Tile to track alcohol intake

Hi team!  How about a tile on the dashboard to track alcohol intake?  It could count calories, alcohol free days, units of alcohol per day, etc.  It could help us reduce or moderate our drinking and that always helps towards better health!


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and label

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Tr0phyW1fe, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to measures blood alcohol levels. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


You might also interested in this other suggestion that talks about the same topic: Alcohol intake tracking.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

Recovery Runner

As everyone else has said, this feature would help all of us who want to track our alcohol intake and how it affects our sleep and heartrate. However, this request has been posted for three years with no further response from Fitbit, so I think it's safe to say that it's not in the pipeline. Is there another avenue for suggesting feature requests?

Stepping Up

+1 from me.  This would be great.  Thanks for the tip on the Drinkaware app.  I've just installed it so that will be interesting!

First Steps

Yes, would love this. I want to simply log # drinks per week and notice if there is correlation with worse sleep. Please add- seems easy to do.

Many people would like to drink less alcohol, but don’t have the drive or help to do so. Fit bit could incorporate a section on the ap where you can start with drinks per day now aim to reduce that over a period. The algorithm could sync with sleep, heart rate, RHR etc to help the user see how reducing alcohol can help.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Sue.F, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding a tile to track alcohol intake and impact in the Fitbit app. I've moved it into a similar request. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


You might be also interested in these other suggestions: Alcohol intake tracking (using a Third-party app), Log influence of alcohol/medication/cannabis on Health Metrics, No sugar & no alcohol challenge and Impact of my food/alcohol/water/ intake for building healthy Sleep Habits.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.


Hi, I think that alcohol consumption should be reduced to a minimum. It is possible to stop using it altogether because it is a legal drug sold in stores, and it's terrible! At one time, I drank a lot of alcohol and was in a terrible state every day. I was lucky that I had good friends, and they signed me up for Daily Online Alcohol Recovery Meetings on this site -- https://www.theluckiestclub.com/join-community. For about a year now, I have hardly been drinking alcohol. I can afford to drink a glass of wine once a month, but no more. Therefore, I think that such a tile of alcohol does not need to be made.


I have met my cousin these days, and he looks so good; I say that because a year ago he had some problems, he lost his car and a business. After that, he started to be addicted to alcohol, and it was the worst period for his family. A few times ago, he started to do alcohol rehab; there is a program where a group of people is helped by some specialists. They are therapists, psychologists, and so on. He seems pleased and grateful, I feel that he is in the right way of his treatment, and in a short time, he will be better. I’m feeling grateful for him.


I think Alcohol reduction is a major part of health and fitness and still implore @@Fitbit to consider adding a section to their ap to help people. My journey is continuing and my stats and sense of well-being has improved greatly. My sleep is now more important to me than the drink that caused sleepless nights. The drink less section can include a log that enters each drink, a self set amount that flags when you’re going over it. Linked stats to sleep, oxygen, heart rate etc as well as a monthly explanation on how drinking less has improved the health of the fitbit user.  come on Fitbit it’s a game changer  

First Steps

This would be very helpful! 

Stepping Up

Great idea! As someone who does not drink often it is interesting to see how alcohol effects my sleep, diet and exercise routine!

Stepping Up

OK - so this has been a suggestion for over 3 years.  Surely it is not that difficult to do.  Perhaps Fitbit could consider responding with something a bit more constructive, e.g. a brief explanation of what is involved to add this capability.  This would help the "Community" to understand that it is not just being patronised but is being acknowledged.  Currently, it appears we are just being fobbed off.

I await further response from Fitbit with interest.

Stepping Up

OK - so I just read your FAQs and you do explain some of this.  However, if all you are looking for is "Likes" for a suggestion, then burying it in a chat discussion is not the best way to discern support amongst all of your community members.  I reckon there would be a large percentage who, like me, rarely come on here.  So those that earnestly read topic lists and vote are probably a minority.  So making key decisions based on a minority who self-select to vote is not optimum.  😎:moai: 


I would make this a wider solution and to simply track drinks (perhaps just expand the Water intake tracker), that way you could track, Sugar, Caffeine and Alcohol... And water


A good way of keeping an eye on sugar intake due to soda and alcohol as well as the additional calories.

Very good idea. Everything is in place, it is just requires a relevant report and useful visualization.
First Steps

I would love to see this as a separate tile. It could help medically as well as a visiual of actual alcohol intake. It may actually help some member reduce useage.

Since Fitbit is a health app and as a user of legal substances it might be useful to include tobacco and cannabis usage. If for no other purpose than reporting during a health check up.

Honest analysis alway leads to better health.


An alcohol tracking section would be SO helpful! Currently have to use an outside app and also log the calories into Fitbit which is not very efficient. 

Not applicable

I've moved on from FitBit & their lack of support. I've "Unsubscribed" to this forum, yet I keep receiving these alerts! Although it is rather humorous that FitBit consumers continue to make this request (to track something as simple as alcohol intake).


It has been an entire year since the request was put in. And let's be honest, it's not that difficult to do. It isn't. I've worked for several major conglomerates during my career, and if there's one thing I can spot a mile away, it's indifference. They (FitBit) simply don't care because as far as their analytics are concerned, the demand isn't there to warrant said changes.


So either accept they won't make these changes or move on to another fitness tracker like I did. FitBit is the Betamax of fitness trackers. What once was a revolutionary product has now descended into the depths of mediocrity. There are better options out there.


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.


They certainly don't care. The web dashboard is stuck in 2016; the mobile
interface hasn't changed in more than 3 years; the Premium content is not
premium. And they don't listen to customers.
Stepping Up

The first request in this thread was actually made in January 2019.  Occasionally, Moderators do pop up offering platitudes, but as far as Fitbit is concerned, there is not enough demand.  They have done a big upgrade with the ECG app.  Despite having a Fitbit of one sort another for well over five years, I only use a couple of the features.  I really don't need to track my water intake.  I don't track my calorie intake.  But I would like to track my alcohol intake.  I have found other apps that can assist with that and use Alco Track, which is a bit clunky, but does the job.

Overall, it seems to me that Fitbit have squandered a positive user vibe, although maybe it is there in other areas.

Happy Christmas!

First Steps

Now 2023 and still waiting for the ability to track alcohol consumption with my FitBit. 

First Steps
Add alcohol - glass of wine, shots, beer etc
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @fitpersons, thanks for sharing this suggestion about being able to track the alcohol intake on your dashboard with us. This idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

Yes please! I would love to set a weekly goal (# of days per week) for alcohol intake. Most useful for me would be if it looked like the excersize page, which is a calender, and can show which days of the week per month I've had alcohol. 

First Steps
Implement an alcohol consumption data input form on the app to enable correlation and visualisation of other metrics with alcohol consumption (sleep quality, heart rate, stress). Easy fix, big win.
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