Separate ON/OFF switch for Predictions (Fertility Window & Period)

It would be a great feature to be able to turn on or off the ovulation & fertility window predictions for those Fitbit users that do not want or need that information for their female health tracking. Right now we only have the option to turn off all predictions which then also turns off the menstruation predictions. 


Moderator edit: Updated subject for clarity.

First Steps

I am also on birth control and viewing the fertility window makes me uncomfortable.

Stepping Up

Definitely need this option - I have selected that my birth control is the implant. Being able to predict and track my slightly sporadic bleeds is very useful, especially when I come to review my birth control with my doctor. However, since I've told the app that I have an implant in my arm that literally stops me from ovulating I really think that it shouldn't be making any statement about my fertility...


Also given how poor sex education can be in some places, I would personally be concerned about using a term like "fertility window" in case some poor young lady decides that means she's totally safe having sex outside that window. Not that natural family planning cannot be an effective method of birth control, but the idea of a young lady who was not fortunate enough to receive good sex education misinterpreting this information seems like quite a risk to me.


PLEASE let those who want to remove this feature, be able to remove it!!! Very frustrating that I can't control it.

First Steps

Would love to be able to turn off the fertility feature! 

Base Runner

Another reason to fix this is because as it currently works, the display alternates between fertility and period information, depending on which one comes up next. This means that half the time, I am getting the fertility information, which I do not need (or want) instead of the period information, which I do need.


I need to keep track of how many days there are before my next period all the time, not just after my supposed fertility window is over for the month.

First Steps

I agree. I love the idea of period tracking, but am past the point of being interested in fertility tracking. I would like to turn fertility tracking off, or at least move it to be the second screen instead of the first screen.

First Steps

Two words, Fitbit: lesbians exist!

Unless we’re actively trying to conceive with donor sperm, we just don’t need this information. In addition to others’ points about assumptions, this is just another reason I find the forced inclusion of fertility presumptuous.


Fully support!  Period tracking and fertility tracking should not be packaged together.  

I really like the idea of period tracking -mine is very irregular and doctors want me to take detailed notes. Having the app I was already using help me do that seemed great!... Until it switched to showing me fertility information with no way to turn this information off.  I am Very uncomfortable I feel seeing personalized fertility information on my Fitbit!  I have 0 need for it. I am single and do not believe in sex before marriage. Being as I would very much like to get married and have kids someday, but am not even dating, this is a push I do not want to be forced to see. It is also hiding the needed information I do want to always have available about my period (irregular cycles mean I really do need this information all the time). Please seperate these two features and give us the option to toggle one off without having to forgo them both!


Please add this feature! My husband and I had secondary fertility for years, which was very painful. We're not trying anymore, so this feature is useless to me and a somewhat painful reminder. Not everyone who has a period wants to get pregnant or even can get pregnant. I can't imagine what this would feel like for someone who wants to have kids but can't for some reason.

First Steps

I’m surprised that the fertility predictions can’t be removed. There seems to be a variety of reasons that some would not want that information. It seems strange in this day and age not to be able to opt out of it. 

First Steps

I agree, this would be very handy to remove if wanted/needed.

First Steps

Yes! Give us the option to turn off! 

As someone who is child free by choice, I have no interest in tracking it.


Please let this be implemented! 

Not applicable

Please allow turn off of the fertility feature. Thank you 🙂

First Steps

I have had my child, and I am now sterilized. While I think the window is important to some (those on semi-reliable birth control to know when the biggest risk is, and those trying to concieve), I don't think it should be a package deal for those who cannot get pregnant.

I love the accuracy of the period tracking, but this part of the package is unnecessary.


To be honest the female health tracking feature is quite simply appalling. It was seems to have designed by men with no involvement of real women.

We don't all fit into little boxes, and the asumption that pregnancy is important to us all is, quite frankly, insulting and rather mysogyistic. All features should be adaptable to meet your individual needs, the details also need to be correct.

The response to the post was also disappointing, this should be obvious and unnecessary to see what others think. Many users won't even look at this site and given that it is many months and post on the failure to improve this feature suggests that women are not important to Fitbit.



Despite many good suggestions bring made on improvements required to the Female Health section, there have been no corrections or updates made as far as I can tell.

Can you give us an idea when you might actually resolve some of the obvious deficiencies?

I would suggest the following as the most important:

    Option not to track ovulation / fertility

    Removal of breastfeeding as a contraception (it isn't one)

    Better options to log female health linked to menstruation or menopause

Status changed to: Needs More Info
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @AnitaLorraine! We wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Feature Suggestions Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing suggestions:


Please try to make sure you only post one idea per suggestion, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for.


Also, you can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.

Thanks for participating in Feature Suggestions!


YojanaFitbit - The OVERWHELMING response to this functionality is that this feature needs to be controlled by the *user*.  Virtually everyone who has posted in response to this suggestion feels strongly that they want a toggle switch to be able to shut it off. And about half of the women who responded are actually offended that this feature has been forced on them. 


When you first commented on this, you wrote “good idea. Let’s wait to see what others think.”  Now we know. HOW LONG DO WE HAVE TO WAIT?!




I'd like have the option of turning on a fertility alert, the app I was using had this. Great plus for both avoiding unwanted pregnancy and for getting pregnant.

First Steps

Another voice adding to this. It’s great that fertility tracking is available, but I would much prefer it to be optional. I like being able to track my cycle, but have no need or desire to track fertility, so for me, it just clogs up my calendar. Being able to track my cycle sans fertility would be a great improvement for me. 

First Steps

Please add the option to turn off fertility tracking. I track my period every month, but I take contraception to ensure I have no fertile window. Also, there are lots of women who have a period but are not fertile - this is a hurtful and tone-deaf feature to force upon them with no option to remove. Please consider adding this option ASAP. Thank you. 

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone thanks for sharing this suggestion. This is being discussed although I do not have a firm commitment or timeline at the moment. Do continue to vote for this feature suggestion whilst it’s under consideration.

Please note that if something is under consideration and chosen for development, it can be a while until it's released or until I have any news to share. Please watch this space for any updates! Thanks for your patience.


Yes, please implement a feature to turn off the fertility tracker, the information is useless to me and clutters my view.  Thanks for the consideration

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey @AnitaLorraine.


I will be merging this suggestion into: Separate ON/OFF switch for Predictions (Fertility Window & Period). Be sure to vote for this suggestion if you have the time.


Thanks for participating!

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