Support Google Workspace accounts to log in to Fitbit account

Right now people like myself that use a Google Workspace (so not something [at] account as their main account, are locked out of Fitbit "login with Google" features - and our accounts can't be migrated.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject and updated label

I have the same problem. My Google account is a Workspace account, it's my main and only account, syncs with all my devices, and I manage all my work and personal emails / apps with it, been doing that for 10+ years. Fitbit / Google needs to provide support for Workspace accounts, else we'll be locked out. 


Same for me. Using my Workspace account for many years. I hope they will add support !!

Also tried to add app permissions or else, but nothing helped.


I have the same problem. I have had a Workspace account (and its predecessor) for many years. If I migrate my Workspace account to an individual account, I lose my personalized Fitbit is not the only app that cannot be linked if you are using a Workspace account. Worse, there is no admin setting that will change that. Google needs to correct their coding in Workspace.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator

Hi @pgaleone, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about supporting Google Workspace accounts to log in to Fitbit account with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

First Steps

This is so stupid. Why would you not support a workspace account? The dumbest idea ever - returning the newly purchased fitbit as I cannot use it without making a new and totally separate google account!

Stepping Up

I'm a long time Fitbit user but an even more tong time administrator of Google workspace accounts for my family.  Virtually all my devices are linked to the Google workspace account (and it's predecessor); I see no reason to create a different, generic @gmail account just for fitbit.

If this requirement is maintained I - and many others - will be locked out => if that happens I'll need to abandon the fitbit platform and go with a competitor's devices.


I agree with @MikeyZ. I am a long-time Workspace user and administrator. However, more and more, I find the Workspace rules to be unnecessarily restrictive and unable to be modified by the administrator. Now this move to limit access by Fitbit is simply encouraging me to go to Samsung or Apple, or some other unrestricted competitor.

First Steps

@lizzi I wanted to vote for this feature but had to log in to do so. But I cannot log in using my workspace account due to this exact problem. Catch 22.

So my guess is that there are a lot more people with this problem than will actually vote for it.


I am also unable to migrate to google because I have a workspace account. I was also notified that if I do not migrate my access to Fitbit Care (Renew Active) will no longer be active at some point in the near future.  I do not see a way out of this unless the workspace accounts can be migrated. I will not setup a separate non-workspace gmail account to make the system happy... the system is broke and not thought through.

First Steps

I have both gmail and Workspace, but have only used Workspace for about 15 years. If I need to log in and out of Workspace, this will be an easy return decision... Will keep my Whoop bracelet

First Steps

Same for our family with multiple devices.

Luckily we all have fitbit username/password logins but none of us is interested in adding a Gmail address only for Fitbit. 

Could you please confirm if you plan to support this? 

I definitely support modifying Workspace to allow Fitbit integration.
Google is assuming that Workspace is mainly for business. But, many
families use Workspace for simplicity of managing email, particularly their
children's email.
Recovery Runner

Not only can one not migrate to a Google Workspace account, but when I asked the Twitter fitbit support account, they tell me that it will be supported but that I need to change to a non Workspace account (which is incoherent). When I pointed that out to them they never answered.


So for now, if in 2025 when moving to Google account is mandatory, I may move to a Samsung Galaxy watch... I'm still hopeful, but cautiously so.



I have the same issue been a long time > 12 years workspace and a long time Fitbit customer.  There are many people who are in the same position.  

First Steps

This obviously needs to be fixed asap

First Steps

I'm also affected by this lack of support for my paid family Google Workspace accounts. It's even more annoying because my Google Workspace account is supported by Google Fit!  This really shouldn't be an issue in 2023.

Recovery Runner

Well, Google can't get their act together. If you have a Workspace account, you can't use Google Family... You can't make reviews on the play store... So they've decided to mess up Fitbit as well... Not that much of a surprise. I wish they made it so that Google Workspace accounts worked like any other Google account. After all, we pay for it. So we should get as much as gmail... AND MORE. Not less.

First Steps

Another frustrated Fitbit user here who's own personal and family Google accounts are Google Workspace accounts, I manage multiple domain names for my extended family (so nine unique users in total), and there are three of us who are active Fitbit users.

Unfortunately I've no doubt that us Google Workspace users are a very small minority of Fitbit's customers, so Google will probably not bother to add Fitbit support to Google Workspace. I suppose this means that somewhen during 2024, ready for the 2025 deadline, there are three Fitbit users who will need to find a new health tracker that supports Google Workspace accounts 😞

Not applicable

Same here. Long time Fitbit user, longer time Workspace.  This is a Fitbit dealbreaker for me.  Love Fitbit, but there are competitive products out there that want to support me rather than make it harder.

First Steps

Same boat. I’m not going to create a whole separate Gmail/Google Account just to use it with Fitbit… And, like, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having it integrated into a Google Account in the first place?

Everything is integrated with my existing Google (Workspace) account. I’m the administrator of my Workplace Domain, I see no reason why it couldn’t be a granular feature one could enable/disable in Workspace, just like every other Google app/feature.


This is incredibly annoying/frustrating, especially how hard Fitbit is pushing to migrate away from Fitbit accounts. I pay an obscene amount of money for both Fitbit Premium and Workspace. You should be prioritizing paying customers like us. Unlike many of the above users, I am NOT a longtime Fitbit user, and if this isn’t fixed soon, I expect I’ll just get an Apple Watch.

First Steps

I’ll also point out that this post/feature request is probably not seeing all the additional 👍 it would considering you can’t even sign in to this very site ( with a Google Workspace account…
First Steps

You got to be kidding me, right!?

I spent literally hours reading reviews and comments in order to choose the right sleep and fitness tracker and finally decided to buy Fitbit Inspire 3. I ordered it and it's arriving tomorrow. Now I tried to create a new account obviously with my personal Google Workspace account and it says it's not compatible?! Really? What should I do now? Wait until they fix it and watch my new Fitbit sitting in the box in the meantime or return it back and go for Whoop?

Dear support, please step into my shoes and give me a good solution here. Can I get an old good email/password account which I can use until it's possible to migrate it to my Google Workspace account? Otherwise I'm afraid I don't have any other option than returning Fitbit and spend my money (and future money on subscription) on Whoop...

First Steps

This is so frustrating!  I PAY for a Google Workspace account, and there are so many things I can't use it for (Fi, FitBit, Family, etc.).  I would really like to able to migrate my FitBit account to my Google Workspace account.  Google/FitBit team, please fix this!

First Steps

I completely agree this is ridiculous. For some reason, Google assumes only businesses use workspace, but it's a valid product for many individuals and families. I don’t know why they can't let the accounts administrators decide what products they want to allow their accounts to work with!

Google, we don’t need you to make decisions for us. Just give us the ability to decide for ourselves. Also, as paying members of the Google community, we should get priority on new products and integrations. 

First Steps

Is there an ETA when this will be available?

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