Support International Date Formats

It's 2018. Simply put, new devices and applications which don't take into account the needs of the world community in terms of a very basic date display should not exist. It's not that hard.


I can understand that the majority of folks in the USA don't really care about the way the rest of the world uses dates. And it would therefore be exceedingly difficult to drum up enough support via a "popular vote". But, it's just common courtesy.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

First Steps

Wow. It’s been 4 years and still no update on this. Fascinating. 


They have way too many threads open for exactly the same thing across this forum and despite me listing them all on this thread, they don’t seem to want to reconcile these for a much clearer overview of the extent of this failing. They either don’t care or don’t want to see it. 

First Steps

Yep, 4 years. That's why I own a Garmin now!

Localization is a problem that was solved in the 1990s. This is not a feature request; this is a bug. Your marketing materials even recognize this, in that they use a European date format in images in ads.

First Steps

I submitted a request for international date format a few years ago and have since followed this thread with bemusement. The issue wasn't important enough to warrant getting rid of my Fitbit, but my Fitbit recently stopped working and I replaced it with a Garmin which displays the date in international format 🙂

First Steps

It should be standard practice to provide appropriate regional settings. UK date format should be available without the need to beg for it!

First Steps

Looks like the date format hasn't changed becausewr are now in the year 2022 and this post was written in 2018.  Anyway, please product designers, can we please have the UK date format on our Fitbit watches. It is really annoying trying to work out if it's day month and year or month day and year. Please allow my fitbit to change the date format. 

First Steps

I've given up. It's been years since the request, I no longer use Fitbit.

thats sad the products are really good just the company is just not listening.

First Steps

Hey it's only been 1,818 days; they've only released 18 new devices since this issue was raised.


Sure, it would be possible to use the existing location information to use the correct date format (essentially if the location isn't the US then use DD/MM), or add a new setting (along side settings for units for length, weight, water, swim, energy, temperature, and blood glucose; settings for the first day of the week, or a 12/24 hour clock), but these things take time, if you pardon the pun.


It would also be nice if this forum used a non-ambiguous date format; I suggest spelling out the month: instead of 12–11–2017 use 12–Nov–2017 or Dec–11–2017.

First Steps

I'm quite frankly stunned that such a basic request hasn't been implemented.  To be honest I can't believe that it even has to be requested to change the date format, it is such a basic requirement.


EXACTLY! I haven’t worn mine in so long and won’t ever again until they get their finger outta their you know where and start listening to anybody outside Southern California. Additionally, until they get with the program, I will continue to prevent and discourage as many people as possible. 


These are all separate threads with their own tranche of votes for essentially the same thing.

INTERNATIONAL DATE FORMAT IS BEING CRIED OUT FOR ACROSS THE GLOBE. You either don't see/recognise it or don't want to see it!

FITBIT - Reconcile your own pages and see the extent of the want and need for this option - it's as clear as crystal!!

And another under the thread "Date Format"

Another under "How to change date format inspire HR "

Another under "UK date format?"

Another under "Why is date format default not “mmyy”"

Another under "How to change date format for Bitmoji Clock Face"

Another under "Change date format on clock face - international ..."

Another under "Date format"

Another under "Date format - only showing MM.DD"

Another under "Change DATE format on Inspire 2"

Another under "How do I change the date format on Charge 4?"

Another under "How to change the date format and date language? "

Another under "Inspire HR clockface date format"

Another under "UK date format""

Another under "Can't change date format on Inspire HR"

Another under "Date Format for Zip"

Another under "Clock Faces and International Date Format"

Another under "Date format on the Blaze"

Another under "Can't change the clock face/date format on Inspire..."

Another under "Change American date format on clock face"

Another under "Date format is American - can this change?"

Another under "Option to change the date format"

Another under "Date Format as Day/Month on Inspire HR"

Another under "How do I change the date format on the dashboard?"

Another under "Chronograph clock face with normal date format"

Another under "Option for Fitbit clockfaces to have UK date forma..."

Another under "More Intuitive Date Format for Bitmoji Clock Face"

Another under "Chronograph clock face appears locked to MM/DD dat..."

Another under "Change date format from MM/DD to DD/MM"

Another under "App showing incorrect battery level and US date""

First Steps

I won't buy another Fitbit until this is sorted and I also shared this with all my friends. If Fitbit don't care about their customers then they don't deserve our money!


Couldn’t agree more! If more people outside of North America stop buying their products and their bottom line starts to take a hit, maybe they will wake up and start to offer the rest of The World the respect it deserves. No one outside of North America that I am aware of uses this backward way of displaying date yet The US takes priority. The crazy thing is that it’s probably linked in the code to the timezone so a developer could re code it in minutes unless someone has had the bright idea to hard code it that way. 

First Steps

Can't believe this isn't already a feature. I was directed here by the helpdesk person. They clearly don't care or they would just change it. I honestly wouldn't have bought this fitbit if I knew it was only American date.

First Steps

Another vote for dates on clock faces to support standard date format (dd/mm/yy) for everywhere except USA...
This time Inspire 3 user in Ireland.

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