Seizure alert

I am an er nurse and my brother has seizures. I think it would be helpful if a Fitbit could alert another phone if the person wearing it with the seizure disorder had a sudden heart rate of 120 or over or if it were to go in and out of sleep Mode several times. It would just be a clue to check on that person.

First Steps

my daughter has recently been diagnosed with epilepsy and the Inspire has been very helpful for me to understand how a seizure affects her. In relation to hart rate, O2 and Steps.

However it what would be cleaver if it could do some adnominally detection and alerting. 

Is there any plans for this? 

I am an IT specialist in monitoring and alerting so would be interested in getting involved.

First Steps

my daughter has recently been diagnosed with epilepsy and i am looking for a tracker to monitor her O2 and hart rate.
I noticed that your products are very good however they dont seem to alert to a phone. is that correct?

First Steps
Hiya, Why don’t you make a fitbit charge 5 or 6 that detects epileptic seizures that will also alert family members when they happen through GPS. For example why don’t you make a fitbit that can record Neurological problems when they happen such as absence seizures and simple partial seizures and also full blown tonic clonic seizures for both day t
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Brookimister, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to have a Seizure alert on Fitbit. This feature suggestion already exists, so I've moved it into a similar request. While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes.


You can also vote for this other related feature request: Epilepsy/seizure tracking. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.


I hope to see you around.


This is extremely disappointing.  People with Epilepsy don't normally have any idea that they have had a seizure unless other people are around them, especially while sleeping.  Fitbit may not be a medical device, but you can track sleep patterns, heartrate, cardio and peak activity zones which are all medical.  In fact I recorded my cardio peak during my last nocturnal seizure, 140 bpm at 0630 in the morning which should never happen.  Adding this would be a Godsend to the 1 in 26 people who will be diagnosed with Epilepsy at some point in their lives.  If the Apple Watch can do this certainly Fitbit can do this.  


I have camera in my living room. I sleep in there especially when I feel off. Last night it caught big spike in my heart rate. I had what looked like a drop attack that was very short and then went back to sleep. Not sure but it does this everytime I have these. And my sleep will be very short lots of wakes if I have them in clusters. Which I did night before. It also helps me determine when to look back on my cameras to look for one. It always throws something off but I have heart and oxygen issues to due to lung nodules and tackacardia. I have been sleeping in the day a lot and barely sleeping at night. It doesn’t tell me if I have had one but definitely between it and my cameras helps me determine it. Seems like it will also make my heart rate either to high or to low the next day. 


Must have feature ! 

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