would allow me to track nutrients like vitamins, instead of protein, carbs, calories, etc. that it currently tracks. Any plans to add this?  Any third party apps that could feed this information into the my log?


Hi there


Is there any feedback on this query? I also would like to log vitamins and minerals not just the basics. Health doesn't mean just losing weight but eating healthily too. I don't have a phone that can take My Fitness Pal currently and Fitbit no longer syncs with Calorie Count, I would prefer to use only 1 app for this, surely this functionality should be available on Fitbit? 

First Steps

I would love to see fit bit add a a vitamin and nutrition tracker, so when I input my daily food it would show me from those foods what types of vitamin, Protein etc are in the foods not only the calories. I know many people who love to have this on the fitbit app. There's an app called chronometer which does the exact thing, howverr why would I want to input my food and everything into my fitbit and then do the same again to another app to see my nutrient's and vitamins, Its silly. I'm surprised fitbit does not already have this on there app.

Thank you.

Moderator Edit: Edited labels.

Tempo Runner
I have also posted something about this, you might want to check it out, as they are similar ideas.@Arennn.
First Steps
I'm not seeing a post. What's the title of it?
Tempo Runner
Yes, it is under a 'hidden' title and is kinda different but the nutritional tracking is the same, it's under 'new sensor' to sense the amount of sodium and other things you lose in sweat hoe much u lose
Recovery Runner

This is a great idea and something Fitbit really needs to work on. I've also been wanting a caffeine tracker within the fitbit app. Jawbone has an entire app dedicated to tracking caffeine. Fitbit should start integrating all of these into their own app. One system for all of our data. Let's keep posting here!

Tempo Runner
Yes, Fitbit has been tracking exercise, which is important. But should start focusing on more healthy and aspects. Also allowing people to track therefood and create reminders within tracking like they probably could have added it to the blaze. This would prove how I had to Fitbit can be, and not over complicate it. There are some good ideas, that just need to be sparked by others ideas, hopefully Fitbit can add these things
First Steps
Having a hard time figuring out nutritional info. to put in " calories in/calories out". Is there away to stay within fitbit and get that information? Where can I go within fitbit community to get this info.
First Steps
I'm becoming very dissolution ed in fitbit. Where can I get food information to insert in the food intake. I'm 72, and just bought a "charge HR". What was I thinking??? Please someone help
Tempo Runner
You just have to search the food in, whatever food you ate, you add in and then add the servings, it's quite simple no need to worry
Tempo Runner
@Arennn do you see it? It's under 'new sensor' as the title, hopefully you, Fitbit, and others are able to find it and vote for it, so it is noticed. Also check my other posts for new ideas, as I've posted pretty much. Thanks

I use My fitness Pal to track food/nutrients.  You link your My fitness Pal account and your Fitbit account.  You enter food in My Fitness Pal, and it gives you the nutireint information.  The calories sync to Fitbit.

First Steps
I just purchased my FitBitHR today going through everything I have also discovered this it counts calories that's great but what about the rest of the nutrients. A few years ago I was working out using MyFittnessPal app and it recorded all of the info gave pie, bar charts with percentages. For the money I paid for this device it would be great. BTW MyFitnessPal is a free app.
Which is why I have my Fitbit synced to My Fitness Pal.
First Steps
I hit something, looking for salad info the other day, on my fitbit app.
(android), while trying desperately to fill in calorie information. All of
a sudden all kinds of salad information popped up. Ceaser, South western,
Mediterranean etc etc. I was so excited, it gave me all the information I
needed, AND I haven't been able to find it since. Was it on the 123?
Or was it on the costom ? How come I can't find it again. How did I do
that.... Please help me. I didn't grow up with computers or cell phone, but
I did buy myself a fitbit watch. Charge HR
Why does this have to be so hard????
First Steps
@songbird1329 how do you sync fitbit with my fitness pal?
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