Sync Clock and Alarm using Bluetooth only - no need for Internet

I notice that you need to have an internet connection and bluetooth in order to be able to change the time or enable or disable an alarm.


Very annoying especially if you travel a lot and want to change the time in an airplane (where Internet is not available or costs and arm and a leg!). I need this function as I normally adjust the time in the plane to match my destination time in order to eat, sleep and drink in the destination time zone and reduce jetlag as much as possible. (I know I could make the time change before I get in the plane...but most of the time I forget 😞


Simple change with big effect 😉

Please include in the next update.




Moderator Edit: Added labels.

First Steps

I recently received a Fit bit Blaze as a gift and have found a major bug. It is nearly useless without a network connection. I understand that I am an unusual situation but I would think that I should be able to set the date/time offline. My fit bit shutdown last night and now it is 3 hours off. I am currently forward deployed, no WiFi, for the next month. Is there a fix/workaround for this issue? I get the need for a network connection for analysis and historical data, but is it necessary to hold the date/time in volatile memory? My cell phone has the correct time, at least if there were a way to set the time via Bluetooth that would be a big help.


I have solved the problem, received a free gear fit 2 with a recent phone upgrade.


It has a local alarm application on the device 🙂


Fitbit has finaly fixed it and everything is working perfectly, just like I wanted it! Good job fitbit crew! 

Stepping Up

I can now configure alarms (on my Blaze) without syncing, but I still don't see that I can change the time without syncing, or sync without an internet connection.  If I'm wrong, please explain how this can be done.

Recovery Runner

It's obnoxious that while backpacking where I don't have an internet connection that I cannot adjust my alarms.


Include this for Charge 2 too!

Community Legend

That eould not be s problem @TrekkerMY, this tequest is strictly related to the app, and eill have nothing with themodel if the tracker.

Recovery Runner

 I seriously can't believe that this hasn't been implemented.

This is another incredibly crappy design choice from fitbit.  My next fitness tracker/watch will have this feature.  If fitbit doesn't implement it by then, I guess I won't be buying another fitbit.

@Rich Laue
Reason I searched for this topic and posted my support was recently, I tried to sync my device after crossing time zones. In the airport, I had no internet access and when I tried to sync, my Fitbit app (on an Android phone) gave me a message saying "no wireless connection" or something like that.  So, after changing the time on my phone, I was unable to sync the new time onto my device!  Syncing between device and the phone app should be local, and never require an internet connection.
Stepping Up

If changing the syncing method is too much work, then please just add the ability to change the time (the hour, at least) on the device (for me it's a Blaze), as has been done for setting alarms.

Recovery Runner

I got a Charge 2 a few months ago as a gift, and up until now I've been quite happy with it and really enjoy the little extra motivation to help move. Over the period I've had it I've only traveled outside of my time zone a couple of times, and I just put up with having the wrong time, but I'll be doing a lot more international travel over the next couple of years and won't have an internet connection most of the time.  Which means my Charge will likely end up in a drawer, which is a real disappointment since I've gotten used to having it there.  Going to have to look at the Withings/Nokia lineup I guess. 


Many of us have asked for this function, including me.  Either Fitbit is ignoring its customers, or simply choosing not to take in suggestions or requests.  Such a simple function which should have been a default in the first place!  Yet, after so many requests, Fitbit chose to spend time on other not-so-essential/good-to-have upgrades rather than one which is is a basic necessity!!

Recovery Runner
I'm a Florida resident. I'm likely to lose the ability to update my alarms
on Sunday as hurricane Irma comes through. Being able to set an alarm to
remind about medication or to wake up and check on various things isn't
First Steps

The ability to set and change alarms and time without Internet connection is vital for those that travel.  During travel (on plane, on cruise, hiking in back country) there are many times when I don't have access to Internet, or connection to Internet requires exorbitant fee. Please allow Alta Hr to update time and alarms without Internet connection


Just in case anyone from Fitbit reads this: I've stopped using my Fitbit, and this online-only foolishness is the reason why.  This is the most private information imaginable -- literally every step we take and every beat of our hearts! -- and the idea that it must reside *only* in your company servers, with no option to keep it locally on our phones, is absurd.  I can't accept it, and I've had to stop using my Fitbit because of it.  


Indeed, my son asked me "So can I have your Fitbit?" and I had to tell him, "No, I don't want a company tracking *your* every step, either!"  At this point I've basically got to drop this thing into the fires of Mount Doom, it's not OK to be walking around with the Eye watching any of us from afar.


It's a real shame, because I think the Fitbit Charge is a wonderful device.  I just cannot accept this complete lack of control over my information.

First Steps

I am a pilot in the military and with UPS. Both of these jobs require me to set alarms while away from wifi and cellular service.  I have a Fitbit One and was very surprised to find I could not use my phone to update my fitbit’s alarm time via bluetooth.  I have friends at both my military and my UPS jobs that have mentioned the same issue.  Some of them have decided to move on to the Apple Watch because this alarm setting functionality is required with these jobs. I am not surprised to see so many other users on this forum desiring this change as well.  Please, Fitbit!  Please include this improved user experience in an upcoming firmware release!  Thanks for all your hard work and your wonderful products!

First Steps

I heartily concur. 


1) It’s infuriating not to be able to set alarms when not connected to the internet.


2) Even when I am, because the syncing process doesn’t start with syncing the alarms... it takes forever. I have fallen asleep while waiting for it to sync!


3) When I change the time of an alarm, or set a new one... it should default to ON. Not defaulting to being off, and making me do yet another sync. If i’m Changing alarm times it’s usually because I want  an alarm at that time.



First Steps
I found a solution. We travel a lot and are unable to change time zones unless we had WIFI, so I would be days with the wrong time. My solution works flawlessly 100% of the tine. I simply got an Apple Watch. It is far superior to my Fitbit, which has now become a dust collector. Apple Watch has more capabilities also.

Sent from my iPad
Recovery Runner

Another couple of disappointed Charge 2 / Blaze owners here. Recently traveled to SE Asia for a three week cruise where access to the Internet was rare/difficult.  The device is connected to the smart phone via Bluetooth but there is no way to "push" manually adjusted phone time to the FB device. The FB app should have an offline time sync option added!


I notice that you need to have an internet connection and bluetooth in order to be able to change the time or enable or disable an alarm.


Very annoying especially if you travel a lot and want to change the time in an airplane (where Internet is not available or costs and arm and a leg!). I need this function as I normally adjust the time in the plane to match my destination time in order to eat, sleep and drink in the destination time zone and reduce jetlag as much as possible. (I know I could make the time change before I get in the plane...but most of the time I forget 😞


Simple change with big effect 😉

Please include in the next update.




Moderator Edit: Added labels.


Had I known this, I would have bought a different product.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers.


Updating clock and alarms is fundamentally tied into sync which requires connection to site, so we do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.


If setting the time or alarms on my Fitbit is “fundamentally” tied to sync over the internet than my Fitbit Blaze is fundamentally flawed. Can I get a refund?

Lee LaFrese

Sent from mobile
Recovery Runner
That simplifies things. Based on this response and the fact that activity
is still uneditable, I don't have plans to buy another Fitbit.
First Steps
Apple Watch is simply superior on every level

Sent from my iPad
First Steps

This is the reason my Fitbit has been in a drawer for two years.  My Garmin is much better and not completely useless without having an internet connection.  Fitbit is garbage and will soon be relocated accordingly. 

Who would want a watch that requires an internet connection just to set? Poor design.

Sent from mobile
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