Smart Alarms that Wake You More Naturally (eg. in Light Sleep Stage)

I just got my Fitbit flex and I think it's fantastic.  If it monitors your sleep though it will have a good idea of when you're in deep (REM) sleep and when you're in lighter sleep.  You cycle between these two during the night on a pretty reliable pattern, and they're easy to tell apart as you don't move around while you're in REM sleep.  At least not as I understand things.


Could an update for the Fitbit modify the alarm feature please to wake you up as close as possible to your chosen time, but NOT during REM sleep?


This will allow you to wake more naturally, feeling refreshed, rather than how unpleasant it is when your alarm goes off in REM sleep.


Thanks, please all vote for this :smileyhappy:


Moderator edit: labels.


We should all just give up and let it go. I totally LOVED my Fitbit Ionic. For a year and 3 months. Not only did it not have this feature. We never got any updates on if they were working on it. Then they all stop charging just a few months past the warranty. This has happened to so many of us, that I start to wonder if it is programmed to do that. It makes me sad, because every other thing about it was great. This one thing is why I am going to switch over to another wearable. If it woke me up in light sleep, I would likely even overlook the charging problem and just buy another, but.....

Recovery Runner

you know what? you're absolutely right. the only thing this thread does is to irritate me every time someone posts and reinforce the clear message fitbit couldn't care less about customer feedback. It would be better if they just came out and said they will never do it. #unsubscribe



I love my Fitbit Charge 2.  I went away for a couple of weeks once without my charger and so I went into a shop and bought a new one to go into my suitcase so I’d always have a charger on holiday.  Soon after though my original charger failed, just a few months out of warranty.  No the Fitbit didn’t fail, it was only the charger, and I could probably get one much cheaper online.  The new charger continues to operate.  So the chargers are rubbish and the straps are rubbish (I’ve had a couple of Charge HRs with strap issues and a broken Charge 2 strap at 18 months) but the Fitbits seem to go for a long time in my experience.  My original Flex is still going, even though I’ve taken it swimming and showering for years.  Later finding out it’s not actually meant to be waterproof, oops.  My Charge 2 is just over two years old, still going strong, touch wood.  I’ve never taken that swimming or showering though.  And I’ve just discovered third party straps at less than 1/3 of the price of Fitbit genuine.

Recovery Runner

Can you develop a deep sleep alarm clock delay so my alarm will not sound if I am in deep sleep per my Fitbit? Like an automatic  10 min snooze? Terrible when the alarm goes off in the middle of  deep sleep -  a 10 min delay, or two, could change how the rest of the morning or day feels!

First Steps

Fitbit: Ignoring Customer Requests Since 2013:trade_mark:

Recovery Runner

hahaahaha. spot on @ESMEs .


Perhaps we could @ some of the moderators in the other ideas threads and get and update? The moderator that set this as "under consideration" hasn't been active since 2014. I'll go first...


@LanuzaFitbit can we get an update on this idea? It's been under consideration for over half a decade. A lot of users (myself included) would get a lot of use out of this. 

Tempo Runner

@Alessa Fitbit won't be mentioned it would appear

Stepping Up

If moderators are not following this particular feature suggestion, then,

can I mention some fitbit competitors or its products (yes, plural) which actually has this feature? >:)
I have 2 fitbit: charge HR and alta HR,

I realized lack of quality control and information transparency (related to feature suggestion).

I had found alternatives a loooong time ago and never look back

(except this thread because I subscribed and I see it as a joke when someone add post into it)


@andreyunugro - Who did you end up going with? 

Recovery Runner

@andreyunugro yes please would love to know 

Stepping Up

Even moderators not around, I still will not mention brand.. X)

But these are so obvious, for me..
1. The company which just added (May 2019) in US's entity list: I have 2 products, both have "smart alarm" in the default app

- Try GT (I end up with this).

2. The one with the same country as above, who produces fitness bands with number (1, 1s, 2, 3, 4), just launch the last one: this products need additional app in your phone, may not available on every OS like fitbit. The bands are very affordable.

Other than these 2, I never really try it for sleep. Try research it first which one suit you better.


Lets move on, learn, and "get motivated" -> but (may) not with Fitbit. 🙂



First Steps

Please integrate an accurate and precise method in to the silent alarm system and the sleep analysis, so that the wearer wakes up during a light sleep stage. 


Have the option of setting a 30 minute window and vibrate the band during the lightest sleep stage!


I would switch to the Up3 by Jawbone IF IT HASN'T BEEN DISCONTINUED, just because sleep analysis and the alarm system was the best in the industry in the Up3!


First Steps

Can you add the ability to set a window for when I would like to be awakened, and the fitbit wakes me when I am in light sleep? Jawbone had this feature back in the day, and I would like to see it on fitbit as well.


@Skeeteroo @andreyunugro @man_from_earth I've already contacted other makers. I found some that happen to have the smart alarm feature, and specially one of them offers all that I need: smart alarms, sleep stages (maybe not as complex as Fitbit, but the ones in fitbit never worked for me anyway, so I'm willing to give it a go), and MyFitnessPal integration for steps and calorie count. I need these 3 features, and this other brand has them, so I'll be moving soon if Fitbit doesn't add the smart alarm feature.

Recovery Runner

Which one is it? I'm ready to try something else. The auto exercise tracking features haven't once worked either (different topic entirely of course). 




I'd be interested to know the other brand too! 

First Steps


Hey, what other companies have you contacted?

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @kristoffer.eik, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. This feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here. Don't forget to add your vote!

Base Runner

Perhaps it would help people to understand why Fitbit hasn't implemented a feature originally suggested years ago and which has received more votes and comments than any other feature, if Fitbit explained why implementation of this feature is so difficult?  Maybe the Fitbit watch and/or app doesn't actually know anything about sleep stages until all of the data has been passed to their in-house system for analysis and then the result is sent back to the app on the phone?  I could see why that would make things more difficult.

Tempo Runner

@Rajid considering sleep as Android finally got this to work themselves through whatever shenanigans, I can't imagine Fitbit couldn't do it themselves.

Recovery Runner

@LuciaFitbit  you're redirecting people here but this thread doesn't have any useful information other than your customers wondering why on earth fitbit hasn't updated the status of this feature for over 5+ years? if it's not going to happen tell us, if it's not possible tell us.


Could you raise this with a product owner/designer within fitbit and get us some answers? We're literally advising each other on alternative products/brands because after this long it seems as if no one from fitbit actually checks the threads/suggestions. 


TL;DR : an update after 5+ years of silence (negative or positive) would make us feel heard and help a lot.


thank you  🙂

Base Runner

+1 what Dave said!

First Steps



Dear Mod,


I would like to highlight a crucial issue here. As you can see, people here are advising each other of RIVAL products in order to satisfy their thirst for one of (if not) the most wanted feature of the fitbit products: Smart Alarm like that of Jawbone (may the gods rest their souls). 


It is really disappointing, that you people can't just say, yes it's coming or no, it ain't. That way we could just move on with our lives, sell our fitbit bands and invest in a product that satisfies our needs.


That's all we need. 


Thanks for reading! (I doubt anyone reads these)


@man_from_earth @d-a-v-e  well, don't know how appropriate it is to mention this here... One starts by wh and ends by ings. And I've looked also into "mi". Hope that's clear without being too explicit.


@Rajid Maybe, but the other day they just updated their looks in the app. So say it is, as you say, difficult: maybe they should consider changing other deeper stuff in their software to make it work better, because looking into the forums it is obviously not working as it should, it's not just me experiencing issues.


I mean, I'm in this topic about the smart alarms, but also have other issues in other topics because sleep stages never worked for me, and because I would like the fitbit coach to coach weights training and it doesn't. So for me, it is already too many things that are either not working as expected or never coming. I bought fitbit because of certain existing features plus certain others (like the smart alarm feature) that "might be considered in the future" (I got this kind of hopeful answer after I asked before buying, and now I know not to buy anything if what I want is not there). Fact is that, some of the features that were supposed to be there didn't work, plus the "expected ones" aren't happening. So I'm moving away.

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