Support for Brazil and Portuguese language

I would very much like the translation to Brazilian Portuguese.


Moderator Edit: updated subject for clarity and label


I think it's being very cruel!!
As you know Fitbit is a small company
it sells very few units in the world. As such, they can not have developers for that purpose...incredible!!!!


as you should calculate...i´m joking!!!




Pedimos que seja feita a tradução  da aplicação para língua portuguesa, uma vez que há muitas pessoas em Portugal a utilizar fitbit charge 2 e visto que o vosso produto é comercializado em Portugal. Muito obrigada! 

Not applicable

Please translate to Portuguese!

Recovery Runner

Please translate to Portuguese.


I bought the all-new Ionic and it doesn't feature Portuguese. Fitbit should provide Portuguese for Brazilian customers.

First Steps

It's past time that fitbit should make portuguese language available for the app. What is going on? 

First Steps

I think it is time to introduce Brazil and Portuguese as features to Fitbit. Very disappointed that there is no support.


Please! Why not Brazilian Portuguese?

First Steps

Por favor, a lingua portuguesa é um idioma muito mais utilizado do que alguns disponíveis na configuração do Fitbit Blaze e outros.

E como cresceu os usuários dessa marca no Brazil, estamos confiando na marca.

Vimos que  Garmin, Polar, TomTom, Apple, entre outras marcas disponibilizam o idioma português.

Por favor atendam nossa solicitação, afinal adoramos o relógio.



First Steps

Please, the Portuguese language is a much more used language than some available in the configuration of Fitbit Blaze and others.

And as the users of this brand grew in Brazil, we are relying on the brand.
We have seen that Garmin, Polar, TomTom, Apple, among other brands provide the Portuguese language.
Please comply with our request, after all we love the watch.
Thank you.
First Steps

Please, the Portuguese language is a much more used language than some available in the configuration of Fitbit Blaze and others.

And as the users of this brand grew in Brazil, we are relying on the brand.
We have seen that Garmin, Polar, TomTom, Apple, among other brands provide the Portuguese language.
Please comply with our request, after all we love the watch.
Thank you.


I'd like to say that your fitbit platform and equipment not being translated to PT it's a great failure in your marketing goals.

Why? I'll tell you, Portuguese it's spoken in Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Timor, Macau, Guiné, Cape Verde, S. Tomé, Goa and all over the world with the emigrants. Although some of us we speak english or other languages, as a begining there's nothing better than reminding our native language even if we are abroad, but most of all we are a very good technology consumers and I see that your equipment are not selling here in portugal because of that, I can't speak for all the other countries. The question is, there's a huge amount of people in this countries that don't speak well other language as Portuguese.

With all of that in mind, I think you should think wisely about your goals regarding Portuguese spoken countries.

I must congrat you for all your effort in the quest to help people to live healthier, aim to the world and not just to the numbers 🙂

Kind Regards

Paulo Romero


First Steps

need to add Brazil in countries and Portuguese with the language, this is only missing.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

First Steps

Fitbit needs to realize that Portuguese shouldn't be out of the featured languages. The population of Brazil is over 200 million, but the population of Portugal is just over 10 million. A huge market niche they shouldn't ignore.

Keeping Pace

Please, we need a Portuguese version of the app.

First Steps

Please! We need App translate to portuguese.

First Steps

so many people asking for the Portuguese translation and the only moderator support and "let's think about it" ... for years thinking?

you need the app on potugues!
I just wondering.....why?

Rogerio Figueiredo
[image: https://]
First Steps

Hi Guys!!

I dont think fitbit reads this page. Lets use twitter!! @Fitbit @FitbitSupport

First Steps
Sorry but I don't expressed correctly.
I and many others like that the app had Portuguese language.
First Steps

Please make available in Brazilian Portuguese!! Heart


Add Portuguese as a option for fitbit app language, many Brazilians are buying other wristbands instead of fitbit because of this

First Steps

It would be nice if the Fitbit app could be in Brazilian portuguese for all those who love Fitbit and live in Brazil. 

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Caetano thank you for your comment. I merged it here, since we already have an existing feature suggestion regarding this topic. 

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