Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
First Steps
The new update for the app makes the sleep tracker completely unreadable. As someone with color blindness I am struggling SO much more now with the light background and dotted lines more than I did ever before. I can’t even turn my phone for a larger view to attempt to read my log. Get rid of this cosmetic change, please!

As a loyal Fitbit user for 8 years, I am appalled at the most recent update. I hate the most recent update! A graph should always make data easier to understand not harder. The updated app's graphs are ridiculously hard to read. What was wrong with the old graphs? Please let us choose to revert to the old app!  Also, this morning the app showed no data when I looked for my sleep data and score, and when it finally showed data about 10 minutes later it showed over 6,000 steps, (I was still in bed). The data it was showing me was partly from yesterday and partly from today. I want a fitness app that I can trust. I am sad to say I will be moving on. 😞

Update: I have moved on! I bought a new, stylish tracker from another maker that has a very thorough, detailed app. It is still new so I will need some time to see its pros and cons. 

The graph that shows how your sleep scores compare to people your age also isn’t working. This new format is the single dopiest move Fitbit has ever made to their software. Please revert to the previous version!

I am so disappointed with the new sleep timeline graph. It’s so hard to look at and there are no tick marks in the bottom of the graph representing the hours/time. Please bring the old one back. 

First Steps

I too dislike the latest update.  I agree with everyone's comments.  Ugly, plain, hard to read.  The last few updates have been ridiculous and are making the app less user friendly.  Not only for sleep but in other areas as well.

Fitbit is going backwards with enhancements. Restore previous software!  Listen to your customers!

First Steps

The new sleep tracker is useless. I Will be cancelling my subscription for Premium and looking for a new device if not given an option to use the original.


Please, please change the sleep stages back to the previous format! This format is terrible to navigate and understand. I do charts/graphs and control charts to make data more absorbable, and this does the exact opposite! 

First Steps
I expected Fitbit people to chime in and tell us what they would do in response to these critical posts. So far nothing. Do they even read the forum? Does anyone know how to address them directly so we can get an answer? Don’t they care?
Right? And if it's just a watch then I'm going back to my real watch.

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First Steps

Just to let you know I really dislike the new sleep summary. It is very difficult to read, the old summery you could understand at a glance . Please bring back the old sleep summary . 

Recovery Runner

Google is now becoming like AB-InBev because they're trying to destroy themselves by cannibalizing the FITBIT brand. Google, how can you legitimately have a conscience by doing this to so many of your customers? If you don't fix this, no one is going to buy any more products from you, including Android watches.


I see from reading here that there is no intent to restore the old format so if a company shows they are unwilling to listen to the people actually USING their product then I'm out.  And now won't be gettin my husband one for his birthday.

First Steps

Hello moderator and Community, I agree that every single update to the app has been a downgrade - especially the most recent reformatting which is almost impossible to interpret.

First Steps

I miss the ability to hover over each bump on my sleep cycle chart to see how long it was.  I am awake for long periods of time in the middle of the night and it was helpful to know how long I was awake for when I wake up.  The new view is so hard on the eyes and takes away important data.

First Steps

Yeah, I literally made an account for this place just to tell Fitbit that I can't read my sleep data anymore. The one blue and red bar was great! Very self-explanatory and easy to show my doctor my sleep quality over time, too. Please change it back or give us the option to use the old layout!


I have been a loyal fitbit user for at least 10 years, and even though there have been new fitbits after my Charge 5, it has worked wonderfully and I'm happy with it.

However, the recent change in the sleep part of the app is terrible!! It is difficult to tell how much REM and Deep Sleep you got, the graph is illegible and you can no longer see how your oxygen level is. I hate it, and want it changed back to the way it was before! I also can't tell when I was awake because the graph cannot be read and understood.

I use my Fitbit mainly for my steps, calories burned etc., however I've gotten so that I also really use the sleep part of the app. I hope that you can make this change back to the old sleep format!

Wishing for the change back and thank you!

Best, Karen


Recovery Runner

I have had many Fitibt, Inspire, Inspire II, Charge, Charge HR, Versa, Versa 2 (3 of them because they kept dying).  I follow a guy on Youtube who reviews smart watches/fitness trackers comparing their HR and sleep tracking performance using some standard and more reliable equipment.  This is why I kept coming back to Fitbit because the sleep tracking performance is above average yet within a reasonable price range.  Unfortunately, Google keeps making these changes to dumb down the supposed to be smart watch to the point where I will have to walk away.  I re-watched all the review videos by the guy mentioned, I concluded the only affordable alternative to Fitbit now is Garmin, not all of them but just a handful that hold up sleep score agreement above 70%; they are Fenix7 Pro, Venus 3, Forerunner 965, and Epix2 Pro.  There are always Apple watches that are very high on the score chart but of course they are expensive and you need an iPhone to go with it.  The Oura ring is doable but it's not a watch and you need a subscription to use the full benefits of it.  Whoop 3 & 4 are also alternatives that require membership/subscription, not cheap.  Samsung has only one that's up to par but some said Samsung uses the same platform as Fitbit so if that's true buying a Samsung won't help us.  Then there are Pixel watches that owned by Google, buying them is exactly what Google wants us to do.  A very sad conclusion but once my last two Fitbit die which I expect in a year, I am going to look into Garmin, hopefully they will have something even better by than. What a shame that Google would destroy something good for profits.  We could see that coming when Google's motto changed from "Don't be Evil" to "Do the Right Thing".  They lowered their moral standard but can't even hold up to doing the right thing, obviously. 

First Steps
Thanks for sharing your research
Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

I don’t normally leave feedback comments unless I feel very strongly about something, and this is one of those rare occasions.  The new sleep graphics are absolutely horrible and nearly unreadable.  Why change something that wasn’t broken?  The graphics remind me of an old DOS computer, yuck.  Please change the sleep data and graphics back to the way it was!

First Steps

The only reason I’m paying for the premium subscription is for the sleep data, but with this latest update, I will most certainly be canceling my subscription.  Looks like I’ll be getting a Whoop band after all.  

First Steps

I am here to say all the same things as everyone else. I am so disappointed in the new format for sleep. Why would anyone think this was a good idea? It is hard to look at. The previous format was perfect and I can't imagine why it would have been changed. Please change it back so I don't have to  change brands. 

Base Runner
I don't like the new sleep duration. I like to see other one better.
First Steps

Hey Fitbit, I am adding my voice to those who have already commented that they don't like the new graphics.  Not an improvement, definitely inferior.  If you do not reinstate the old interface then I too will not be renewing my premium subscription and will be buying another product.  Kindly comment/answer some of the questions posed.  

I agree.  The old sleep monitor was much more useful when working with doctors. I had 5 major surgeries in 18 months and each one turned me into an insomniac.  I used the FitBit sleep graphs to show the doctors my progress in returning to normal sleep.  I can no longer do that because now I can't calculate the sleep efficiency using the FitBit formula.  At least give the "Time to fall asleep" number so I can calculate the sleep efficiency.  After 13 years of using FitBit I think I'll have to find another brand of monitor.  Very disappointed user.

Joe Ameen

Recovery Runner

Thanks for the information. I too am thinking that i will switch to Garmin as I have had it with Fitbit/Google.  From what I can see the Google Pixel also uses the Fitbit platform so that would be out of the frying pan and  into the fire.

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