Start week on Monday on Android App

So sorry, USA, but you are the only ones who start the week on Sunday. For the rest of the world, we would really appreciate if we can change the settings on our Android app for the week to start on the first day of the week, namely Monday. I know you can do it on the dashboard, but I'd like to start the week on Mondays, also on the app, as this is my primary go-to place to check stats. 




Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Geoje and everyone, I'm happy to say that this has now been released! Please ensure your app is updated to change your settings. Thanks!

Recovery Runner

2. 63?  How do you change day?

Tempo Runner

 @LizFitbit, please tell us where the setting is in the new Android version.  If it's there, it's far from obvious.



I think you may find it is NOT released.




Recovery Runner
Not obvious in 2.63

How do you do it?

Get Outlook for Android
Stepping Up

I'm not sure why I can't respond to the moderator's comment but are you sure this option was pushed through.  I don't see the option anywhere Liz.  


Just switched to Android and noticed I can't change the day my week starts to Monday. Crazy. It is a small thing, so maybe I shouldn't care. It is also a small thing that I believe should be an easy fix. Come on Fitbit, you can do it!

Tempo Runner

@LizFitbit please explain how to change to Mondays within the app? Because I and several others can't manage to figure it out

Recovery Runner

It does not indicate where to make the changes within the app.  Frustrating and time consuming to deal with this for so long.

Recovery Runner

I think Lizfitbit was fibbing.



Moderator Edit: Added Labels


Tempo Runner

Does any other moderator know if this change of weekday is getting fixed soon? Or how to change to Mondays?


Hi LizFitbit. I'm using Motorola G5 Plus phone. I still have my week starting day as Sunday. However my weekly stats are from Monday to Sunday in the email, updated on my personal info on web dashboard to Monday too. Kindly help me.

Tempo Runner

I don't follow...


My Android app starts the week on Mondays. It always has, for the last two years.

First Steps
Lucky you! By any chance, do you have British as your language? That's the
only way I have been able to get Monday as my Android app start day. For
US, it's been Sunday, with no setting to change it.
Recovery Runner

What release of android are you on?

First Steps
Check for example your Steps stats for this week. You'll see both Today and Sunday under the This Week list. If the Android app started on Monday you would just see Today. Just unbelievable that we still can't change this setting in the Android app...
Tempo Runner

@cebw - yes, I am using British English. Surely not an issue to set devices to use British English.? Makes a nice change, I'd say 🙂


First Steps
Oh, so. Yes, I used British English for a while, but it affects all apps. All but one were splendidtyat way, but the one (which escapes me at the moment) caused me to (sadly) revert back.

My company's healthy incentive program sync's with my Fitbit which is great, but their tracking goes Monday-Sunday. This would be a really nice feature if I could customize the app to align with my Company's system!

Keep waiting for this to happen.

Sent from my iPad
Recovery Runner

Not holding my breath, what a joke, Fitbut.

Can’t understand why they just don’t fix it....many people want it.

Sent from my iPad
Tempo Runner

The status line on this thread says that this has been released. A moderator has stated that this has been released.


Dozens of users have posted here observing that this that has NOT been released and no one has posted saying "Great Thanks! I love it!"


Here's a thought. Moderators, change this back to you a different status like "under consideration" or "ignored" and post explaining what's really happening.


Please. It's been weeks now.

Recovery Runner

So ridiculous that this can't be changed.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Geoje and commenters - thanks for flagging that this wasn't released and I apologize for the misunderstanding. There was a bug fix released whereby you could change your settings to start the week on Monday in the mobile app, but it only impact the web app and not mobile (on android) as per your Feature Suggestion. I will raise this with developers and get back to you. Thanks all for letting me know.

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