Support N26 for Fitbit Pay!

There was a post talking about supporting Revolut, n26, and Monzo on Fitbit Pay. But, when the Fitbit team switched the idea to completed, only Revolut is supported. Apparently, the "Suggestor" forgot about the tip about only suggesting one suggestion per post. Thus, let's show some love for n26 users!

First Steps

I fully agree, it is hard to understand that I still have to use the Revolut - Workaround even so N26 and Barclay card are already fully supporting Google Pay and Apple Pay. Its getting somwhat anoying to see that my preferred payment options are normal on my wifes apple watch and I, as a fitbit user, still have to use my phone to pay. 

Community Legend

@DerJo you do realize that Fitbit, like Google and Apple pay, can not add a bank to their system.

Fitbit, google, garmin, apple, samsung have all setup the necessary links. It is now up to the individual banks to go into their computer systems and link up to fitbit.

Fitbit can not do this last step.

Not applicable
But Fitbit has the possibility to contact all institutes needed to initiate
the processes. None of us has the impact to do that.
And card institutes will not get active without any Information about the
application and possible users.
Fitbit should contact N26 with the information how to connect their
Services, related to requests of many users who are N26 customers.
Additionally it would surely help, if N26 users contact them request ing to
connect to Fitbit.
First Steps

Yeah I feel like this argument doesn’t make much sense. The point of this board is to suggest features we want as users. If Fitbit is able to do this or aware of interest they will follow up on it clearly as they have done with revolut previously. If we should reach out to N26 as well I’m open to that certainly, I just don’t see a simply way to do that currently. 

Community Legend

The idea of this board is to request features that can be added by fitbit.

Requests like adding banks have been added by Fitbit users whi are unaware that the bank has to add fitbit pay,

Revolut got added because Revolut added Fitbit pay.

As for reaching out to your bank, every charge and debit card has a contact number on the back. There also will be contact info on the banks web page  


First Steps

Well I spoke with N26 support and they directed me to this article:

supposedly they should be usable by fitbit, although they only support apple and google natively. 


of course n26 does not actually work on the fitbit, but according to this low level support person it should be possible.


This seems like a fruitless endeavor for any individual consumer to accomplish if this board is actually useless in this regard. 

Not applicable
As there seems to be no activity from Fitbit concerning the connection of
Fitbit Pay to other relevant banks specially in Europe (e.g. N26 or ING) ,
the one big advantage of the Charge is gone. It's only one amongst the big
lot of mostly cheaper items. My children planned to buy Charge4 - they now
look at alternatives...

Mathias Conrad - fon 0172.1719013
Community Legend

Fitbit has no control over which banks decide to link up with Fitbit 

This is a decision the bank needs to make.

Your best course, as mentioned above, is to use the help number found on the card.

Idle threats of leaving Fitbit is not going to change the banks mind.

Threatening to take your money out of the bank might, but I doubt it.


Before making any decisions on what tracker to buy, you may want to contact your bank and find out what virtual wallets they sipport.

Not applicable
Some single customers will never change the decisions of any Institute -
Fitbit has not enough users even if all of them get active.
Fitbit as a company might be successful - but it seems to stay absolutely
indifferent to their users wishes. Not a good way to achieve customer
satisfaction and to bind customers.
First Steps
It seems like most European countries are supporting Revolut as a Fitbit Pay option, is there news of that support extending to Canada?
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @PeterMGuinness, thanks for explaining why you would like to see Revolut on Fitbit Pay. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.


Please add N26 support for FitbitPay. Maestro and Mastercad.

First Steps

Still waiting for FitbitPay to integrate support for N26. 

First Steps

So any news? Can you indicate an expected date when N26 for FitbitPay will be supported?


Community Legend

Fitbit pay does not and can not integrate N26. 

I noticed that N26 has added Apple pay, therefore N26 can add Fitbit pay. 

Any updates to this request will only be after N26 makes a decision. They could have Fitbit pay setup tomorrow, if they know that fitbit users want this option. 

First Steps

I've taked with N26support,


As you say, they told me that is necessary that users notify them this request to


So please guys write an email to N26 support.



Community Legend

I live your suggestion @Reikidude89 especially providing a contact. 

Not applicable
Good Point - used the address you provided and hope a lot others will do.
Let's all send them few emails about this and convice them to implement it soon.

Thanks I just wrote to as @Reikidude89 suggested. However I do think that Fitbit support should contact N26 as much as we just did, explaining that there are a lot of their customers willing to use their bank with Fitbit Pay. Honestly I don't know how you can think that Fitbit can't do anything about this issue. Obviously them contacting N26 would be of some help.

Not applicable
@Glorfindelor: I'm with you in that - Fitbit could promote our request....
if they are interested in having more customers using Fitbit Pay (which I
doubt based on the silence from them).


I was shocked to see that N26 doesn’t work with Fitbit.

very disappointing as that was the reason to buy Special edition Fitbit 

please add

First Steps

I was so close to buying a fitbit just for its NFC payment until I realized that N26 is not supported. Please add it!

First Steps

AAAAADD Please !

I don't want to change for another bank, work cith N26 please !


Still no support. 😞


N26 support answered:

Eine Partnerschaft mit Fitbit Pay ist nicht geplant. Da wir uns aber stetig verändern, kann es sehr gut sein, dass das in Zukunft möglich sein wird. Behalte unsere Social Media Kanäle im Auge. Sobald sich dahingehend Etwas ändert, erfährst du es dort als erstes. Außerdem kannst du dein Feedback und Anregungen gerne an schicken.


Here is my mail if anyone want to write to N26 as well:

Liebes N26-Team,
ich bin bisher sehr zufrieden mit N26. Leider fehlt mir nach der Kauf einer Fitbit Sense die Unterstützung für Fitbit Pay und ich musste zum Bezahlen mit der Uhr ein neues Konto eröffnen. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn N26 ebenfalls Fitbit Pay unterstützen würde.
Diese Banken unterstützen Fitbit Pay in Deutschland bereits:
  • Mercedes-Benz Bank (Visa)
  • Fitbit Visa Card
  • BW-Bank/LBBW (Visa)
  • Revolut TransferWise (Mastercard)
  • Openbank Klarna (Visa)
  • Curve (Mastercard)
  • Commerzbank
  • VIMpay (Mastercard)
  • bunq (Mastercard and Maestro)

Viele direkte Konkurrenten von N26 (Revolut, bunq) unterstützen diese Bezahlvariante also bereits. Ich sehe die Gefahr für N26, deshalb Kunden zu verlieren, wenn man hier nicht gleichzieht und eine innovative Bank bleibt.


Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn N26 hier nachzieht.

Beste Grüße

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