Support International Date Formats

It's 2018. Simply put, new devices and applications which don't take into account the needs of the world community in terms of a very basic date display should not exist. It's not that hard.


I can understand that the majority of folks in the USA don't really care about the way the rest of the world uses dates. And it would therefore be exceedingly difficult to drum up enough support via a "popular vote". But, it's just common courtesy.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

It’s just wholly unacceptable! Only North America to my knowledge use this back to front format. Surely sales of Fitbit Globally must exceed US sales! Even my 15 year old Nintendo allow an international date format! Fitbit clearly don’t care about their customer base and they have the audacity to call this a “Feature Request” when in reality it’s basic, minimum functionality Sent from my iPhone

It’s just wholly unacceptable! Only North America to my knowledge use this back to front format. Surely sales of Fitbit Globally must exceed US sales! Even my 15 year old Nintendo allow an international date format! Fitbit clearly don’t care about their customer base and they have the audacity to call this a “Feature Request” when in reality it’s basic, minimum functionality

Absolutely agree. Sadly it would seem no one is listening. Relatively easy to do (I work in IT) Apple Mac Computer had this feature in 1984.


Same here, I’ve had our Dev Team apply something similar in a matter of minutes. 

First Steps

Well, like somebody else here said, when may current Fitbit packs in I will replace it with a different make, one that uses the proper date format!!  I encourage everybody else to do the same.  Why would we give our money to a company who doesn't care about its customers?  Appalling customer support.


Let me start by saying that for most of the world, today is 17-06-2021. That's 17th June 2021.

Like others on this thread, I raised this issue when I bought my Fitbit Charge 3 back in October 2019, and the thread had been going for a while even then. Since then nothing has changed.

Again, as others have stated, I decided a little while ago that when my Fitbit dies I will not replace it. Well my Fitbit started playing up recently, black horizontal lines across the face making it almost illegible. I contacted support who tried to help but without success. Unfortunately my charge 3 warranty has expired but I was offered a 30% discount towards the purchase of a replacement from the Fitbit store. 

I had a quick look but decided to stick to my earlier decision and eventually bought a replacement from Amazon, the Xiaomi Mi Band 6. Do I miss my Fitbit? No. This has everything I need, at a third of the Fitbit price and shows the date correctly (I didn't even need to configure it for that to happen).

So, to anyone else who is fed up of waiting for Fitbit to add a simple bit of code rather than push Premium at you all the time my advice is vote with your wallet.

Best regards to all posters/commenters on this thread.



Fitbit - Are we likely to see this anytime before ICE cars are banned? Why not try writing or typing the date in international format for a while and see how utterly infuriating it is for the rest of the planet! This is not a feature request or a nice to have, its BOBBY BASIC FUNCTIONALITY.


International date format


Moderator Edit: Formatting

Cosmic Hurdler

You certainly do stay consistent in your messaging over the months.

Also suggest looking through all clock faces to find something that pleases you.   Depending on fitbit model, some have thousands available.

Ultramarathon Racer

@woodersonb   I am in complete agreement with you.  And I am in the US.  Users have been asking for an international date format since 2018.   The Charge 4 doesn't have thousands of clock faces.  I believe it has 24.  I suspect that US users are a fraction of total users.  An international date format needs to be available for all tracker clock faces.

Ultramarathon Racer

Fitbit is a world company.  Very pathetic that you don't have international date format clock faces for trackers.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @woodersonb. Thanks for participating in the Community Forums. Your post was moved to this thread so our developers can keep tracking this request over time. We understand why you'd like us to support international date formats and we're sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. Ever feedback shared in the forums never goes unnoticed and yours won't be the exception as we continue working to make Fitbit more useful for you. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.


Hi, Thanks for the reply, I hope you do finally take the rest of the World outside of North America seriously as this has been requested from what I can see since at least 2018. Even your special date yesterday is written in International Format - 4th July not July 4th. I must stress again, this is by no means a feature request or a nice to have, it’s basic UI functionality for any product that shows a date that is sold and distributed anywhere outside of North America! I honestly haven’t come across any product in the last twenty years that doesn’t have this basic ability and it needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. 

First Steps

It's been three years since this suggestion. How do you support both 12 hour & 24 hour formats but not both mm/dd and dd/mm formats which is  more important?

It's been three years since this suggestion. How do you support both 12 hour & 24 hour formats but not both mm/dd and dd/mm formats which is more important?
International date format of Day Month Year will convince me to purchase.

Offering International date format of Day Month Year will convince me to purchase.

It's been three years since this suggestion. How do you support both 12 hour & 24 hour formats but not both mm/dd and dd/mm formats which is  more important? 

Base Runner

I can't believe DD:MM is not an option on the inspire 2, there are more countries in the world than just America.
The Inspire 2 has done an unbelievably good job at disappointing me on nearly every front. 

First Steps

Just bought the Charge 5 and, whilst the colour faces are great, there's no simple one with the date in correct format. It's really off-putting for some of the best options and, as per some of the other comments in this thread, surely it wouldn't be too hard to add an international date format option? Please could we get some traction on this particular feature?


Congrats on your new purchase.


Unfortunately from what Incan see, there has been a huge want amongst a seemingly large number of Fitbit users outside of North America for a long number of years now however this basic functionality doesn’t seem to have been developed by Fitbit yet. The standard response seems to be that they are always excited to hear of new feature requests however if you look back in this forum, this has been requested for a number of years now and yet here in 2021 everyone outside of North America still has to accept MM/DD. 

Monday 04/10/2021 ( Day Month Year)

Unfortunately, no one is listening in head office that really cares or sees a business opportunity.

This is not too hard to build in or update software so in settings you could choose. Just like in MacOS, MaciOS and even Windows.

Very sad as I really would love to purchase the FITbit watch to go with my scales which I love.

Regards, John Hooper


It really is utterly ridiculous that in 2021, a company such as Fitbit either can’t or won’t offer a date format that Sony had on The PlayStation back in the mid-nineties! I’m sure if they added up all their N.American customers vs the rest of the entire Planet, I’m sure there’s more users outside of N.America than inside it. If this is the case, International date format should be the default. Can you image tho…. 🙂


Tell me Fitbit, how do write that special day from back in 1776 when you celebrate your independence from The British Empire? 

First Steps

It's really annoying that we cant have the DD/MM-format. Just setup my new charge 5 and I'm starting to regret my decision on buying in it for something so stupid as this. My Charge 3's display died, so I had to get a new one and the only decent clock face show's the date "wrong". Get a grip.


C’mon @Fitbit when are you going to take so many users outside of North America seriously? This has been requested since at least 2018 and we still don’t have this feature. Make no mistake, this IS NOT a feature request or a nice to have. It’s BASIC FUNCTIONALITY! How many more disappointed users and comments will it take for you to start taking us, your premium, fee paying customers seriously? 

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